Explore a wide variety of events each semester, including theatrical productions, concerts and recitals, art exhibitions, film screenings, lectures and discussions, and more. The official calendar of events can be found below.
Click here to learn more about the program or contact us for additional information. For announcements on upcoming events, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
The calendar is updated on a regular basis as new events are added. Events are subject
to change or cancellation. Students are encouraged to review the attendance policy prior to attending an event. Click here to view the campus map.
Students will receive 1 credit for attending an event unless otherwise stated on the
Cultural Events calendar.
***Some events include mature themes and are not family friendly.
01/15/2025| 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Dina's Place
We Have a Dream"We Have a Dream" is a collaborative event hosted by the Winthrop University College
Chapter of the NAACP and Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity to honor the legacy of Black leaders
like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and W.E.B. Du Bois. Scheduled for January
15, 2025 Dr. King's birthday?the event will take place in Dina's Place. The program
will include two engaging presentations on the contributions of these leaders to Admission: $5 for everyone Event Contact: gonzalezm5@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
01/20/2025| 7:06 PM - 9:00 PM
Dina's Place
MLK Vigil LightingThis event, which is to take place during MLK Week of Service 2025, is dedicated to
the life of Martin Luther King Jr, his accomplishments, as well as a candle lighting
at the end of the vigil. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most prominent civil
rights activists of all time. This event will explore the themes of equality, civil
rights, and social justice while reflecting on Dr. King's Admission: FREE Event Contact: dunbarj4@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
01/21/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Johnson Theater
UN DANCEThis is a special topics performance for Black Bistory Month. The Admission: Free Event Contact: tullg@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
01/21/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuttle Hall
MLK Kick Off Brunch: Impact and Legacy
Admission: FREE Event Contact: cornwellc@winthrop.edu |
01/22/2025| 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Dina's Place
Counter Histories: The Friendship NineThe Friendship Nine were a group of nine African-American men who were arrested in Rock Hill, South Carolina in 1961 after staging a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter. They refused to pay bail, choosing to serve 30 days of hard labor in prison. The Friendship Nine became the first group of sit-in protesters to serve jail time in the United States. This program will show a 45-minute documentary of the details involving the historical event. This relates to the guidelines because their will be a viewing of a cultural historical film relevant to the students and their location. Admission: FREE Event Contact: cornwellc@winthrop.edu |
01/23/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Owens G02
IMA BE ME: Black in White Spaces: Maintaining your Identity, Self-Worth, and a Sound MindThe subject area of this event is controversial as it will be about race and mental health. This event will uncover the acculturative stress and microaggressions that black students experience while attending predominately white institutes Admission: FREE Event Contact: cornwellc@winthrop.edu |
01/28/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Richardson Ballroom
Understanding the Impacts of Gambling on EveryoneThe EPIC presentation shares a compelling personal story of a former college and professional athlete whose life was derailed by a gambling addiction. It highlights the growing impact of emerging gambling platforms like DraftKings and FanDuel on athletes and college campuses. Additionally, EPIC offers insights into the latest gambling trends in college sports and provides an overview of NCAA rules and regulations. Admission: Free Event Contact: martinsp@winthrop.edu |
01/28/2025| 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Richardson Ballroom
Understanding the Impacts of Gambling on EveryoneThe EPIC presentation shares a compelling personal story of a former college and professional athlete whose life was derailed by a gambling addiction. It highlights the growing impact of emerging gambling platforms like DraftKings and FanDuel on athletes and college campuses. Additionally, EPIC offers insights into the latest gambling trends in college sports and provides an overview of NCAA rules and regulations. Admission: Free Event Contact: martinsp@winthrop.edu |
01/30/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Barnes Recital Hall
Bicentennial Brass Pioneers: Arban and KosleckAdmission: Free Event Contact: koehlere@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
01/30/2025| 7:13 PM - 8:28 PM
Dina's Place
She Be MineThis event is a panel discussion meant to raise awareness of The Black Maternal Health
Crisis. During this event, we will delve into the intersectionality concerning this
topic, Admission: Free Event Contact: xibetappd@winthrop.edu |
02/04/2025 |11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
DIGS 223
Allyship Presentation by Diversity Peer EducatorsThe event focuses on allyship, DEI and cultural awareness. By engaging students about how to be active allies and promote inclusion, the presentation encourages students to take an active role in fostering diversity on campus. Allyship and DEI are key themes that are vital for students? personal and social development. The presentation is designed to help students understand the importance of standing up for marginalized groups and how they can be effective allies in creating a more inclusive environment. It provides insights into how individuals can actively support underrepresented communities. It encourages students to think about their roles in promoting diversity and offers real strategies for becoming better allies. Admission: Free Event Contact: diversity@winthrop.edu |
02/06/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Dina's Place
The Last Maya Kingdom: Archaeology and Ethnohistory"
Admission: Free Event Contact: woodfillb@winthrop.edu |
02/06/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Richardson Ballroom
The Art of Envisioning: 2025Do you have dreams and goals for 2025? Join the Centers for Student Wellness and Career Development & Internships for a night of creativity with Vision Boards! Vision boards are an artistic medium for communicating your hopes and aspirations for the new year. Jessica Hudgens, MA, LPC, NCC, Training Coordinator, Staff Counselor from Counseling Services will share national health research findings, life maintenance strategies, and goal-setting techniques. She'll provide guidance - with examples! - on how to create vision boards…and the bulk of the time will be spent on you creating your own Vision Board. Light refreshments will be served! Advance Registration doesn’t guarantee your seat, but it helps us with our planning. You may register on Handshake: https://winthrop.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1656101 Please plan to arrive early to ensure you get a seat; this popular events fills up every year! Event Contact: rossr@winthrop.edu |
02/12/2025 | 6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.
