November 2, 2001
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, , Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Glenda Owens, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).
Members absent: Sanita Savage Frazier, Mary Jean Martin, David White.
Representatives present: Jim Johnston, Faculty Representative; Rodney Brown, Student Representative.
Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.
Guests present: Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.
The Board of Trustees met on Friday, November 2, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
Call to Order
Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Approval of Board Minutes of June 7 and June 8, 2001
There were no revisions suggested so the Board unanimously approved the draft minutes
as presented.
Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman Tuttle reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met
in Rock Hill during the afternoon of October 10, 2001. He stated that the Executive
Committee reviewed and discussed several matters and took action to approve a Resolution
Authorizing the Issuance of State Institution Bonds and a related Resolution to Reimburse
Certain Expenditures from a Portion of the Proceeds of State Institution Bonds for
Winthrop University. These actions allow the University to apply to the Budget and
Control Board for the issuance of the remaining bonds for the completion of the renovation
of the Sims Building. The Committee also brought several items to the Board for its
consideration in the form of resolutions.
Resolution to Honor Bill Culp for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
Bob Thompson moved and Jane Shuler seconded the adoption of this Resolution and it
was adopted unanimously by voice vote. Chairman Tuttle read the Resolution and made
a presentation to Bill Culp, noting his personal appreciation for Mr. Culp as a mentor
and a man who had given so much of his life to the University. Mr. Culp expressed
his thanks to the University community. President DiGiorgio stated that Mr. Culp had
truly earned the name of "Mr. Winthrop".
Resolution to Honor Rodney Brown for Service to the Winthrop University Student Government
Association and the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Jane Shuler moved and Bob Thompson seconded the adoption of this Resolution and it
was approved unanimously by voice vote. Chairman Tuttle read the Resolution and made
a presentation to Rodney Brown, who expressed his thanks to the Board.
Resolution to Approve Implementation of Futuresteps 2002
Chairman Tuttle offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Executive
Committee and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Resolution to Adopt Revisions to Strategic Directions
Chairman Tuttle offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Executive
Committee and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Resolution in Support of the Old Town Renaissance Master Plan
Chairman Tuttle offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Executive
Committee and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Chairman Tuttle noted that other highlights of the Committee's meeting included a series of updates from the President on a number if items that would be covered during the course of the meeting.
Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Resolution to Offer Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Bob Thompson offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Academic Affairs
Committee and it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Bob Thompson reported that Vice President Wilson had reviewed the year's twenty-nine academic Goals and Objectives as set out in the Vision of Distinction. He noted that accreditation issues played a major role in many of these items.
Bob Thompson reported that Dean Andrew Svedlow had conducted the committee on a tour of the College of Visual and Performing Arts that included a marvelous series or presentations by dancers and artists.
Bob Thompson reported that the committee had a good discussion on General Education and that the group working on these issues was seeking feedback and moving toward a resolution. He noted that there would never be a "finished" product as General Education is by its nature a work in progress. He suggested placing General Education and larger issues of faculty compensation, teaching loads, training and professional development on the agenda for the Board's Retreat in February.
Report of the Finance Committee
Larry Durham and President DiGiorgio each provided background information on the history
and status of the University's budget given state rescissions announced earlier in
the week.
Resolution to Approve 2001-2002 Operating Budget
Larry Durham offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee.
The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.
Larry Durham reported that the Committee had received an update on renovations to the Sims Building and that the project is substantially complete. He also reported that Information Technology continues to update computer labs to ensure that there is no computer in a lab that is more than three years old. He also noted that the Coliseum has been connected to the campus fiber optic system through collaboration with the City of Rock Hill and that a number of internet kiosks have been set up on campus.
Larry Durham reported that billings and paychecks had been moved to a new automated system that will be more efficient and save costs. He also noted that the committee had reviewed the year's Goals and Objectives for the division of Business and Finance.
Report of the University Relations Committee
Bob Gahagan reported that the committee had reviewed the Goals and Objectives of the
Athletic Department, and the divisions of Student Life and University Advancement.
Bob Gahagan also reported that the committee had received a report from Renee Agner on her development of the Achieving Community Tolerance (ACT) initiative, a disciplinary program conducted by student leaders for those students who violate university policy. He noted that of the twenty-one students who have gone through the program, none have been repeat offenders. He introduced Renee Agner and commended her for the work done through the ACT program.
