Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance

Preventing Sexual Misconduct, Gender Inequality, and Discrimination

Reporting Options - General Information

Winthrop is fully committed to preventing and removing sources of harassment, assault, and discrimination on or off campus. The first step is reporting any incidents that have happened to you, a friend, a coworker, a fellow student or someone that you know. There are many options to reporting; it can be done in person or anonymously, confidentially or not, or by communicating the incident to the police or not — these decisions are ultimately left to the impacted party/complainant.

We urge you to contact the on-campus or off-campus resources found on the "Get Help / Resources" page and share any concerns or reports that you may have. These individuals are trained experts in dealing with Title IX complaints, as well as have the sensitivity required for the extremely personal nature of sexual harassment and discrimination, as well as for challenges to inequality on campus. If your complaint or concern involves possible discrimination or harassment related to race, national origin, color, religion or veteran status, then review these policies and contact either the Dean of Students or the Vice President of Human Resources.

  • Confidential resources are those that cannot legally disclose reports except under very limited circumstances, usually when there is an impending violent risk or threat to a person.
  • Limited-Confidentiality resources are those that must balance the wishes of the person making the report with the overall safety of the Winthrop campus. Examples of such extenuating circumstances are when there are multiple complaints about the respondent, if the respondent has a history of violence, or other factors that suggest a likelihood that the respondent will commit future acts of sexual violence, The limited-confidentiality resources usually will enlist other Winthrop administrators to take necessary steps towards ensuring campus safety while only disclosing information on a "need-to-know" basis. 
  • Lastly, Non-Confidential resources are those that are required to disclose any records of an investigation to the public, though not necessarily personally identifiable information. Reporting to any one person or organization does not prohibit one from speaking with others, so please choose a reporting avenue which best suits your individual situation.