Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance

Preventing Sexual Misconduct, Gender Inequality, and Discrimination

Reporting Options – General Information

Winthrop is fully committed to preventing and removing sources of harassment, assault, and discrimination on or off campus. The first step is reporting any incidents that have happened to you, a friend, a coworker, a fellow student or someone that you know. There are many options to reporting; it can be done in person or anonymously, confidentially or not, or by communicating the incident to the police or not – these decisions are ultimately left to the complainant.

We urge you to contact the on-campus resources found below or the Winthrop University Police Department via the tab to the left and share any concerns or reports that you may have. Please note that the Winthrop University Police Department are considered “non-confidential” resources and required to disclose any records of an investigation to the public, though not necessarily personally identifiable information. Reporting to any one person or organization does not prohibit one from speaking with others, so please choose a reporting avenue which best suits your individual situation.

Mr. Kevin R. Sheppard, Sr., serves as Winthrop’s Title IX Coordinator / ADA Compliance Officer. He is responsible for coordinating the university’s compliance with Title IX, including policy recommendations, overseeing all complaints of sex discrimination, and identifying and addressing any problems that arise during the review of such complaints. Questions or concerns may be directed as follows:

Mr. Kevin R. Sheppard, Sr.
Title IX Coordinator / ADA Compliance Officer
256 DiGiorgio Campus Center
803/323-3928 or 803/833-7743

On-Campus Office Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Virtual Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Available via e-mail at and telephone at 803/833-7743.


Anonymous and Online Reporting Options

Please click the link below in order to submit a report to the Title IX Coordinator. While not required, this report can be anonymous if you so wish. By submitting a report to the Title IX Coordinator, your experience can help empower the University in further protecting the campus community even if you choose not to pursue a full investigation. Please note that while the report itself will not be made publicly available, the Title IX Coordinator will utilize your report on a ‘need to know basis’ in taking necessary steps towards ensuring campus safety if the respondent has a history of violence or other factors that suggest a likelihood that the respondent will commit future acts of sexual violence.

File a report of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.



Or, report anonymously to the Winthrop University Police Department.
Please note that the Winthrop University Police Department are Non-Confidential resources, meaning that your report will be shared with those that have "a need-to-know" to assist in addressing the incident.

*** For student conduct violations, not related to Sexual Misconduct, please visit the Student Conduct website. *** 


In Person Reporting Options

When it comes to reporting any Title IX concern, whether it be a personal assault/misconduct or an observation of discrimination somewhere on campus, the following persons are your best options for support. Please note that these persons are not considered “confidential” resources, in that they must balance the wishes of the person making the report with the overall safety of the Winthrop campus. Examples of such extenuating circumstances are when there are multiple complaints about the respondent (the individual whose conduct is being reported), if the respondent has a history of violence, or other factors that suggest a likelihood that the respondent will commit future acts of sexual violence. These persons usually will enlist other Winthrop administrators to take necessary steps towards ensuring campus safety while only disclosing information on a “need-to-know” basis.

To report an issue involving students or employees, please contact:

Mr. Kevin R. Sheppard, Sr.
Title IX Coordinator / ADA Compliance Officer
256 DiGiorgio Campus Center
803/323-3928 or 803/833-7743

On-Campus Office Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Virtual Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Available via e-mail at and telephone at 803/833-7743.


Confidential Resources

Confidential resources are those that cannot legally disclose reports except under very limited circumstances, usually when there is an impending violent risk or threat to a person. The following offices offer confidential mental health and victims’ services regardless of whether one has filed a police or Title IX report.

Center for Student Wellness
3rd Floor of Joynes Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3332 (fax)

Student Advocacy and Trauma Support
3rd Floor of Joynes Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3332 (fax)


Reporting Options - Off Campus Resources

Legal/Law Enforcement

Medical Care / Testing

  • Piedmont Hospital Emergency Room - Piedmont Medical Center provides high quality health care services in a caring and financially responsible manner to residents of York County and surrounding communities. Piedmont Medical Center can be reached by phone at 803/329-1234.
  • Riverview Family Medicine - Riverview Medical Center provides convenient healthcare in an extended-hour setting to the local community. Riverview Medical Center can be reached at 803/366-7443.
  • York County Health Dept (DHEC) - The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is the state agency charged with protecting public health, coastal resources, and the state's land, air, and water quality as authorized under multiple state and federal laws. DHEC provides STD/HIV testing, diagnosis, treatment, and educational services. DHEC can be reached at 803/909-7300.
  • Affinity Health Center (Formerly Catawba Care) - Affinity Health Center serves the healthcare needs of our community by providing access to high-quality, comprehensive care with compassion, dignity, and respect, and is a United Way funded agency. They also provide rapid HIV testing, gonorrhea testing, and chlamydia testing as well as services and counseling for individuals whose tests come back positive. Affinity Health Center can be reached at 877/647-6363.

Support Services

  • Safe Passage Domestic Violence Shelter - Safe Passage was established for the purpose of offering supportive services to families living in abuse so they could make changes in their lives and eliminate violence. Safe Passage Domestic Violence Shelter can be reached by phone 24 hours a day at 803/329-2800.