Richardson Ballroom B
The Dating GameThis event will be an interactive and educational experience focused on online dating safety. It will begin with a presentation covering key statistics on online dating safety, an introduction to Safe Passage and its mission in supporting survivors of abuse, a discussion on who Dilara is and her role in advocacy and Devin Holder who is an RSC. Following the presentation, there will be a 15-minute Q&A session to allow attendees to ask questions and engage with the topic. After the Q&A, students will participate in an interactive Dating Game where they will apply what they learned by identifying red flags and making informed decisions in simulated dating scenarios. The event will conclude with a second 15-minute Q&A session to reflect on the game and reinforce key takeaways. Admission: Free Event Contact: sanchezdiazd2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
02/13/2025 | 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Whitton Auditorium
Lena-Miles Wever Todd Emerging Writers Reading SeriesThis reading features Winthrop alum (2020 graduate) T?a Franco, who has recently published her first book of short stories: You Could Be That Kind of Girl, published by Word West Press. This impressive collection features innovative and well-crafted stories that deal with intersectional themes of gender, sexuality, class, and culture. Creative writing faculty members Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Sommers collaborated in selecting this exceptional writer due to the quality of her artistry and the significance of her work, that showcases the impressive talent of our successful alumni. Admission: Free Event Contact: hoffmandm@winthrop.edu |
02/13/2025 | 7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Barnes Auditorium
The Chronicles of AdamThis event is being offered in honor of Black History Month. It will be a performance that offers a historical interpretation of the Southern enslaved experience based on the musings of a particular slave named Adam. This events exposes students to complexities of the "Peculiar Institution" through dramatic performance. Admission: Free Event Contact: dmcknight@winthrop.edu |
02/18/2025 | 11:00a.m. - 12:45p.m.
Thurmond 210
Ethics of AI in the WorkplaceMs. Revels will be speaking on the challenges of working with AI in the professional envrionment in an ethical way. Navigating AI is new and intriguing, and also frought with many unknown challenges. Rita has dealt with much of this in her current role serving many companies in determining how to ethically deply AI in small and medium sized firms. Students are experimenting with AI an learning how to navigate AI in the workplace in an ethical is critcially important for all. Admission: Free Event Contact: knightl9@winthrop.edu |
02/18/2025 | 6:00p.m - 7:30p.m.
Richardson Ballroom
The Man Behind the Counter: The Charles Best StoryThe Man Behind the Counter: The Charles Bess Story is a heartfelt documentary that celebrates the life and legacy of Charles Bess, through his unassuming presence behind the counter of the Greensboro Woolworth's, Best became a cornerstone of his community, offering not just goods but also guidance, support, and an enduring example of integrity during the local Civil Rights Movement. This film delves into his journey, highlighting the values of perseverance, service, and kindness that made him an unsung hero. By exploring his influence on those around him, The Man Behind the Counter honors the quiet power of individuals who shape lives through everyday interactions, leaving legacies that resonate for generations Admission:FREE Event Contact: dmcknightoj@winthrop.edu |
02/19/2025 | 7:06 p.m. - 8:36 p.m. POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER
Richardson Ballroom A
Importance of Black EducatorsEvery year, in compliance with Black History Month, The Elite Xi Phi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosts an event titled "The Importance of Black Educators" which highlights black teachers, counselors, etc., their experiences, and how they are a crucial part of our educational system. This year, our theme, "Special Education" focuses on black teachers in the field of special education and how sometimes it may be an overlooked or forgotten about field in education. Being an extreme minority in the field, our goal by having a panel of black special educators is to bring awareness to their importance and statistics pertaining to their prevalence and the effect they have within not only minority communities, but all school districts as well. Admission: FREE Event Contact: guinyardn2@winthrop.edu |
02/19/2025 | 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Moments of IcarusAn original evening of dance. Student-choreographed by RJ Lee Moments of Icarus is a contemporary retelling of the story of Icarus, made famous by the Roman poet Ovid. This dance work explores the original story, as well as the moments in life where we fly too close to the sun and we inevitably fall back to Earth. Explores themes of perfectionism, jealousy, and aging. Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/20/2025 | 11:00a.m. - 12:30p.m.
Dacus Library Main Floor
The Friendship Nine: Past, Present, and FutureThe Friendship Nine were college students who were arrested in 1961 for participating in a sit-in at the lunch counter of McCrory's Dime Store in Rock Hill. They were placed in jail and initiated a "jail no bail" initiative as a protest to the arrests. Dr. Kenneth Alston, a Rock Hill native and Friendship College student in the early 1970s, has done research on the Friendship Nine and will speak of the legacy of the group. Dr. Adolphus Belk will speak to the overall importance and impact of the group's actions on the civil rights movement in South Carolina. Mrs. White will give an overview of the historical resources for research on Rock Hill's civil rights movement available in the Louise Pettus Archives. A question and answer period will follow the panelists Admission: Free Event Contact: whitegp@winthrop.edu |
02/20/2025 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Richardson Ballroom A
Amplifying Black Voices: A Student Panel for Black History MonthThe presentation by Dr. Dixon-McKnight will provide attendees with insights into historical and/or current achievements of Black leaders, emphasizing the cultural significance of community and empowerment in Black culture. This event connects diverse fields such as history, education, and social justice. The student panel will further explore the lived experiences of Black students, offering unique perspectives that amplify black voices at Winthrop. The open Q&A session encourages meaningful dialogue and active participation between attendees and participants which creates a learning environment. Admission: Free Event Contact: diversity@winthrop.edu |
02/20/2025 | 7:20 p.m. - 9:20 p.m.
