Minutes of the Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
February 5, 1999

Members Present:  E. Thomas Crowson, Sanita Savage Frazier, Robert Gahagan, Anne K. Hall, Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Mary Jean Ligon, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, David White, Anthony DiGiorgio

Representatives:  Tom Moore, Chair of Faculty Conference; Trevor Beauford, President of the Student Government Association

Members Absent:  None

Staff Present:  Kathryn Holten, Secretary to the Board

Call to Order
The Board of Trustees met on Friday, February 5, 1999, in the Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall, on the Winthrop campus.  David White, Chair of the Board called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.

Guests included media representatives, faculty, staff and students.

Executive Session was not held.

Approval of Board Minutes of November 6, 1998
Mr. White called for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes; Mr. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Dr. Skip Tuttle, to adopt the minutes as presented.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Report of the Executive Committee
Materials were distributed in the Board packets in lieu of a formal report of the Executive Committee.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

A.   Resolution to Offer the Master of Education in Middle Level Education
      Mr. Thompson offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it
      passed unanimously.

B.   Resolution to Adopt Post-Tenure Review Policies and Procedures for Winthrop University
      Mr. Thompson commended the post-tenure review process, noting the cooperation of all
      parties involved in the process — Deans, Academic Council, Faculty Conference, the
      President and the Academic Affairs Committee.  There was also a brief discussion on the
      role of student evaluations and how they can be used to strengthen the process.

      Dr. DiGiorgio commented that Winthrop University was one of only eighteen higher
      education institutions in the country chosen to participate in a study to assess and evaluate
      the model.

      Mr. Thompson offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it
      passed unanimously.

Mr. Thompson noted that in the major in Sociology with an emphasis on Criminology, majors are up 60%.  It has been discovered that the many law enforcement agencies in the region have continuing education requirements for their officers.  Winthrop has begun dialogue with the local law enforcement agencies to offer some of those courses at Winthrop at no additional cost to the university.

Mr. Thompson concluded his report with the following updates: the SACS self-study has begun, with the ambitious goal of achieving 100% compliance with all criteria, a feat never before achieved by any institution; searches for the positions of Dean of the College of Education and Dean of Library Services are underway; a task force on student retention has been established; the strategic plan is ready to go before the Faculty Conference; the Faculty Manual is ready for legal review; the STEP and LEAP programs are in the process of being combined.

Report of the Finance Committee
Dr. Tuttle reported that the University was in good financial condition, at this time.  He commented that Winthrop salaries are not competitive with the private sector, which has an impact on Winthrop employees.  Dr. Tuttle noted that Winthrop is largely in compliance at this time to address the Y2K problem, and should be in full compliance well before the deadline.

Dr. Tuttle concluded his report with an update on the Life Sciences building and the renovations to Sims, and by stating that Winthrop has a $26million deficit in the area of deferred maintenance needs.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Mr. Bob Gahagan reported the Winthrop men's basketball team was having an outstanding season thus far and urged all Trustees to attend the games.  He also briefly outlined the Capital Campaign timetable, and noted that admissions are up 15% over the previous year.

Mr. Gahagan concluded his report with an update on Winthrop's web-based applications, and informed the Board that Winthrop's web pages are now very competitive with other institutions.

Reports from the Representatives to the Board
A.   Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
      Dr. Tom Moore reported that he was optimistic that the Board and the President were
      ready to discuss problematic issues on campus and ready to move forward productively on
      said issues.

B.   Report from the President of the Student Government Association
      Mr. Trevor Beauford stressed to the Board that the students are, and should remain, the
      center of the Board's attention.

Report from the President
Dr. DiGiorgio presented a brief legislative update.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
Mr. White reported that Dr. Douglas Rucker, who had been appointed by a previous governor and had already continued past his designated term, had submitted his resignation.

David White adjourned the meeting at 2:35 pm.