Counseling Services

Don't Cancel That Class


There are times when Faculty and Instructional Staff are unable to attend a scheduled class meeting due to professional business or personal obligations.  Instead of canceling that class, allow one of our professional staff members to present to your students on a health and wellness related topic of your choosing.  Program offerings include selections from Counseling Services, Disability Services, Health Promotion, and the Student Advocacy and Trauma Support. 

Perhaps you don't need a class covered but you're looking for a guest lecturer; HCS staff are happy to serve in this capacity also.

We ask that you give us at least 2 week's notice, as our schedules fill up quickly with student appointments and other meetings.  We can not guarantee that we will be available for every request, though we will try hard to fill as many requests as our schedules allow.

So, Don't Cancel That Class! Please contact us to discuss how we can partner to create a presentation that will meet the needs of your students.

After you peruse the offerings, click on "Request a Program" at the bottom of the screen.



Mental Health Awareness

Learning Objectives: Many students who experience mental health problems feel alone or that no one else could understand what they're experiencing.  Students will learn the prevalence and basic presentations of the most common mental health conditions on university campuses.  There will be an opportunity to debunk myths associated with mental health and counseling.  Students will learn about the counseling process and learn the basics of the Cognitive Behavioral Model through interactive exercises.


Suicide Awareness

Learning Objectives: Students will understand the development and function of suicidal thinking and behavior.  They will learn warning signs and signals for identifying a person at risk for suicide.  Students will be learn to approach a friend of concern and make an effective referral. 


Simple Solutions for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Learning Objectives:  Anxiety is the number one presenting diagnostic category at Winthrop Counseling Services.  Students will gain understanding of the signs and symptoms of anxiety & panic symptoms.  They will learn how they impact and undermine one's ability to focus, concentrate, and recall text materials studied for quizzes and tests.  Students will learn step-by-step solutions for overcoming the harmful effects of severe anxiety symptoms, and they will become knowledgeable on how to apply these functional and effective skills to help themselves and others experiencing this disabling psychological and emotional condition.


Stress in College: How to Relax and be Productive

Learning Objectives: Students will acquire an intimate understanding of the signs of stress.  They will learn and apply relaxation and time management techniques to improve academic performance and engage in healthy social interactions.  Students will get to know a mindfulness awareness approach to handle daily stressors and learn how to beat procrastination.



Learning Objective: Mindfulness is the a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Many studies have shown that mindfulness is an incredibly effective tool against anxiety and depression.  Students will learn the basics of mindfulness and how to create their own mindfulness practice.



Learning Objective: Forgiveness is an ongoing act that allows people to move past the hurts and actions of others in order to focus more fully on their own life.  Through the art of forgiveness, we learn how to accept others for who they are, release the negative feelings we have associated with hurtful events in our lives and create healthy boundaries that allow us to protect ourselves from negative influences.  Students will learn how to assess negative emotions they have associated with past events and develop solutions to release the negative feelings that are keeping them "stuck".


Student Advocacy and Trauma Support

Learning How to Be an Active Bystander

Learning Objectives: From the perspective of a friend and community member, students will learn violence prevention strategies, safety planning, and how to empower others to be involved in violence prevention and education. There will be the opportunity to work through real-life scenarios where students will gain greater awareness of warning signs and identify safe options for intervening.


Creating Boundaries and Healthy Relationships

Learning Objectives: Students will learn about dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. There will be an opportunity for students to learn the impact of the culture of violence on college campuses and how students can respond to their peers impacted by violence. This workshop will include a few short activities on dating violence and sexual assault which will demonstrate the importance of advocating for survivors and how students can get involved.


Stolen Voices, Stolen Lives (Sex Trafficking)

Learning Objectives: Students will learn the impact of sex trafficking on the victim, how post-traumatic stress disorder appears in their day to day lives, and how cognitions are changed.  Students will be able to discuss the loss of dignity and objectification of the victims.


Health Promotion

Tips for Sips

Learning Objectives: Students will learn how alcohol consumption can impact their academic performance, standard serving sizes, and harm reduction strategies regarding alcohol use.


Responsibility and Condom Sense

Learning Objectives: Students will determine what being sexually responsible means for them, discuss the benefits of abstinence, and risk reduction strategies for unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.


Marijuana: The Blunt Truth

Learning Objectives: With legalization of marijuana occurring in several states in our country, there has been a growing acceptance of using marijuana. Individuals need to understand the "Blunt Truth" of marijuana.  This presentation will discuss the basics of marijuana, the health and societal consequences of using marijuana, legalization issues and misconceptions, and the impact of what legalization has caused in Colorado.  This presentation can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.      


Request a Program

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