Dina's Place
Zex EduKationThis event will allow us to share the importance of having sex education, especially for those transitioning into adulthood and going to college. This will be a fundamental opportunity for students to ask professionals questions about sex and anything about staying safe. This will also give students an open space to create discussions with other students. The first hour to hour & 15 minutes will be the panelists sharing their background information and specific questions given to them beforehand. These questions are common questions about sex education and will be informative to the students in attendance. The following 30 minutes will be a Q&A session for students for the audience to ask any particular question that they may have after hearing the panelists talk. Lastly, 15 minutes will be closing remarks for the Theta Theta chapter, leaving the students a chance to speak with any panelist one-on-one. Admission: Free Event Contact: thetatheta1977@winthrop.edu |
02/20/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Moments of IcarusAn original evening of dance. Student-choreographed by RJ Lee Moments of Icarus is a contemporary retelling of the story of Icarus, made famous by the Roman poet Ovid. This dance work explores the original story, as well as the moments in life where we fly too close to the sun and we inevitably fall back to Earth. Explores themes of perfectionism, jealousy, and aging. Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/20/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
3rd Annual Celebration of Black Music HistoryAdmission: Free with Winthrop ID, $5 general admission Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/21/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Moments Of IcarusAn original evening of dance. Student-choreographed by RJ Lee Moments of Icarus is a contemporary retelling of the story of Icarus, made famous by the Roman poet Ovid. This dance work explores the original story, as well as the moments in life where we fly too close to the sun and we inevitably fall back to Earth. Explores themes of perfectionism, jealousy, and aging. Admission:Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/22/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Moments of IcarusAn original evening of dance. Student-choreographed by RJ Lee Moments of Icarus is a contemporary retelling of the story of Icarus, made famous by the Roman poet Ovid. This dance work explores the original story, as well as the moments in life where we fly too close to the sun and we inevitably fall back to Earth. Explores themes of perfectionism, jealousy, and aging. Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/23/2025 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Moments Of IcarusAn original evening of dance. Student-choreographed by RJ Lee Moments of Icarus is a contemporary retelling of the story of Icarus, made famous by the Roman poet Ovid. This dance work explores the original story, as well as the moments in life where we fly too close to the sun and we inevitably fall back to Earth. Explores themes of perfectionism, jealousy, and aging. Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/24/2025 | 7:30am - 9:00 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Carolina Wind Orchestra Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/25/2025 | 11:00am - 12:00 p.m.
Library Classroom
What is a Fairy Tale?This event will include a lecture from Dr. Casey Cothran on the subject of fairy tales and what they are compared to other types of fictional stories, such as myths. This lecture will take place to promote the theater production of Into the Woods, which features many fairy tale characters, including Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. The lecture itself will be 45 minutes with 15 minutes at the end for questions, which will allow the audience to better understand fairy tales from a unique, academic perspective and learn more about the stories they may have grown up hearing Admission: Free Event Contact: caldwella@winthrop.edu |
02/26/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Into the WoodsWhat happens after 'Happily Ever After'? In Sondheim and Lapine's beloved retelling of Grimm's classics, a parade of familiar folktale figures find their way 'into the woods' and try to get home before dark- What begins as an irreverent fantasy becomes a moving lesson about community responsibility and the stories we tell our children. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/26/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dina's Place
Winthrop University Vision of Prayze Annual Throwback Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: cavea4@winthrop.edu |
02/27/2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m.
119 Rutledge
Chris Clamp Artist TalkFine Arts '24 - '25 Distinguished Alumni, Chris Clamp, will talk about the concepts and processes of his artwork currently on display in the Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery. Admission: FREE Event Contact: galleries@wintrhop.edu |
02/27/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Dina's Place
"The Personal Side of Migration: Stories about Immigration from York County Residents"This event will focus on the personal side of immigration. We will have a panel of 5 participants who have all migrated to the US from other countries since the 1970s. They will tell their personal stories of migration and the challenges and difficulties they encountered. This panel will be moderated by two Winthrop professors who will provide context for the individual stories and also explicate current immigration policies. This panel meets the guidelines for cultural events because immigration is one of the most important issues of our time and involves history, culture, and public policy. This event will give attendees an upfront and personal perspective of what migrants experience as they navigate their journey to the U.S. Admission: FREE Event Contact: williamsv@winthrop.edu |
02/27/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Into the WoodsWhat happens after 'Happily Ever After'? In Sondheim and Lapine's beloved retelling of Grimm's classics, a parade of familiar folktale figures find their way 'into the woods' and try to get home before dark- What begins as an irreverent fantasy becomes a moving lesson about community responsibility and the stories we tell our children. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
