February 8-10, 2002
Baruch Room, Joynes Conference Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Friday, February 8, 2002

Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, Sanita Savage Frazier, Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)

Members absent: E. Thomas Crowson, Glenda Owens, Jane Shuler

Representatives present: James Johnston, Faculty Council Chair

Board Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board

Others present: Hugh Hadsock, Jennifer Stanley (The Rock Hill Herald), and Winthrop University students, faculty and staff

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, February 8, 2002 at 2:45 p.m. in the Baruch Room of the Joynes Conference Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m

Public Comment
Winthrop University student Simon Moore commented on the need to re-establish the Student Government Association and asked for the Board to be supportive of student efforts in this regard.

Approval of Board Minutes of December 15, 2001
Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Mary Jean Martin, to approve the minutes as presented. This motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution in Honor of Dr. Gloria Godfrey Jones, Margaret M. Bryant Professor
Skip Tuttle reviewed the criteria for selection of the Margaret M. Bryant Professor and announced that Dr. Gloria Godfrey Jones had been designated as the Bryant Professor for the next four years. Bob Thompson moved and seconded the adoption of this Resolution and it was adopted unanimously by voice vote. Chairman Tuttle read the Resolution and made a presentation to Dr. Gloria Godfrey Jones. Dr. Jones thanked the Board and commented that she would not have been able to receive this recognition without a Department Chair and a Dean who encourage excellence.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman Tuttle reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of January 30, 2002. He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no action.

Chairman Tuttle noted that highlights of the Committee's meeting included a positive report on the progress of legislation to restructure the Board's membership. He also reported that President DiGiorgio had been asked to Chair the Commission on Higher Education's Strategic Plan Implementation Task Force and that Trustee Bob Thompson had been invited to serve as a business representative on the same Task Force. Chairman Tuttle reported that the University's Capital Campaign would be extended for one year, that applications for admissions have increased 23%, and that the process for rezoning all university property "Office/Institutional" has been completed by the City of Rock Hill.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had met and approved the minutes of its November meeting. He also reported that the Committee had given support for the distribution to the full Board of a memorandum authored by Bob Thompson regarding General Education. Bob Thompson noted that he hoped the memorandum would be a basis for discussing General Education issues during the course of the Retreat.

Report of the Finance Committee
Mary Jean Martin reported that the Committee had met and approved the minutes of its November meeting. She also reported that there were no other items on the Committee's agenda.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Bob Gahagan reported that the Committee had met but that there was not a quorum and so the minutes of its November meeting would have to be approved at the Committee's April meeting. He also reported that there were no other items on the Committee's agenda.

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Faculty Conference Chair James Johnston welcomed the Board members to campus and stated that he would save his remarks related to General Education and faculty compensation until those issues would be addressed during the Retreat.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio reported that much of the Retreat would be devoted to discussing continued growth in a qualitative way. He reviewed the status of the state budget, noting that it appeared there would be no cuts announced in February but that it is still possible additional rescissions would be called for before the end of the fiscal year. He also reported on the status of lottery funds legislation and the Governor's proposal to fund endowed chairs at the state's research universities. He also noted the efforts underway to convert USC-Beaufort into a four-year institution, possibly without approval being required from the General Assembly.

President DiGiorgio reported on the real decline in state funding support for higher education over the past twelve years and how the state's financial situation would have to inform the Board's discussions during the course of the Retreat. He reviewed the history of the financing of the Sims Science Building as an example and invited Board members to tour the new facility during its Open House following the Board meeting.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
Chairman Tuttle introduced Hugh Hadsock to the Board, noting that Mr. Hadsock is one of the two candidates for two seats on the Board to be elected by the General Assembly. Chairman Tuttle stated that Mr. Hadsock had been invited to attend the Retreat and welcomed him.

At 3:20 p.m. the Board recessed until Saturday, February 9 at 9:00 a.m. The Board members toured the newly renovated Sims Science Building on the afternoon of Friday, February 8. In the evening the Board members attended a dinner at the home of Trustee David White and a theatre production on the campus of Winthrop University. The Board took no actions during these events.

Saturday, February 9, 2002

Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, Sanita Savage Frazier, Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)

Members absent: E. Thomas Crowson, Glenda Owens

Representatives present: James Johnston, Faculty Council Chair

Board Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board

Others present: Hugh Hadsock, Karl Folkens, Chrissie Needham, Jennifer Stanley (The Rock Hill Herald) and Winthrop University staff

The Board of Trustees met on Saturday, February 9, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. in the Baruch Room of the Joynes Conference Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. He introduced and welcomed Karl Folkens noting that Mr. Folkens is one of the two candidates for two seats on the Board to be elected by the General Assembly. Chairman Tuttle stated that Mr. Folkens had been invited to attend the Retreat. Chairman Tuttle also introduced Chrissie Needham, Chair of the Council of Student Leaders, and noted that Ms. Needham had been invited by the Executive Committee to attend the Retreat to offer a student perspective on issues under consideration.

Chairman Tuttle noted that the Board would be considering many issues related to growth and the Board's responsibility to accommodate growth opportunities.

"Campus Development and Growth"
President DiGiorgio reviewed the facilities needs addressed in the past year, including projects that had been completed and those that remain in progress. He then made a presentation to the Board outlining facilities needs and funding sources, noting capital projects with funding expectations and those needs where funding had not been identified or obtained. Trustees encouraged the President to proceed with the plans and timelines as outlined. The President noted that he would keep the Board updated on the progress of individual items and come to the Board for action as appropriate in the implementation of the plans outlined.