Bob Gahagan reported that the committee had received an update on campus crime prevention and he noted that Winthrop University would host a campus safety conference for the southeast region of the country in February. He also reported that there were 945 entering freshmen this year compared to 907 the year before.
Bob Gahagan also reviewed the recent events leading to the dissolution of the Student Government Association (SGA). He noted that the SGA had prepared a significant revision to its constitution but that only 142 students had voted on an approval referendum and that only 4 candidates had expressed interest in the SGA's 15 elected positions. Rodney Brown noted that his concern was to assure that student representatives would continue carry out the responsibilities and duties of the SGA and that he was comfortable with the plan designed by Dr. Frank Ardaiolo, Vice President for Student Life. Dr. Ardaiolo reviewed the plan to assemble an ad hoc Council of Student Leaders comprised of individuals already in leadership positions of major student organizations. He noted that this group would meet regularly to address student concerns and ensure that the responsibilities of the SGA would be carried out. In response to questions from Board members, Dr. Ardaiolo noted that this situation is in keeping with recent national trends. There was discussion on the possible need to revise the Board by-laws reflecting student representation to the Board and there was consensus that the new organization would need to be allowed time to find its footing before addressing the issue.
Bob Gahagan also reported that the Committee had been introduced to the new Head Volleyball Coach, Joel McCartney. Bob Gahagan noted that Birmingham Southern is joining the Big South Conference and that Gardner-Webb will be joining the Conference as a football member only. He reported that in the fall sports soccer was second in the Conference, volleyball was in third place, and that the cross-country team had won the Conference championship. He also noted that women's soccer was searching for its first head coach with competition scheduled to start in the fall of 2003.
Bob Gahagan reported that donations to the Annual Fund have continued to increase significantly despite the economic downturn but that the Capital Campaign has noticed a negative impact and it is probable that the Campaign will be extended.
Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Faculty Conference Chair Jim Johnston reported that progress continues to be made
on General Education and that it would be a featured topic of discussion at the next
meeting of the Faculty Conference. He stated that he was pleased to hear Bob Thompson's
suggestions for topics for the Retreat agenda, as many faculty members who oppose
General Education do so out of concerns on staffing issues.
Jim Johnston reported that a review of the CISM program was upcoming and that the Faculty Concerns Committee had met recently with President DiGiorgio to discuss a range of issues including salaries, the Bookworm, parking and the condition of the Bancroft building. Dr. Johnston also noted that advising was almost complete and that the new Wingspan program for registration is working very well, especially as a faculty pilot program is unfolding. He reported that faculty would be able to submit grades and conduct degree audits electronically using this program. He also commented on the seminars and workshops for new faculty conducted by the Office for Effective Teaching and the constructive response by the faculty to the September 11 terrorist attacks. He noted that Sponsored Programs and Research is doing a very good job of promoting grant opportunities, that the most recent Admissions Open House had included strong faculty representation, and that he had recently attended a meeting of the Council of Faculty Chairs, a group of faculty representatives from across the state that planned to conduct lobbying efforts for higher education funding.
Report from the Student Government Association President
Rodney Brown stated that it had been an honor to work with the Board and that the
trustees upheld high levels of ethics and achievements. He wished Dr. Ardaiolo well
in working with the new group of student representatives.
Report from the President
President DiGiorgio reported on the reaction of the campus community to the events
of September 11 and the significant efforts by faculty members to address the issues
arising from the situation through a series of fora. He reviewed the recent improvements
to campus facilities and encouraged Board members to visit the Farm, the Sims building,
and Water Street.
President DiGiorgio reported that about 47% of entering freshmen received either the LIFE or Palmetto scholarship and he noted that the lottery could also be a sea change in the financial aid picture. He also noted the temporary addition to the campus landscape of sculptures by art students.
President DiGiorgio also reported on the recent re-introduction of legislation in the U.S. Senate to earmark available funds for historic preservation to be used for facilities at historically women's state colleges. He noted that he was cautiously optimistic that the initiative would pass as there is support for it in several state's delegations.
Old Business
There was no Old Business.
New Business
There was no New Business.
Executive Session
Bob Gahagan moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of personnel
and contractual matters. Bob Thompson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously
by voice vote. The Board then convened in Executive Session. No actions were taken
in Executive Session.
Upon returning to public session, Watts Huckabee moved that the Board adjourn. The
Motion was seconded by Larry Durham and approved unanimously by voice vote.
Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.