02/28/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Into the WoodsWhat happens after 'Happily Ever After'? In Sondheim and Lapine's beloved retelling of Grimm's classics, a parade of familiar folktale figures find their way 'into the woods' and try to get home before dark- What begins as an irreverent fantasy becomes a moving lesson about community responsibility and the stories we tell our children. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/01/2025 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Richardson Ballroom
LIFT Conference Keynote Session: Dr. Marshall Jones: "Artificial Intelligence: The Hope. The Hype. The Hazy."The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry moves faster and faster every day. We see new products released daily. We are promised that AI will change our lives and make the future better. Will it? Tomorrow's leaders need to be able to use AI but also understand its strengths and weaknesses and how to stay current. Join Marshall Jones for an interactive presentation that will help you not only better understand what AI is, and isn’t, but how you can prepare yourself for an AI future. Admission: FREE Registration link: https://winthrop.presence.io/form/lift-conference-2025-registration-form Event Contact: szemanm@winthrop.edu |
03/01/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Into the WoodsWhat happens after 'Happily Ever After'? In Sondheim and Lapine's beloved retelling of Grimm's classics, a parade of familiar folktale figures find their way 'into the woods' and try to get home before dark- What begins as an irreverent fantasy becomes a moving lesson about community responsibility and the stories we tell our children. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/02/2025 | 2:00pm - 4:45pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Into the WoodsWhat happens after 'Happily Ever After'? In Sondheim and Lapine's beloved retelling of Grimm's classics, a parade of familiar folktale figures find their way 'into the woods' and try to get home before dark- What begins as an irreverent fantasy becomes a moving lesson about community responsibility and the stories we tell our children. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/04/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Symphonic & Wind Symphonic ConcertAdmission: Free Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/06/2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rutledge 119
Liliya Zalevskaya & David Sackett Artist TalkArtists Liliya Zalevskaya & David Sackett will discuss their artistic process. Both artists are alumni of Goodyear Arts and both hold Masters Degrees in Their work will be on display in the Edmund Lewandowski Gallery in an exhibit titled, Frail, Brittle, Ever-Threatening. Admission: FREE Event Contact: galleries@winthrop.edu |
03/06/2025 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Digs 114
Third Annual History Graduate Conference: Women In HistoryDr. Jacyln Sumner, Chair of the History Department and an Associate Professor at Presbyterian College, has been invited to give a talk on "Why Stories Written About and By Women Matter in the Field of Latin American History." This will be a talk given during Women's History Month, and it is certainly a unique approach to an important topic, as it relates to the humanities and US society and culture as well as world cultures. Admission: FREE Event Contact: brightm6@winthrop.edu |
03/06/2025 | 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Rutledge 119
Social Emotional Learning Through Hip HopThis engaging presentation brings Hip Hop to life, demonstrating its deep connection to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and student success. Gain insight into how these dynamic practices can enhance learning environments and student engagement. Through live performances and interactive discussions, guests MC David & DJ Claude explain how Breaking, Graffiti, MC’ing, DJ’ing, and the 5th Element—Knowledge of Self—cultivate self-awareness, social skills, and resilience. With a focus on Hip-Hop Pedagogy, Service Learning, and Building Social Capital, learn how premium-quality resources, hands-on education, and mentorship empower students from all backgrounds to thrive in the arts and beyond. Admission: FREE Event Contact: tselentisj@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/7/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Dina's Place
Lecture by Dr. Lucia Henderson: "Mountains of Fire: Volcanoes among the Ancient Maya and their Neighbors"This event focuses on how the ancient Maya and their neighbors thought about volcanoes as living beings and regularly interacted with them. It delves into Mesoamerican archaeology, iconography, epigraphy, ethnohistory, and ethnography. Admission: FREE Event Contact: woodfillb@winthrop.edu |
03/09/2025 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Hope's Garden: Melodies for my Mother; Grief's Journey in Song; A Faculty Recital with Dr. Kristen Wunderlich
Admission: Free Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/11/2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Dina's Place
Roommate Rumble: The Culture of ConflictThis event generates new ideas and discussions by creating space for participants to explore how cultural misunderstandings and biases can escalate conflicts, and what can be done to diffuse them. Six diverse and qualified current Winthrop staff members with relevant experience lead each scene discussion, which focuses on interpersonal conflict between people who live together while coming from different cultures with different experiences. Topics will include mental/physical health, college expectations, neurodivergence, relationship boundaries, and international differences Admission: Free Event Contact: schraderj@winthrop.edu |
03/11/2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thurmond 212
MUSC: Exploring PharmacyPharmacy is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a crucial role in healthcare,
patient care, and medical advancements. This event will explore: Admission: Free Event Contact: perryr14@winthrop.edu |
03/11/2025 | 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.
The Little Chapel
Writing Our Lives: Women's Poetry Reading EventThe event will feature four published women poets: Ms. Amy Bagwell, Dr. Jo Koster, Dr. Mary Martin, and Dr. Jane Smith. All four women are Winthrop faculty members or former faculty members, and all of them are published authors. They will read selections from their poetry and will take student questions at the end of the event. Admission: Free Event Contact: hinera@winthrop.edu |
03/11/2025 | 7:00p.m. - 8:15p.m.
