June 3, 2005
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present: Mary Jean Martin (Chair), Kathy Bigham, Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Leland Cox, Janet Smalley, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Sanita Savage, Bob Thompson, Donna Tinsley, Skip Tuttle, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)

Members absent: None

Representatives present: Rich Fowler, Student Representative; Marilyn Smith, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University; Sue Smith Rex, Tim Daugherty and invited guests

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 3, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Martin called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. She welcomed Dr. Tim Daugherty and Dr. Sue Smith Rex to the Board meeting as future faculty representative to the Board and At-large Representative to the Board, respectively.


Approval of Board Minutes of April 8, 2005

Lee Cox moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board approve the minutes. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Report of the Executive Committee

Chair Martin reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on May 18, 2005. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Most of the issues that were discussed will be or have already been a part of today's agendas.


The Executive Committee asked that the Board consider the following Resolutions:

  1. Resolution Honoring Robert L. Thompson for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
  2. Resolution Honoring J. Marilyn Smith for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
  3. Resolution Honoring Richard B. Fowler for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
  4. Resolution Regarding 2004-2005 Performance Evaluation of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio
  5. Resolution Regarding Contract of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio

All resolutions passed unanimously.

The Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.


Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

Chair Thompson summarized the report from Vice President Tom Moore beginning with a discussion the personnel changes about to take place including departure of Dr. Andrew Svedlow, Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts who will be replaced by Dr. Don Rogers, chair of the Music Department as interim dean. Additional changes include:

Dr. Joe Prus — New Chair of the Psychology Department

Dr. Gloria Jones — Chair of English Department (from Co-Chair)

Dr. Marge Tebo-Messina — Director, Teaching and Learning Center (from Co-Chair of the English Department)

Dr. Andrew Vorter-Brugge recently hired as chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance after the completion of a national search.

Mr. Thompson gave the following overview of grants in progress:

  1. TRIO — Received this grant which provides academic support for low income, first generation, disabled students. A director and support staff are to be hired to manage the program with its funds of $200,000 per year for four years.
  2. INBRE — Waiting on final approval for the grant which amounts to $325,000/year for five years.
    He then discussed the upcoming AAC&U — Greater Expectations Institute which Winthrop has been invited to for the third time. Attendees will include: Dr. Tom Moore, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Frank Ardaiolo, Vice President for Student Life; Dr. Debra Boyd, Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences; Mr. Brien Lewis, Dean of University College; Dr. Adolphus Belk, Assistant Professor of Political Science; and Dr. Anne Olsen, Assistant Professor of Computer Science.


Academic Unit Updates

College of Arts & Sciences: The committee reviewed the 2005 undergraduate research book of abstracts which covers two-thirds of the research projects done over the past year.

College of Business Administration: it was noted that Winthrop was one of twenty-five participating institutions and one of two schools invited to send its business students to the General Motors Institutional Marketing program competition final round in Atlanta in addition to the Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team that went to Kansas City for the national competition. The College of Business Administration reported a successful new faculty recruitment period which resulted in hiring five of six top choices this year leaving a failed search.

Riley College of Education: the Teaching fellows program had an excellent experience in the Dominican Republic which involved three faculty members and twenty-nine students. Five schools were visited with focus on English as a second language. Secondary education enrollment levels show increase and there has been a good response to new mid-level education program.

College of Visual and Performing Arts: Along with the successful spring/summer productions from theatre and dance, the college is looking forward to welcoming Dr. Andrew Vorter-Brugge as chair of Theatre and Dance.

Dacus Library: the good news is that PASCAL was approved over the governor's veto. The use of the PASCAL system has resulted in a large reduction in costs statewide for the inter-library loan process.

University College: various personnel searches are underway for the upcoming year: TRIO director search; ACAD director search; International Center director; and Residence Learning Coordinators

Graduate Studies: Graduate program reviews are continuing.


Report of the Finance Committee

Chair Skip Tuttle reported on the following items:

  • Briefing by External Auditors on impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act and SAS 99 by Wayde Dawson, Cline Brandt Kochenower and Company, P.A. Mr. Dawson discussed various ways in which the Board could prevent possible fraud. However, at this time, there have been no cases of fraud on campus.
  • Review of 2004-2005 Allocation Status Report. VP McKee reported that the 2005 is expected to finish in the black. Housing revenues were as expected as were other indicators.
  • Review of 2005-2006 Allocation Status Report Projection: Salary improvements are responsible for $2.6 million of the 2006 budget. It is important to note that the state of South Carolina mandated that we increase our salaries by 4%, a total $1.6 million dollar amount. The state appropriations only amounted to $795,000, the remainder to be funded by Winthrop.
  • Updates on Summer Projects: Mr. Manning Gibson updated the committee on various projects on campus including the relocation of the D.B. Johnson Bust, the Sims Cold Room, plumbing in Phelps, new study rooms in the residence halls, and the new classroom addition.


Report of the University Relations Committee

Chair Glenda Pittman Owens reported on the following items:


Intercollegiate Athletics

GPA: Overall, the athletic teams have had improved Spring 2005 GPAs as compared to the Fall 2004 GPAs including a significant improvement in Men's Golf. Highlights of the year in review included five conference championships that resulted in five NCAA regional appearances, a regular season championship in softball, the most championships in a single year, and a third place finish in the Sasser Cup competition.
Track Update: the track is to be completed by mid-July with a scoreboard and timing system to be completed at a later time.


Division of University Advancement

Assistant Director of University Relations: Ms. Monica Bennett has recently been named to this position. Ms. Bennett brings a wealth of information and experience to us and is a welcome addition to our campus.

