Health and Safety Concerns

Published July 13, 2020 Last Updated July 14, 2020, 9:17AM

The International Center (IC) staff is here to support Winthrop International Students. Our top priority is your health, safety and well-being.  As you make plans to return to Winthrop’s campus, please review the guidance below when Winthrop Eagles “Return to the Nest.”


Travel and Arrival to Campus

While Winthrop University is not requiring international students to quarantine upon their arrival to the U.S., international students should follow all guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which includes frequent hand washing, social distancing, monitoring your health daily, and avoiding high-risk activities.  Please carefully review and follow the CDC recommendations related to domestic and international travel.

Winthrop University’s international students should also review the COVID-19 International Student FAQs regularly for information about required travel documents as well as answers to commonly asked questions.

Helpful links:

  • CDC Information on Travelers Restricted from Entry into the U.S.
  • CDC Information when Returning to the U.S. from International Travel
  • CDC Information on Domestic Travel (within the U.S.)
  • CDC Information on Protecting Yourself
  • CDC Map of Travel Restrictions & Recommendations by Country
  • COVID-19 Risk Assessment Chart (Texas Medical Association)


Health Care and Insurance

  • Health Care.  Center for Student Wellness at Winthrop offers a variety of healthcare services to current students via the Patient Portal.

  • COVID-19 Testing and Immunizations.  While COVID-19 testing is not currently available on campus, students can use the Patient Portal to enter their health information (including proof of immunizations) and then talk to Center for Student Wellness to get a referral to a local facility as needed.

    • Tests may be conducted for a clinical diagnosis (your health provider would do a screening and potentially recommend PCR nasal swab testing) or for public health purposes (PCR nasal swab or blood test for antibodies).

    • Service Providers – Rock Hill currently has several locations for COVID-19 testing. If you feel that you need to be tested, contact Health Services though the Patient Portal for more information.

    • Make sure that all REQUIRED immunizations (MMR1, MMR2, and Tdap within last 10 years) are up-to-date and your documentation is uploaded to the Patient Portal before the first day of class. The immunization record MUST be translated into English.  Please note:  A $100 late fee will be placed on your student account if your immunization record is not uploaded to the Patient Portal prior to the first day of classes.

  • Center for Student Wellness also recommends the following to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy:

    • Take your temperature daily to monitor for fever. It is recommended that each student bring their own thermometer with them.

    • Bring 3-4 cloth masks that can be washed and reused. A mask is recommended to be worn:

      • Anytime you are outside your residence (where you live)

      • Anytime you are in class

      • Anytime a 6 ft (1.83 meters) distance cannot be maintained

      • Anytime a large group is gathering

      • Wash your hands regularly and practice proper cough etiquette.

      • Get your Flu vaccine.

      • Follow all relevant CDC guidelines.

  • Health Insurance.  Returning international students should visit the International Student Support Services section of their personal Blackboard accounts to review health insurance information for the coming year.  Details regarding plan coverage, costs, and accessing your insurance card are updated regularly within Blackboard.  New international students will receive health insurance information during International Student Orientation and should contact the International Center with any questions.