Dina's Place
Do Liberal Unions Negotiate Liberal Contracts?Dr. Judson Abraham will present a lectute on the topic of "Do Liberal Unions Negotiate Liberal Contracts?" Recent attention to police brutality has increased public scrutiny of police unions and, by extension, the labor movement. In this talk, Dr. Judson Abraham will discuss his research into Rhode Island police union contracts and question the labor establishment's ability to manage law enforcement unions' excesses. Dr. Jennifer Leigh Disney will moderate a Q&A afterward, includingmultiple perspectives on the issue. Admission: Free Event Contact: disneyj@winthrop.edu |
03/11/2025 | 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Brass Night of America with Christian McBryde
Admission: Free Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/13/2025 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Richardson Ballroom
Diversity Peer Educators' Empowering Women EventThe workshop explores themes of gender equality, social justice, and artistic expression
by allowing students to engage in a hands-on creative activity while learning about
the historical and cultural impact of women's rights movements. Through an Admission: Free Event Contact: dpe@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
03/24/2025 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Kinard Auditorium
Preserving the Past: The Importance of State Archives and Historic PreservationThe event will start at 6:00pm in Kinard Auditorium. For an hour Ms. McClure, Ms. Lowry, and Dr. Lee will present their prepared presentations on different areas of importance for historic preservation. The topics include the State Archives, Records Management, the Archives & History Commission, and the National Register of Historic Places. Following this, there will then be a 15 minute timeframe for an audience Q&A to discuss the deep learning that has occurred. Admission: Free Event Contact: lesterd4@winthrop.edu |
03/24/2025 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Owen's 104
Strong Minds, Strong WomenStudents will engage in a discussion and a presentation on women's mental health for Women's History Month. This will be guided by Jessica J. Hudgens and Cheryl Fortner, both professionals with expertise in psychology. The event will cover mental health challenges, self-care strategies and the importance of mental well-being. Following the discussion, participants will create sugar scrubs as a hands-on self-care activity. Admission: F ree Event Contact: sanchezdiazd2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
03/24/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Dina's Place
Women's History Month Kahoot, Lecture, and Q&A
Admission: Free Event Contact: whitfieldo2@winthrop.edu |
03/24/2025 | 7:22 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Owen's G01
Rhollng Out Gun ViolenceThe panel will provide facts, statistics, and real-life stories about gun violence to help attendees understand the issue better. The discussion will focus on how gun violence affects individuals, families, and communities. We will also discuss issues of gun violence in our immediate community. Panelists include a Winthrop Police Department officer, a member of a community gun violence advocacy group, and a student with a personal connection to the issue, and statistics provided by a social work professor. The event will include a Q&A session. Information and resources will be available in the presentation and as a tangible pamphlet for attendees to take with them. These resources will include information about counseling services, advocacy organizations, hotlines, and centers in the proximity of Rock Hill. Admission: Free Event Contact: reidd11@winthrop.edu |
03/25/2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Owens G01/ Via Zoom:
Discovering the Hidden Value of Disruption: Learning to Become More Resilient and Effective Social Workers This panel discussion is sponsored by Department of Social Work in its observance
and celebration of Social Work Month, which occurs in March of each year. The topic
emerged as a direct response to student concerns related to current events. Admission: Free Event Contact: yousefianm@winthrop.edu |
03/26/2025 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Kinard Auditorium 018
Vive Bien, Come Bien: A Nutrition Presentation for Hispanic HealthLatines Unidos is hosting a nutrition event that will focus on nutrition, particularly in relation to health concerns that commonly affect the Hispanic community, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Dr. Evans, who has expertise in nutrition and health, from the nutrition department will give a presentation and have a Q&A and we aim to provide the public with valuable information on how nutrition can play a role in prevention and management. Admission: Free Event Contact: sanchezdiazd2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
03/26/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.
Richardson Ballrooom A
What is a Woman? Women?s & Gender Studies 101This event will be a lecture, discussion, and Q&A on different scholarly definitions
of 'womanhood.' Beginning with definitions of "What is a Woman?" from Simone de Beauvoir's
famous work, The Second Sex, this event will explore different definitions of womanhood
within the context of Women's & Gender Studies. We will explore several intersectional
definitions of womanhood by examining the intersection of sex, Admission: Free Event Contact: disneyj@winthrop.edu |
03/26/2025 | 7:22 p.m. - 8:35 p.m.
Dina's Place
Money MasteryThis engaging panel discussion will explore how financial literacy intersects with
culture, opportunity, and long-term success. We aim to provide students with the knowledge
and tools to build wealth and create stability for their future endeavors. Some of
the areas we are touching on are the following: Admission: Free Event Contact: uleanob2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
03/27/2025 | 11:30a.m. - 12:00p.m.
Zoom Link: https://winthrop-edu.zoom.us/j/94456896252#succes s
The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)The commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a complex and pervasive public health issue driven by a variety of interconnected factors. These factors often intersect and create conditions that allow for the exploitation of vulnerable children and adults. This presentation will delve into the alarming issue of the commercial exploitation of children, the factors contributing to exploitation ,its psychological and social consequences, and strategic approaches in prevention and treatment. Admission: Free Event Contact: dneff@winthrop.edu |
03/27/2025 | 5:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Richardson Ballrooom
Spring 2025 Etiquette DinnerThe event will begin with mocktails and networking. This will allow students to practice
and receive guidance on their social skills in a formal setting critical to future career readiness. The dinner
program will last approximately 90 minutes Admission: Free Registration Link: https://winthrop.joinhandshake.com/events/1717932/share_preview Event Contact: rossr@winthrop.edu |
03/27/2025 | 6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Honoring Those Before Us: Exploring the Art, Archaeology, and Legacy of the Enslaved Ancestral Burial Ground at Historic BrattonsvilleExperts in Archeology, History, and Art, and a Descendant of Historic Brattonsville will discuss the preservation and legacy of historic cemetery for enslaved individuals, This presentation will cover the cultural significance, archaeological findings, and artistic elements of the site. Attendees will gain insights into the gravesites history, discovered artifacts and the importance of honoring those laid to rest there. Admission: Free Event Contact: dmcknightoj@winthrop.edu |
03/27/2025 | 7:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.
