Winthrop University Board of Trustees Agendas for June 27 and 28, 2019

Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, June 28, 2019 | 1:00 p.m.
Evans and Gold Rooms, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Budget Presentation
  4. Executive Session--pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain present university employees and contractual items related to Winthrop University
  5. Public Comment if requested
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Board Minutes of April 12, 2019 and May 4, 2019
    2. Resolution to Honor Dr. Debra Boyd for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
    3. Resolution to Honor Ms. Ximena Perez-Velazco for Meritorious Service as Student Representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
    4. Resolution to Honor Dr. Michael Lipscomb for Meritorious Service as Faculty Representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
    5. Resolution to Honor Mr. Don Long for Meritorious Service on the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
  7. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
  8. Report from the President
  9. Committee Reports
    1. Committee on Academic Quality
      1. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Status
    2. Committee on Compensation
      1. Resolution to Approve Compensation Policy and Related Peer Groups
    3. Committee on Enrollment and Retention
    4. Committee on Finance
      1. Resolution Regarding Student Fees for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
    5. Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development
    6. Committee on Student Life and Athletics
  10. Reports from the Representatives to the Board
    1. Chair of Faculty Conference
    2. President of the Council of Student Leaders
  11. Report from the Nominating Committee
  12. Executive Session--pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain present university employees and contractual items related to Winthrop University
  13. Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Thursday, June 27, 2019 | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Joynes Hall, Baruch Room
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of the April 11, 2019 Meeting
  3. Enrollment Updates
    1. Graduate School Recruitment
    2. Freshman and Transfer Recruitment
  4. 2019-20 Recruitment Activities and Plan Preview
  5. Access and Enrollment Management Update
    1. Joynes Hall Renovation
    2. Student Search RFP
    3. Common Application
    4. Financial Aid Optimization
    5. New Initiatives
    6. Academic Signings
  6. Academic Work Ethic (AWE)
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Finance

Thursday, June 27, 2019 | 1:30 p.m. - 3:30pm
Thompson Conference Room, Tillman Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of April 11, 2019 & June 11, 2019
  3. Update on FY2018-2019 Audit process
  4. Review of the 2018-2019 Preliminary Year-to-Date Actuals
  5. Review of 2018-2019 Budget and Student Fees
  6. Review & Discuss 2020-2021 State Budget Request
  7. Executive Session pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70, (2) discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Academic Quality

Thursday, June 27, 2019 | 3:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Polly Ford Conference Room, West Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the April 11, 2019, Meeting
  3. The West Forum, Republican National Convention, and 2020 Presidential Campaign
  4. Resolution To Confer Emeritus Status
  5. Provost’s Report
    1. Faculty Tenure and Promotion
    2. Changes in Tenure and Promotion Protocols
    3. Renaming Selected Colleges
    4. Bachelor of Professional Studies
    5. Winthrop Think College
    6. Change in Online MBA
  6. Report from the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

June 27, 2019 | 3:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Minerd Seminar Room, Carroll Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of Minutes of April 11, 2019
  3. Report from University Advancement and Development
    1. Divisional Goals
    2. $100k Winthrop Leadership Society/Winthrop Fund
      1. Peer Challenge
    3. 2019 Homecoming Planning Update
    4. Development Update
  4. Report from University Relations
    1. Status of Digital Marketing RFP
    2. Update on Transition to New Content Management System
    3. Rollout of New Campus Signage
    4. Preparations for Presidential Campaign 2020
    5. Community Outreach via rental options and sponsorships
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Student Life and Athletics

Thursday, June 27, 2019 | 3:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
DiGiorgio Campus Center Room 223
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of April 11, 2019
  3. Student Affairs Strategic Priorities Update
    1. Strategic Planning
    2. Division of Student Affairs Staffing and Budgeting
    3. Sodexo Food Service
  4. Campus Safety and Security Update
  5. Update on Division Goals
    1. Athletics Facility Project Update
    2. Athletics Concessions / Alcohol Sales
    3. Athletics Revenues exceeding $1,000,000
    4. *Esports Updates
  6. 2020 Hall of Fame Inductee Class
  7. Strategic Plan Drive to ’25 Year Two Results
    1. Goal 1 – Academic Success
    2. Goal 2 – Competitive Success
    3. Goal 3 – University Integration
    4. Goal 4 – Community Integration
    5. Goal 5 – Operational Integrity
    6. Goal 6 – Diversity and Inclusion
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment