Minutes of the Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees 
June 11, 1999

Members Present:  E. Thomas Crowson, Sanita Savage Frazier, Robert Gahagan, Anne K. Hall, Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Mary Jean Ligon, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, David White, Anthony DiGiorgio.

Representatives:  Tom Moore, Chair of Faculty Conference; Mamie Bush, President of the Student Government Association.

Members Absent:  None.

Staff Present:  Kathryn Holten, Secretary to the Board.

Call to Order
The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 11, 1999, in the Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall, on the Winthrop campus.  David White, Chair of the Board called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.

Guests included media representatives, faculty, staff and students.

Approval of Board Minutes of April 16, 1999
Mr. White called for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes; Mr. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Dr. Mary Jean Ligon, to adopt the minutes as presented.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Report of the Executive Committee
A.   Report on the Executive Session of June 10, 1999
Mr. White reported that the Executive Committee moved that Dr. DiGiorgio receive an "exceeds expectations" to be reported to the State Agency Head Salary Commission, as part of the process mandated by state law.  The motion passed with only one dissenting vote.

Mr. White offered the motion from the Executive Committee that Dr. DiGiorgio receive the highest salary increase possible within the State Agency Head Salary Commission.  The motion passed with only one dissenting vote.

Mr. White also offered the motion from the Executive Committee that Dr. DiGiorgio's contract be extended from June 30, 2000 to June 30, 2002.  Mr. White commented that Dr. DiGiorgio's performance merits a contract extension and the initiatives Winthrop is currently in the midst of require a long-term commitment.  The motion passed with only one dissenting vote.

B.  Resolution to Recommend to the Board of Trustees the Adoption of the 1999 Edition of the Faculty Manual
Mr. White offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
A.  Resolution to Confer Emeritus Status
Mr. Thompson offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

Dr. Betsy Brown reported that the B.A./B.S. in Environmental Studies had been approved and Dr. Roger Weikle reported that although Winthrop does not have an engineering program, the Masters degree in Software Engineering had been approved.

Mr. Thompson concluded his report by noting that the Honors Program and General Education had compatible programs.  He also commented briefly on AmeriCorps, the educational initiative in outreach and service learning.

Report of the Finance Committee
A.  Resolution Regarding the Tuition and Fee Schedule for 1999-2000
Dr. Skip Tuttle reported that as of June 11, the General Assembly had not determined the budget for the coming year.  The resolution was presented to authorize the Executive Committee to approve the Winthrop University budget for FY 1999-2000 and it passed unanimously.

B.  Resolution Authorizing Designated Members or Officers to Secure a Safe Deposit Box
Dr. Tuttle offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

Report of the University Relations Committee

A.  Resolution to Commend the Winthrop University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics on the Most Successful Season in its History
Mr. Bob Gahagan offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

Mr. Gahagan noted that the admissions report was very favorable in comparison to last year.  He also briefly reported on the Carowinds initiative and the Orientation program.

Mr. Gahagan concluded his report by playing a copy of the song, "Winthrop Man", made by two popular radio personalities in Lafayette, LA, Bruce and T.D.

Report of the Committee on Nominations
In a unanimous decision, David White was selected as Chair, Skip Tuttle was selected as Vice Chair and Sanita Savage Frazier was selected as Secretary to the Board.

Reports from the Representatives to the Board
A.   Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
       Dr. Thomas Moore thanked the Board for allowing him to participate in Executive Session.
       He also stated that faculty compensation is a larger package than just faculty salaries.  Dr.
       Moore asked the Board to consider funding issues such as summer salaries, professional
       development opportunities and travel funds as part of faculty compensation.

B.   Report from the President of the Student Government Association
       Ms. Mamie Bush thanked the Board for allowing her to participate in Executive Session.
       She reported that the Student Government Association was planning its annual retreat for
       August and that the SGA offices in Dinkins had been remodeled.  Ms. Bush noted that SGA
       members were participating in the upcoming orientation sessions and would promote being a
       Winthrop student and participation in SGA.

Report from the President

Dr. DiGiorgio stated that he appreciated the confidence of the Board and that he was committed to working hard for Winthrop University.  Dr. DiGiorgio concluded his report with a brief recap of the preceding year.

There was no old business.

There was no new business.

Executive Session
Mary Anne Lake moved to go into Executive Session; Anne K. Hall seconded.  Mr. White invited the President, the Secretary to the Board, the Faculty Representative and the Student Representative to remain in Executive Session.  Contractual arrangements and personnel matters were discussed in Executive Session with no action being taken by the Board.

David White adjourned the meeting at 3:30pm.