June 7, 2001
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees  

Members present:  Skip Tuttle (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Bob Gahagan, Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Pittman Owens, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, David White and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Larry Durham, Sanita Savage Frazier.

Representatives present:  Jim Johnston, Faculty Conference Chair.

Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 5:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Executive Session
Bob Thompson moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters and that the Faculty Representative be invited to participate.  Mary Jean Martin seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote.  The Board convened in Executive Session. 

Open Session
Chairman Tuttle announced that the Board had met in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and considering possible personnel action but stated that no action had been taken.

The Board adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.


June 8, 2001
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees


Members present:  Skip Tuttle (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Bob Gahagan, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Pittman Owens, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Larry Durham, Sanita Savage Frazier, Anne K. Hall.

Representatives present:  Jim Johnston, Faculty Conference Chair; Rodney Brown, Student Government Association President.

Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present:  Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 8, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Chairman Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 

Approval of Board Minutes of April 6, 2001
Bob Thompson moved to approve the Minutes as presented.  Mary Jean Martin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman Tuttle reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of May 30, 2001.  He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters and took one action, which the Committee brought to the Board for its consideration in the form of a resolution.

Chairman Tuttle also reported that the Executive Committee had an Executive Session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters and that no action was taken in the Executive Session.  After the conclusion of the Executive Session the Executive Committee agreed upon a resolution regarding the President's evaluation under the Agency Head Performance Evaluation process.  Chairman Tuttle stated that those matters had also been discussed in the Executive Session of the full Board held on June 7, 2001. 

Resolution Regarding 2000-2001 Performance Evaluation of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio
Chairman Tuttle offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Executive Committee and it was approved by voice vote with one dissenting vote cast by Thomas Crowson.

Resolution Regarding Contract for President Anthony J. DiGiorgio
Chairman Tuttle noted that the Resolution had not been brought by the Executive Committee but instead reflected the sense of the Board from its discussions in Executive Session on June 7. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by David White, that the Board approve the Resolution.  The motion was approved by voice vote with one dissenting vote cast by Thomas Crowson.

Chairman Tuttle noted that the Executive Committee had received numerous reports and updates but that he would leave that for Dr. DiGiorgio to cover in the President's Report.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had received an excellent presentation by Dean Roger Weikle and a student regarding field experience partnerships in general and, more specifically, a recent opportunity for students to conduct a marketing campaign for Griffin Motors.

Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status
Bob Thompson offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Academic Affairs Committee.  He noted that the 13 individuals recognized in the Resolution had a combined 331 years of service and devotion to Winthrop University.  Bob Thompson read the names of those receiving Emeritus Faculty Status: Clark B. Archer, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Blair E. Beasley, Professor of Theatre; Maeberta Bobb, Professor of Physical and Special Education; William W. Daniel, Professor of Philosophy and Religion; M. Gerald Fish, Professor of Geography; Kenneth W. Gregg, Associate Professor of Biology; Roy V. Magers, Assistant Professor of Music; John W. Milstead, Associate Professor of Sociology; David L.  Rankin, Professor of English; George H. Robinson, Associate Professor of Education; Mary Schweitzer, Professor of Anthropology; Joyce H. Veale-Goodwin, Assistant Professor of Education; and Earl J. Wilcox, Professor of English.  The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.  

President DiGiorgio noted that this was a bittersweet resolution since it meant that many of those honored would no longer be working with the university on a regular basis, although some would remain associated in some capacity.

Bob Thompson reported that the Academic Affairs Committee had received a report on faculty who had recently been promoted and/or awarded tenure.  He also noted that the Committee had discussed the draft report from the SACS reaffirmation team.  He reported that factual corrections were being submitted so that the site visitors can prepare a final version of the report.  Winthrop would then have to prepare a substantive response before a deadline of August 22nd.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had received an update from Dean Patricia Graham on the submission to the CHE of program plans for the BS in Middle Level Education and the MEd in Curriculum and Instruction.  It is anticipated that approval will be granted and these programs will commence during the 2002-03 academic year.  Bob Thompson also noted that the Committee had received updates on the Environmental BS and BA programs, which have now been approved by the CHE.  He stated that there may a delay in implementing the programs pending the filling of the Dalton Chair.

