All resident students are encouraged to become active participants in campus life. You are challenged to leave Winthrop University a better place for your having been here. Many opportunities for you to become involved are available through your residence hall.
The Residence Life staff provides various programs throughout the semester which promote the development of students and build community within the residence hall. The topics presented are in one of the following dimensions of the programming model: Community Education, Community Service and Community Building. These programs engage residents in many opportunities to come together, share information and learn from each other.
Each residence hall adopts a community agency for the academic year and residents volunteer their time to do various projects for the agency. Be sure and check out which agency your residence hall is sponsoring. It is a great way to get involved and learn about responsibility and helping others.
Each residence hall elects a council of student representatives. The hall councils provide opportunities for residents to be involved in social, educational, and recreational activities, as well as residential improvement projects. Working with your hall council is an excellent way to get to know other residents and get involved in residence life activities. If you are interested in becoming involved, contact your R.A., R.D., or R.L.C. for more information.
Representatives from each residence hall combine to form the Resident Students' Association. The purpose of this organization is to promote unity among Winthrop's residence halls, to determine the needs of all residents and to create a viable working relationship between resident students and the administration. You are a member of R.S.A. by living on campus. Contact your R.L.C., R.D., or R.A. to find out who is your voting representative. R.S.A. meets on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. in 114 DiGiorgio Campus Center. All resident students are welcome to attend.
Visit the R.S.A. website to find out more.
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