Update on Alumni Reunion Celebration weekend: reunion classes included those with years ending in "5" and "0." Alumni and staff continue to discuss how to include all classes reunions at Homecoming.

Update on Ring Ceremony: More than 90 students (of the 130 who purchased a ring) and their families participated in the event.

Review of Winthrop website enhancements: new enhancements include an updated Farm area map, Education by Design power point presentations, online version of Joel Nichols' photography exhibition, and a Lois Rhame West center video cam to capture the progress of the new building.


Division of Student Life

Admissions Report for Fall 05: applications are definitely higher than ever before. However, many of those applications are administered by Royall company and are completed on-line, therefore a yield rate is not known. Orientation deposits are lower than expected but the staff is working to inform students about our new housing requirements.

Review of Residence Life Marketing Initiatives for Fall 05: The committee reviewed the comprehensive marketing campaign to promote the many new programmatic and dining options available to resident students this fall ranging from free laundry and movies to academic success floors.

Update on Recreational Sports Fields Construction: the construction of the two new sports fields at the Farm is underway and use of those fields should be available by the fall semester. Lighting and storage facilities will be addressed during the fall semester.

Review of ACAD 350, the new Introduction to Peer Leadership Course: Nine students participated in this class meant to be the basis for a distinctive leadership program for Winthrop University. Dr. Ardaiolo designed the course to accommodate up to 18 students per semester.


Report from Faculty Representative

Dr. Marilyn Smith reported on the following items in reference to the faculty at Winthrop University. Faculty Conference met April 22. On or before the meeting, committees for 05-06 were in place and had elected new chairs.

Academic Council reported on dropping the minor in Mass Communications and slight modifications to eight programs. In addition they brought forth the following items for faculty vote:

  • A refinement to the general education program regarding writing requirements.
  • Extended the rule of a maximum of 36 hours in the major by up to six extra hours, unless limited by the major program.

Dr. John Bird reported that the Faculty Concerns Committee had considered:

  1. Winthrop's position in regard to faculty participation in controversial or partisan issues
  2. Questions about the workplace violence policy and process
  3. The Smoke-Free campus proposal and policy
  4. Administrators who had Faculty/Staff status
  5. Concerns about identity theft in regard to using Social Security Numbers on forms such as the Travel Reimbursements
  6. The starting date of the spring semester
  7. The perceived lack of management of the golf course
  8. Parking
  9. Faculty/Salary raises

In April, the Task Force on Academic and Institutional Integrity sponsored a Panel Discussion on Academic Integrity and a presentation on Academic Integrity by Dr. Dan Wueste, Director for the Rutland J. Center for Ethnics at Clemson University. This group has started some good and timely discussions on campus, and this work will continue in some way next year.


Report from the Student Representative

Council of Student Leaders President Richard Fowler reported the following to the Board:

  • The Relay for Life has only been a part of Winthrop University for a few years but, this year we did raise $24,000 for cancer research and the students are very proud of their efforts.
  • Academic Integrity: The students have enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of this multi-year discussion and are looking forward to the panel presentation next week (which is a cultural event.)
  • Space Use Policy: Students are satisfied with the current space use policy however, they are looking forward to the time when the Campus center is available to them.
  • Homecoming: was popular again this year. Students were very involved and hope to expand their involvement next year.


Report from the President

President DiGiorgio began his report by extending a welcome to Drs. Tim Daugherty and Sue Smith-Rex as well as Mr. Willie Lyles, who will formally join the board in Fall 2006.

President DiGiorgio then updated the Board on a number of issues related to the State Budget by discussing the budget as recently passed by the House and Senate.

No substantial cut in operating funds from last year and restoration of previous appropriations are not expected therefore, our operating budget will not be increased with no adjustment for inflation or our growth in student enrollment.

A 4% pay raise that will require $800,000 in Winthrop funds due to the State budget only providing $795,000 of the mandated pay increase.

The pool of lottery funds for technology needs is expected to be $100,000 less which may impact our IT fees.

PASCAL funding has been increased for a second year. We have seen palatable savings from this funding.

Appropriations of $1 million for construction of an auditorium for Winthrop's College of Business Administration have been agreed upon. We will need to located additional sources of funding for the remainder of the proposed project.

National Updates of Higher Education: trend is for community and junior colleges (traditionally 2 year schools) to begin to offer 4 year degrees as did Trident Tech. The state of Arizona has taken a stand to prevent this from happening. Florida is in the decision-making stage and will soon make a decision on this matter.

Modified Summer Work Schedule: takes effect on June 2. Most offices will be staffed 8:00 am to 5:30 pm from Monday through Thursday and 8:00 am to 11:00 on Fridays. This modified schedule will not be extended to offices that must be accessible to the public such as the President's Office, Financial Aid, Cashier's Office, and Public Safety.

Common Book and City of Rock Hill: Mayor Echols and the City Council have declared the first week of classes at Winthrop University to be Common Book Week. All book clubs in the area will receive information about our book, A Hope in the Unseen, for their members to adopt as a club selection. The York County Library also plans to sponsor an event with Cedric Jennings, the subject of the book.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

There was no new business.


Executive Session

Lee Cox, seconded by Janet Smalley, that the Board move into Executive Session for discussion of legal matters. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. The Executive Session was conducted and no actions were taken. Karl Folkens then moved, seconded by Glenda Owens, that the Board go back into Public Session. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.



Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Kathy Bigham, that the Board adjourn. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2004-05.