February 7-9, 2003
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
Friday, February 7, 2002

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present:  Bob Gahagan (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Polly Ford, Hugh Hadsock, Jr., A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Owens, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Sanita Savage Frazier, Reginald Lloyd.

Representatives present:  Marilyn Smith, Faculty Council Chair; Andrew Markners, Council of Student Leaders Chair

Board Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Others present:  Members of the media and Winthrop University students, faculty and staff.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, February 7, 2003 at 1:45 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room in Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Bob Gahagan called the meeting to order at 1:45 p.m.

Approval of Board Minutes of November 8, 2002
Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Larry Durham, to approve the minutes as presented.  This motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution in Honor of Dr. Ross Webb
Bob Gahagan reviewed the many roles and accomplishments of Dr. Ross Webb, most recently as University Historian and author of The Torch is Passed, the official history of the university. Bob Thompson read the proposed Resolution and moved its adoption.  The motion was seconded by Polly Ford and approved unanimously by voice vote.  Chairman Gahagan and Bob Thompson made a presentation to Dr. Webb, who thanked the Board and commented that he was deeply moved and touched by the Resolution.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman Gahagan reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of January 22, 2003.  He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no action.  He reported that the Executive Committee had taken action at its October meeting on two recommendations for changes in the Board by-laws.  As the by-laws require thirty days notice to all trustees of any proposed changes, the Executive Committee waited until this meeting to bring the items to the floor for consideration and possible action by the full Board.

Resolution amemding by-laws of the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University regarding the Student Representative to the Board
The resolution was offered as a motion of the Executive Committee and no second was required.  The motion to adopt the Resolution was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution amending by-laws of the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University regarding Officers and membership of the Executive Committee
The resolution was offered as a motion of the Executive Committee and no second was required.  There was discussion of the distinction between appointees and designees, as well as the different roles played by individuals in these capacities and those elected by the General Assembly and the Alumni Association.  There was also discussion on the approaches taken by other boards in South Carolina with similar distinctions in their membership.  Karl Folkens inquired if it would appropriate to offer a Motion to Amend the motion on the floor and Chair Bob Gahagan stated that he felt such a motion would not be in order given the thirty-day notice rule set forth in the by-laws for amendments to those by-laws.  Bob Thompson called the previous question.  A voice vote was taken with Karl Folkens and Watts Huckabee opposing the previous question and the remaining trustees in attendance voting in favor.  A voice vote was then taken on the motion of the Executive Committee to adopt the Resolution.  Watts Huckabee voted in opposition to the motion and the remaining trustees in attendance all voted in favor, so the Resolution was adopted as presented.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Bob Thompson had no report as the only item on the Committee's agenda was approval of its prior minutes.

Report of the Finance Committee
Mary Jean Martin had no report as the only item on the Committee's agenda was approval of its prior minutes.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Glenda Owens had no report as the only item on the Committee's agenda was approval of its prior minutes.

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Faculty Conference Chair Marilyn Smith stated that the final General Education revision package had been circulated to Faculty Conference in advance of a discussion and vote on February 21.  She also noted that an implementation team had been formed to oversee those issues until the appointment of a Director of General Education.  She reported that  the Academic Vice President Search Committee had almost completed its work and would be reporting to the President next week.  She commended Search Committee Chair James Johnston and staff member Karen Jones for their outstanding work on the search process.

Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
Council of Student Leaders Chair Andrew Markners presented a written report detailing the activities of the Council.  He expressed his appreciation to the Board for their dedication to students reflected in the action taken to amend the by-laws to ensure continued student representation.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio reported that there was a great deal happening at the state capital on several fronts but that there was also a lot of "wait and see" as legislators and staff try to get a clear sense of priorities that will be set by the new Governor.  He reported that two bills had been introduced to set limits on budget spending increases along the lines of the model enacted by the State of Colorado.  He also noted the discussions among legislators of a possible $1 billion budget shortfall for the coming fiscal year the rescissions and cutbacks that would be enacted under such circumstances.

President DiGiorgio briefed the Board on his presentations to the House Ways and Means Higher Education Subcommittee on behalf of both Winthrop and the Council of Presidents, noting that the committee had been very receptive to the institutions' efforts to work together on common goals.  President DiGiorgio reported that limits on tuition and fees for the coming year was still an open question, with possibilities including provisos allowing market flexibility, the Higher Education Price Index plus $250, and an outright freeze on increases.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
There was no new business.

At 2:20 p.m. the Board recessed until Saturday, February 8 at 9:00 a.m.  The Board members attended the dedication of the Courtyard residence hall and toured the newly constructed facility on the afternoon of Friday, February 7.  In the evening the Board members attended a reception and dinner at the McLaurin galleries, followed by comments from guest speaker Constantine Curris, President of the American Association of State Colleges & Universities.  The Board took no actions during these events.


Saturday, February 8, 2003
Members present:  Bob Gahagan (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Polly Ford, Sanita Savage Frazier, Hugh Hadsock, Jr., A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Owens, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Reginald Lloyd.

Representatives present:  Marilyn Smith, Faculty Council Chair; Andrew Markners, Chair of the Council of Student Leaders.

Board Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Others present:  Erica Pippins (The Rock Hill Herald), Dr. Dwight Dimaculangan, J.P. McKee, Amanda Maghsoud, DeeAnna Brooks.