RAW Spring Concert SeriesThe event will feature performances by students in experimental music, poetry, live performance, art, and more, with each piece introduced and given a brief background. Admission: Free Event Contact: raw@mailbox.winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
03/28/2025 | 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Richardson Ballrooom A
Global Rhythms: Traditions of Dance from around the WorldWinthrop’s Dance professor, Gabrielle Tull, will share her expertise and experience with vernacular dance forms. She will define “vernacular dance” and give background about these dances which develop organically within communities. She will visit different examples throughout history and note its social impact. Then, during the second half of the event, the International Center’s student leaders will perform/teach a few dances. Admission: Free Event Contact: international@winthrop.edu |
03/31/2025 | 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dina's Place
Reclaiming the Past: The Colonial Roots of the Rwandan GenocideThe event features a screening of a 2024 documentary devoted to the colonial roots of the Rwandan genocide by the noted Rwandan journalist, photographer, filmmaker Samuel Ishimwe. Ishimwe is best known for his 2017 film "Imfura," which traces the journey of a young man who travels back to the home of his mother who disappeared during the Rwandan genocide. "Imfura" was the first Rwandan production to be included in the competition of Berlinale Shorts and went on to win the Silver Bear Jury Price at Berlin International Film Festival. The screening will feature a short introductory lecture Admission: Free Event Contact: glovera@winthrop.edu |
04/01/2025 | 6:30pm - 7:35pm
Dina's Place
Capturing the Camino: 500 Miles of Saints, Bones, Tombs, and Medieval Art
Admission: Free Event Contact: sweeneyk@winthrop.edu |
04/01/2025 | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Dina's Place
Affinity STI Awareness & PreventionSTI awareness and prevention are crucial issues for college students, as young adults are among the populations most affected by sexually transmitted infections. The event will provide current, research-based information on prevention strategies, treatment options, and debunking common myths about STIs. Additionally, it will address emerging concerns, such as the impact of dating apps, hookup culture, and disparities in sexual healthcare access. Admission: Free Event Contact: perryr14@winthrop.edu |
04/02/2025| 6:00pm - 7:15pm
Tillman Auditorium
Clarence and Lynn Hornsby present the Winthrop University Model UN XLIX Keynote Address: The Fall of the Machines - Beyond the Hype: Real-World Prospects & Public Skepticism of AIDr. Arthur Spirling, Professor of Politics and Director of Graduate Studies at Princeton
University, will deliver the MLA Hornsby Lecture/Model UN Keynote Speech entitled,
"The Fall of the Machines - Beyond the Hype: Real World Prospects and Public Skepticism
of AI." Admission: Free Event Contact: disneyj@winthrop.edu |
04/02/2025| 7:30pm - 9:45pm
Tillman Auditorium
Parting Ways With Neo-Colonialism: Ensuring Global Achievement through Human Rights & Development for AllWinthrop University PLSC 260 Collegiate Delegates will represent 48 Member States in the United Nations General Assembly in front of an audience of 400 high schoolers, advisors, and judges. This year's 49th Annual Winthrop University Model United Nations Conference Theme is "Parting Ways With Neo-Colonialism: Ensuring Global Achievement through Development for All. The resolution topic they will debate will focus on Human Rights efforts of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), several humanitarian emergencies identified by the UNHCR, and how we can avoid neo-colonialism and achieve human rights,development, and peace for all the world's citizens Admission: Free Event Contact: disneyj@winthrop.edu |
04/02/2025| 6:00pm - 7:45pm
Tillman Auditorium
Clarence and Lynn Hornsby present the Winthrop University Model UN XLIX KeynoteAddress: The Fall of the Machines - Beyond the Hype: Real-World Prospects & Public Skepticism of AIDr. Arthur Spirling, Professor of Politics and Director of Graduate Studies at Princeton University, will deliver the MLA Hornsby Lecture/Model UN Keynote Speech entitled, "The Fall of the Machines - Beyond the Hype: Real World Prospects and Public Skepticism of AI." Excitement about artificial intelligence abounds: we hear that it will revolutionize all human endeavors, including politics. Looking beyond the hype, what are the real world prospects for this? In this talk, Prof Spirling argues that the public is skeptical about AI and machine learning innovations, and they are correct to be. He will suggest some ways forward for academics, politicians and other stakeholders who want to harness AI to improve the lives of citizens. Admission: FREE Event Contact: disneyj@winthrop.edu |
04/03/2025| 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dina's Place
Earth Mothers, Hero Twins, and Water Spirits: Ancient Deities of the Mississippi ValleyStudents attending this event will be exposed to diverse Native American beliefs, customs, and cultural practices that operated throughout Northeastern North America prior to the arrival of Westerners. Moreover, students will gain an understanding of how Native American peoples created sophisticated societies throughout Southeastern North America. Admission: Free Event Contact: chaconr@winthrop.edu |
04/04/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Grand Re-opening ConcertFeaturing acclaimed trumpeter Vince DeMartino & performance by the Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/04/2025 | 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Richardson Ballroom
Candidate DebateCandidates will answer a series of questions that apply to the Winthrop student body
and campus. These question well give insight on how candidates approach different
task and problems. This whole event will give the student body a chance to hear what
each candidate can offer. There will be questions asked about student life and the
things the student body might want to know. Our candidates will answer these questions
on a Admission: FREE Event Contact: golsonc2@winthrop.edu |
04/05/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Winthrop Chorale & Collegiate Choir Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/06/2025 | 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Dina's Place
Why the Holocaust Still Matters TodayThe Holocaust is a subject of great importance and this Admission: FREE Event Contact: kiblingerk@winthrop.edu |
04/06/2025 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Carolina's Wind Orchestra & Alumni Band Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/08/2025 | 11:00am - 12:15pm
Carrol Hall - Whitton Auditorium
Meet the ProfessionalsThe forum will open with a brief welcoming statement from event Sponsor, Dr. Hannah
Richards, followed by warm-up questions composed by co-sponsor, Beta Alpha Psi. Our speakers will individually
address the attendees on a variety of topics related to networking, navigating a day at work,