Bob Thompson further reported that the Committee had held a brief discussion on the General Education program and the current work being done on the next courses to be recommended as pilot courses.  He noted that plans for staffing a full General Education curriculum could not be fully prepared until the full curriculum package is prepared.

Report of the Finance Committee
Bob Gahagan reported that the Finance Committee had reviewed the $250,000 cut sustained during the past year as well as the House and Senate versions of the budget for the coming year.  He reviewed the impact of the House and Senate versions on the university budget and outlined the pending legislative proviso allowing institutions of higher education to raise tuition by the Higher Education Price Index ("HEPI") plus $125.  Bob Gahagan reviewed the amounts that would be generated by applying vacancy savings, increased student fees, and other direct funding cuts.  President DiGiorgio noted that room and board costs were also set to increase but by a much smaller percentage than tuition charges.  Bob Gahagan also noted that the General Assembly has not yet adopted a final budget. As a result, the Resolution proposed by the Finance Committee calls for delegation of authority to the Executive Committee to pass a final budget and, if required by legislative action, to amend the fee structure.

Resolution to Approve Student Fees for 2001-2002 and to Delegate 2001-2002   Budget Authority to the Executive Committee
Bob Gahagan offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee.  The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.                   

Bob Gahagan reported that the Finance Committee had reviewed the proposed sale of a small strip of property to the City of Rock Hill for the purpose of creating a right turn lane from Charlotte Avenue onto Cherry Road.  Skip Tuttle noted that the parking lot of The Bookworm would not be impacted.  David White noted that the improved traffic flow would likely improve ingress and egress for The Bookworm's customers.

Resolution to Approve Sale of .04+ Acres or Approximately 1,642 Square Feet of Land Located at the Intersection of Cherry Road and Charlotte Avenue
Bob Gahagan offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee.  The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.  

Bob Gahagan reported that the Finance Committee had received a presentation from Stephen Turner of the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation regarding the recent Charette to begin design of a long-term vision for "Old Town" Rock Hill.  Bob Gahagan reported that the Charette had produced some exciting possibilities, with Winthrop University clearly serving as an anchor in the planning scenarios.

Bob Gahagan also reported that the Finance Committee had received a presentation from Walter Hardin on numerous facilities projects including paving of campus roads, renovations to Wofford and Richardson residence halls, and designs for the Lois Rhame West Center.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Jane Shuler reported that the Committee had reviewed the progress of the Capital Campaign, which has reached a total of $22 million to date.  She also noted that a celebration marking the conclusion of the Campaign is scheduled for November 9, 2002.  Jane Shuler also reported that the Committee had received updates on the Annual Fund, which expects to raise over $585,000 and the Alumni Reunion Weekend, which hosted over 600 returning alumni.

Jane Shuler reported that the Committee had received a year-end report from the Athletics Department including a review of GPAs and graduation rates for student-athletes.  She noted strong showings in both measures, and pointed out that at 71% the graduation rate for student-athletes is higher than the overall graduation rate for Winthrop students.  Jane Shuler also reported that baseball player Jason Colson had been drafted in the seventh round by the Toronto Blue Jays and baseball player Jeremy Herauf had been named an All-American.  In addition, baseball player Ben Thurmond was invited to try out for the National Team.

Jane Shuler reported that the Committee had received updates on admissions, deposits, and the enrollment profile.  She noted a 9% increase in applications and stated that it is anticipated that the incoming freshman class will be 50 students larger than the last one.  Jane Shuler also reported on the new software system for processing financial aid and thanked Financial Aid Director Betty Whalen for the outstanding work on this project by the newly named Office of Financial Aid.  Jane Shuler reported that the Committee received an update on the food services contract, which was awarded to Aramark for a seven-year term.  She also noted that the Committee received a report from the Alcohol and Substance Policy Review Committee regarding the effectiveness of programs dealing with these issues.  Skip Tuttle noted that the recent Eagle Club auction in support of athletic scholarships had raised in excess of $70,000.