The Board of Trustees met on Saturday, February 8, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in the Baruch Room of the Joynes Conference Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Bob Gahagan called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

University Accounting 101
Vice President for Finance and Business J.P. McKee and Associate Vice President Amanda Maghsoud made a presentation on the new accounting standards implemented by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB).  They highlighted the changes that require institutions of higher education to no longer reflect state appropriations as revenue, resulting in what appears to be major operating losses.  The new standards also require capital assets to be depreciated, which has a major effect on Winthrop's accounting of its older facilities.

Update on Quality Enhancement Initiatives
President DiGiorgio provided a report to the Board on progress made in the past year on plans for technology enhancements through use of the technology fee and grants from lottery funds to provide faculty and student labs with up to date computers and to upgrade designated classrooms with "smart classroom" technology.  Marilyn Smith and Dwight Dimaculangan of the Biology Department provided examples of how they utilize these technologies to enhance learning.  Trustees expressed interest in having a demonstration of smart classrooms as a part of the April Board meeting.  There was also discussion of increasing technology support services for faculty and students.

President DiGiorgio also reported on the progress made in the area of salary enhancements.  He noted that between the final installment of Futuresteps and the first installment in the Salary Enhancement Initiative a total of $2.1 million dollars had been annualized in salary improvements.  He also reported that preliminary data from the Commission on Higher Education had shown that Winthrop had been in 9th place in 2000-2001 among comprehensive institutions in South Carolina for overall average faculty salaries.  He stated that with the infusion of the additional funds Winthrop has moved to 3rd place in overall average faculty salaries.  He noted that this was consistent with the intent of the Salary Enhancement program to move the university to a leadership position among its state peers. President DiGiorgio also reported that the state context for salary increases is worse than ever and that it is unlikely that next year's salary enhancement program will be as dramatic although the same principles would be used in implementing it.  There was discussion of Clemson University's policy of one-time merit bonuses, with many participants expressing concern and disapproval of such an approach.

Quality Conditions for Growth
President DiGiorgio then made a presentation regarding data on recent growth and the costs associated with projected or potential growth in terms of staffing, facilities, and related matters. He suggested examining methods of handling growth including improved cycling of courses and utilization of classrooms.  There was discussion of more carefully utilizing faculty strengths.  There was also discussion of whether the quality of the Winthrop experience would be damaged by growth per se or whether the experience could be translated effectively on a larger scale.  There was clear consensus that maintaining the Winthrop experience should be paramount in any exploration of continued growth in the size of the university's populations.

Executive Session
Bob Thompson moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of contractual matters and invited the faculty and student representatives to participate in the discussion.  Skip Tuttle seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote.  The Board then convened in Executive Session. No actions were taken in Executive Session.  Mary Jean Martin moved, seconded by Skip Tuttle, that the Board return to Open Session.

The Board recessed until Sunday, February 9 at 9:00 a.m.  During the evening of Saturday, February 9 members of the Board of Trustees attended a Women's Basketball Game at the Winthrop Coliseum and then a dinner at the President's House.  The Board took no actions during these events.


Sunday, February 9, 2003
Members present:  Bob Gahagan (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Polly Ford, Sanita Savage Frazier, Hugh Hadsock, Jr., A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Owens, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Reginald Lloyd.

Representatives present:  Marilyn Smith, Faculty Council Chair; Andrew Markners, Chair of the Council of Student Leaders.

Board Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Others present:  Erica Pippins (The Rock Hill Herald), DeeAnna Brooks.

The Board of Trustees met on Sunday, February 9, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. in the Baruch Room of the Joynes Conference Center at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Bob Gahagan called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.  Before moving to the established agenda there was brief discussion about an article in The Rock Hill Herald on Winthrop's success in diversity matters as well as a review of the list of current university bonds.

General Education and Critical Issues Symposium
President DiGiorgio and Faculty Conference Chair Marilyn Smith reviewed recent developments and discussions related to revising the General Education curriculum and the Critical Issues Symposium (CISM).  There was discussion of how CISM was being redesigned in a proposal to recast the one-hour seminar as "Principles of the Learning Academy" designed to anchor a more coherent freshman year experience with an orientation to the culture and expectations of the University, including an emphasis on academic integrity and plagiarism issues.

There was also discussion of the pending search for directors of General Education and the new Principles course as part of a team dedicated to the purposes of the revised curriculum. 

President's Task Force on the Nature and Character of the University
Task Force Chair Brien Lewis presented an update on the activities of the Task Force and responses from across campus to its Draft Statement on the Nature and Character of the University.  There was discussion of ways to include alumni and other stakeholders in the dialogue as well of how the eventual product of the Task Force's work might impact the Mission Statement, the Vision Statement, and the setting of institutional priorities.

Potpourri of Issues
President DiGiorgio briefly noted some issues of interest including exploring ways to reduce the basic academic load by one course to a 12-hour/9-hour model.  He also reported that legislation has been drafted to remove the research universities from CHE's jurisdiction and that such a move could lead to separate Boards of Regents for each of the three sectors of higher education.

Board Self-Assessment
The Board discussed several issues related to its own activities and its committee structure.  Among the items examined were the role of the Board Chair, the impact of the increasing geographical diversity of the Board, the interest in exploring issues in greater depth and the competing requirement of additional time to do so.  There was no clear consensus on particular approach to adopt and Chair Bob Gahagan indicated that he would ask groups of trustees to discuss options in greater detail and report back recommendations to the Board in the near future.

Skip Tuttle moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board adjourn.  The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.