and internship success. Additionally, attendees of the event will have the opportunity to pose questions according
to their interests Admission: FREE Event Contact: greffeuillel@winthrop.edu |
04/08/2025 | 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Richardson Ballroom A
Diversity Peer Educators' International Game NightAt each table, you'll find a game from a different part of the world, with simple instructions to help you dive into the experience. Whether it's a traditional board game, a card game, or a strategy game, each rotation offers something new and exciting. As you play, you'll not only have fun but also gain insight into the cultural significance of the games and their origins. Our event will include an educational component led by a faculty advisor, who will help students gain a deeper understanding of the cultural context behind the games, share fun facts, and answer any questions you may have. This event is designed to celebrate diversity, promote cross-cultural understanding, and create an inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy and learn together. Come for the games, stay for the learning, and celebrate global culture with us! Admission: FREE Event Contact: Diversity@winthrop.edu |
04/09/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Winthrop Symphony Orchestra Concert (part of Byrnes Auditorium Grand Re-opening)
Admission: FREE Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/09/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/10/2025 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Richardson Ballroom
Leveraging Legacy: Black Alumni on Social Capital and Collective Power Panel & Networking MixerBlack Alumni Weekend kicks off with a one-hour panel discussion featuring distinguished Black alumni sharing their insights on social capital, leveraging a Winthrop degree beyond graduation, and utilizing your Winthrop connections regionally, nationally and internationally. The panel will be moderated by Ashlye Rumph-Geddis Wilkerson '05, leadership speaker, consultant, and coach - Phenomenal Women Leading; and member of the Winthrop Board of Trustees. The panel will feature The Honorable DeAndrea Gist Benjamin '94, United States Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit; Leslie Brown '15, production manager, McGee Media; Antjuan Seawright '08, founder and chief executive officer, Blueprint Strategy; Chad Steele '97, senior vice president of communications, Baltimore Ravens; Jimi "Dammit Wesley" Thompson '08, co-founder of the DURAG FESTIVAL and creative entrepreneur; Mike Tillman '14, premium services coordinator, Tepper Sports & Entertainment Admission: FREE Event Contact: tuttlel@winthrop.edu |
04/10/2025 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Dina's Place
2025 Anthology Showcase
Admission: FREE Event Contact: pregnallg2@winthrop.edu |
04/10/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/11/2025 | 10:00am - 11:30am
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/11/2025 | 12:00pm - 5:00am
DIGS lobby, Richardson ballroom, and Digs and West
Center lecture rooms
Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE)The various activities will include dance and music performances and design/art presentations from the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Poster and oral presentations will be given by students from the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Technology, College of Education, Sport and Human Sciences, as well as the School of and Continuing Online Education. SOURCE includes oral presentations and poster presentations, followed by a session of Performances, ending with another session of oral and poster presentations concluding with an awards ceremony around 5pm. Admission: FREE Event Contact: blairs@winthrop.edu |
04/11/2025 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Dina's Place
The State of the Black Student: Voices, Visions and Alumni ConnectionsA panel discussion from centered on the experiences, challenges and aspirations of Black students at Winthrop. Featuring insights from Black alumni who are educational leaders, this session will explore the state of Black students nationally and how these trends impact our alma mater. Together, we?ll examine what today?s Black students need from the alumni community and how we can collectively create a supportive and empowering environment. Admission: FREE Event Contact: tuttlel@winthrop.edu |
04/11/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/12/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/12/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Opera Production
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/13/2025 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
AntigoneA brutal civil war has ravaged the land, and the victorious Creon of Thebes forbids anyone from burying the traitor who started the conflict. When Antigone, discontent to let her brother go without proper funeral rites, takes matters into her own hands, she sparks a revolution that pits parent against child, sibling against sibling, and civil law against the gods. In this fresh and vibrant take on an ancient classic, family love and civil disobedience clash in titanic fashion. Admission: Tickets: $10 with Winthrop ID/$15 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/13/2025 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Opera Production
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/14/2025 | 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Richardson Ballroom
Recognizing Privilege
Admission: Free Event Contact: whitfieldo2@winthrop.edu |
04/15/2025 | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Owens G01
Bridging Borders: Navigating Cross-Cultural Relationships in International Social WorkThis event will include a lecture of roughly 35 minutes where Dr. Orme will share Admission: Free Event Contact: ormej@winthrop.edu |
04/15/2025 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Barnes Recital Hall
Joint Concert - Commercial Music and Jazz Ensemble ConcertAdmission: FREE Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/16/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Playing With Fire: (After Frankenstein)Mary Shelly’s legendary masterpiece, Frankenstein, is not only a gothic tale of horror, but a cautionary tale about the dangers of excessive passion, unchecked science, and the estrangement of god and man. At once intellectually insightful and emotionally complex; Playing with Fire is a modern morality play that eloquently speaks to some of the most burning moral and ethical questions of our time! Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/16/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Barnes Recital Hall
Clarinet Ensemble Recital
Admission: Free Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/17/2025 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Denim Day: Fashion Show The event will begin with a brief introduction by the host, explaining the significance
of Denim Day and setting the stage for the discussion. Following this, the fashion