Report of the Committee on Nominations
Bob Thompson offered the following slate of officers for the 2001-2002 Board term in the form of a Motion from the Committee on Nominations: Skip Tuttle for Chairman, Bob Gahagan for Vice Chairman, and Mary Jean Martin Hall for Secretary.  Chairman Tuttle asked if there were any other nominations from the floor.  There were none.  Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Jane Shuler, that the slate presented by the Committee on Nominations be accepted.  The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.  

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Faculty Conference Chair Jim Johnston reported that, with one exception, the chairs of the Faculty Committees had been selected and that Marge Moody would be serving as Faculty Conference Secretary.  He also reported that summer school is underway and that a new four-day compressed schedule was being explored for implementation next year.  Jim Johnston also noted that faculty were playing an important role in the Orientation programs.  He reported that several faculty members are leading students in summer research and field experiences in distant places including Cuba, Peru, India, Brazil and Yellowstone National Park.

Jim Johnston reported that the library has added several databases as well as over 11,000 e-books.  He also noted that a wireless pilot program would be implemented in Dacus Library.  Jim Johnston also provided an update on activities of faculty in the Riley College of Education, noting their work with issues including AIDS, professional development schools, and nutritional supplements for student-athletes.

Jim Johnston reported that the coming academic year would be a pivotal year for the revision of General Education and that the combination of a budget shortfall and high enrollment could mean overloading some classes.  He also suggested that there may be some merit in proposing a biannual assessment of past and future initiatives.

Report from the Student Government Association President
Rodney Brown reported that the Student Government Association was engaged in their internal review and having a productive period of reflection on their aspirations.  He noted that students from all three branches of student government had been working diligently to construct a new constitution for the SGA and he expressed thanks to faculty and student development staff for assisting in this effort.  Rodney Brown stated that the aims of the SGA are to decrease quantity, maximize quality, create a higher level of prestige, and strive for distinction and excellence.  He stated that the students feel they will leave Winthrop University better than when they came through their work on this review.  Skip Tuttle expressed appreciation from the Board for the efforts of the members of the SGA.

Report from the Chair of the Board
Chairman Tuttle stated that the vast majority of the Board of Trustees was very much in support of the President and excited about the future as well as the past accomplishments of the university.  He pointed to the strong SACS report as a good example and noted that Winthrop's leadership is experienced and has the best interests of the university at heart.  He stated that it was his hope that President DiGiorgio would remain at Winthrop for a long time to come.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio thanked Chairman Tuttle for his comments and stated that he looked forward to the coming year.  He noted that the university remains on the rise despite the budget situation and that he had no doubt that Winthrop is on a trajectory to be one of the best institutions of its kind in the nation.  He thanked the Board members for their support and thanked his colleagues for their roles in accomplishing a great deal through consistent team effort.

President DiGiorgio reviewed the accomplishments of the past year, highlighting the SACS report, the maintenance of 100% accreditation, and the enrollment of the largest, most inclusive, and highest achieving student body in the history of the university.  He noted the substantial progress in community affairs marked by the Charette, the inclusion of Water Street and part of Myrtle Drive in the campus property, and the positive relations with the York County Council.  He also pointed to the 18,500 hours of community service volunteered by Winthrop students, faculty, and staff.  President DiGiorgio reviewed the academic and athletic accomplishments of Winthrop students as well as the progress made on facilities including the Ballpark, Sims, and residence halls.  He noted that a preliminary study of necessary renovations to the Dinkins Student Center had been completed and that discussions regarding a funding base for this project would continue in the coming year.

President DiGiorgio updated the Board on the progress being made on crafting appropriate municipal zoning for the university's properties and expressed hope that the issue would be resolved by the end of the summer.  He circulated the latest draft proposal from City of Rock Hill planning staff, noted some concerns about its language, and asked the Board members to review it and forward any comments or suggestions to him.

President DiGiorgio stated that spirits are high despite the budget clouds and that the Vision of Distinction being prepared for the coming year would be bold even though it will need to be accomplished with fewer resources.  He concluded by thanking the Trustees for all they do for Winthrop University.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
There was no New Business.

The Board adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.