Stephen Turner, Director of the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation ("RHEDC"), then joined the meeting and made a presentation to the Board regarding the progress of the Old Town Renaissance project and the next steps to be considered, including planning for light rail service and other ideas related to refurbishing and developing the "Textile Corridor" area between the Winthrop University campus and the downtown area of Rock Hill.

Executive Session
Larry Durham moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of contractual matters. Mary Jean Martin seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Board then convened in Executive Session. No actions were taken in Executive Session. David White moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board return to Open Session.

Resolution Delegating Authority to Executive Committee to enter into Cooperative Planning Agreement

David White moved, seconded by Bob Gahagan, that the Board delegate authority to its Executive Committee to work toward, and make a final determination on, a Cooperative Planning Agreement with the RHEDC and other appropriate parties along the lines and terms presented for consideration during the Executive Session. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Lunch Recess and Bus Tour
Members of the Board then took a lunch recess, followed by a bus tour of the campus and surrounding area. No actions were taken during these events.

"Ventures" Update and Review of Growth Implications
President DiGiorgio made a presentation to the Board updating progress in the past year on initiatives for the University. Among the topics on which he reported were how the University was sustaining excellence through maintaining accreditations, making final decisions about revising the General Education curriculum, taking steps to renew the intellectual climate of the campus, revitalizing existing degree programs, and exploring new degree programs. The President also outlined progress in the areas of infusing global perspectives, technology and leadership throughout the Winthrop community and educational experience. President DiGiorgio concluded by discussing the need to create dedicated revenue streams for quality enhancements in the areas of faculty and staff salaries and professional development, technology, and capital projects.

President DiGiorgio then made a presentation regarding data on recent growth and the costs associated with projected or potential growth in terms of staffing, facilities, and related matters.

The Board recessed until Sunday, February 10 at 9:00 a.m. During the evening of Saturday, February 9 members of the Board of Trustees attended a dinner at the Winthrop Coliseum and then attended a Men's Basketball Game. The Board took no actions during these events.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), Larry Durham, Sanita Savage Frazier, Bob Gahagan, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)

Members absent: E. Thomas Crowson, Anne K. Hall, Glenda Owens

Representatives present: James Johnston, Faculty Council Chair

Board Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board

Others present: Hugh Hadsock, Karl Folkens, Jennifer Stanley (The Rock Hill Herald), and Winthrop University staff

The Board of Trustees met on Sunday, February 10, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. in the Baruch Room of the Joynes Conference Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

General Education
President DiGiorgio and Faculty Conference Chair Jim Johnston reviewed recent developments and discussions related to revising the General Education curriculum. Bob Thompson reviewed the memorandum that he had brought to the Academic Affairs Committee, noting that he had circulated the memorandum to give the Board an opportunity to once again state its support for the process and a desire to see it come to a timely conclusion reflecting the original goals and principles. There was discussion of how the Board should formally express this view and questions regarding the timeline for implementation of the revised curriculum assuming its adoption during Spring 2002. Bob Thompson offered language for a resolution as follows:

Whereas, the core curriculum represents Winthrop University's values and beliefs which it wishes to transmit to the young people with whom we are entrusted; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University wishes to reaffirm the importance of the General Education curriculum to Winthrop's aspirations for distinction;

Therefore let it be resolved that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees applauds the progress to date by our faculty; encourages and supports the process established by the faculty for General Education reform; reaffirms our belief in the principles and objectives involved; and urges timely movement toward this important goal.

Bob Gahagan moved formal adoption of this Resolution by the Board. The motion was seconded by Mary Jean Martin and adopted unanimously by voice vote.

Compensation and Professional Development
President DiGiorgio reviewed the context of Winthrop University's salaries, noting that state increases had not kept up with the consumer price index over the past dozen years. He stated that it was clear that the Board could not realistically look to the state for funds to redress this situation and suggested consideration be given to developing a dedicated revenue stream for this purpose. There was discussion regarding the recent study of faculty salaries conducted by members of Winthrop's faculty and the need to examine salaries by discipline, not simply by institutional average due to the differing program mix at various universities. There was also discussion of the role to date of the Futuresteps initiative and how this effort might be folded into a new approach to funding salaries and professional development. There was then a discussion of the need to distribute any new funds according to merit rather than "across the board" and a need to make increases related to faculty promotion more significant. Finally, there was discussion as to the proper charge for the Board to give to the President so that he could prepare recommendations for the Board's consideration. The following Resolution was then proposed:

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University continues to actively support the qualitative advancement of the University; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University wishes to support additional quality enhancements that will lead to the achievement of distinction by the University in the forms of:

  • A dedicated revenue stream for increased support for faculty and staff salary improvements and professional development opportunities;
  • Continuation of dedicated revenue streams for technological advancement and support of selected capital projects not funded through state capital bond bills or auxiliary fees and revenues;

Therefore let it be resolved that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees charges the President of Winthrop University to develop alternative plans to determine the ways and means through tuition and revenue policies and by productivity gains that would accomplish those ends.

Bob Gahagan moved that the Board formally adopt this Resolution. Bob Thompson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. President DiGiorgio advised that he would update the Board at its April meeting and bring forward a plan for consideration at the Board's June meeting.

Board Self-Assessment
The Board discussed several issues related to its own activities and its relations with various University constituencies. Suggestions included continuing to provide comparative data with peer institutions on a wide range of criteria, reconstituting the Board of Visitors with an emphasis on geographic diversity, considering revisions to the Board's committee structure and locations for Board meetings, encouraging individual trustees to develop strong working relationships with members of their local legislative delegations, annualizing Board/legislator workshops, and developing additional opportunities for trustees to interact with students.

Bob Gahagan moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 11:35 a.m.