show will take place, featuring models showcasing both modest and immodest looks to
challenge societal narratives surrounding clothing and victim-blaming. Each look will
be accompanied by a brief commentary explaining its relevance to the discussion. Admission: Free Event Contact: cornwellc@winthrop.edu |
04/17/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Playing With Fire: (After Frankenstein)Mary Shelly’s legendary masterpiece, Frankenstein, is not only a gothic tale of horror, but a cautionary tale about the dangers of excessive passion, unchecked science, and the estrangement of god and man. At once intellectually insightful and emotionally complex; Playing with Fire is a modern morality play that eloquently speaks to some of the most burning moral and ethical questions of our time! Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/18/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Playing With Fire: (After Frankenstein)Mary Shelly’s legendary masterpiece, Frankenstein, is not only a gothic tale of horror, but a cautionary tale about the dangers of excessive passion, unchecked science, and the estrangement of god and man. At once intellectually insightful and emotionally complex; Playing with Fire is a modern morality play that eloquently speaks to some of the most burning moral and ethical questions of our time! Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/19/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Johnson Studio Theatre, Johnson Hall
Playing With Fire: (After Frankenstein)Mary Shelly’s legendary masterpiece, Frankenstein, is not only a gothic tale of horror, but a cautionary tale about the dangers of excessive passion, unchecked science, and the estrangement of god and man. At once intellectually insightful and emotionally complex; Playing with Fire is a modern morality play that eloquently speaks to some of the most burning moral and ethical questions of our time! Admission: Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/22/2025 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Dina's Place
Learning from those with Lived Child Welfare Experience: A Panel EventPanel speakers with relevant, lived child welfare experience will share about their
lives and unique experiences with foster care and adoption. Panelists will speak about
risk and Admission: FREE Event Contact: bloomquistk@winthrop.edu |
04/22/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
McBryde Hall
Chamber Singers ConcertAdmission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/24/2025 | 11:00am - 12:00pm
Dina's Place
How to Get The World (and Conservatives) In On Climate ActionBob Inglis, a former U.S. Congressman with first-hand experience of the political costs of environmental responsibility, will speak about climate change, its effects on our planet, and the role that conservativism out to take in facing the realities of this looming anthropogenic catastrophe. Admission: FREE Event Contact: hoberta@winthrop.edu |
04/24/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
How to Get The World (and Conservatives) In On Climate ActionBob Inglis, a former U.S. Congressman with first-hand experience of the political costs of environmental responsibility, will speak about climate change, its effects on our planet, and the role that conservativism out to take in facing the realities of this looming anthropogenic catastrophe. Admission: FREE Event Contact: hoberta@winthrop.edu |
04/24/2025 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Richardson Ballroom A
AAPI Heritage CelebrationThe event is largely informational about AAPI Culture with a simple, guided performance by one of our organization members. Besides that, there will also be a small discussion and we will have videos on musical performances of various countries broadcasted on the PowerPoint. Indian and Chinese food will be served along with a Thai beverage. Admission: FREE Event Contact: AAPI@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
04/24/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Symphonic Band Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/25/2025 | 10:00am -11:30am
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Spring Dance ShowcaseAn evening of selected works by students, faculty, and guest artists. Come see an electric showcase of the best of the year's dancing in the Department of Theatre and Dance. A variety of dance styles will be featured. Admission:Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/25/2025 | 7:30pm -9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Spring Dance ShowcaseAn evening of selected works by students, faculty, and guest artists. Come see an electric showcase of the best of the year's dancing in the Department of Theatre and Dance. A variety of dance styles will be featured. Admission:Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/25/2025 | 8:00pm -9:00pm
Johnson StudioTheatre
Red Riding HoodStudents with the Theatre For All program will perform Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known fairy tale that teaches its audience about stranger danger and following directions. A young girl travels to her grandma's house. But on her journey, she encounters a dangerous wolf. Despite distractions, the girl makes her way to Grandma's. In this performance, music and dance will help bring the story to life! Admission: FREE Event Contact: remiak2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
04/26/2025 | 7:30pm -9:00pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Spring Dance ShowcaseAn evening of selected works by students, faculty, and guest artists. Come see an electric showcase of the best of the year's dancing in the Department of Theatre and Dance. A variety of dance styles will be featured. Admission:Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/26/2025 | 8:00pm -9:00pm
Johnson StudioTheatre
Red Riding HoodStudents with the Theatre For All program will perform Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known fairy tale that teaches its audience about stranger danger and following directions. A young girl travels to her grandma's house. But on her journey, she encounters a dangerous wolf. Despite distractions, the girl makes her way to Grandma's. In this performance, music and dance will help bring the story to life! Admission: FREE Event Contact: remiak2@mailbox.winthrop.edu |
04/27/2025 | 2:30pm -3:30pm
Johnson Theatre, Johnson Hall
Spring Dance ShowcaseAn evening of selected works by students, faculty, and guest artists. Come see an electric showcase of the best of the year's dancing in the Department of Theatre and Dance. A variety of dance styles will be featured. Admission:Tickets: $5 with Winthrop ID/$10 general public Event Contact: gradl@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/27/2025 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Wind Symphony Orchestra Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
04/28/2025 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Byrnes Auditorium
Carolina Wind Orchestra Concert
Admission: FREE Event Contact: music@winthrop.edu CVPA Sponsored Event |
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