November 11, 2005 - 1:00 pm
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Members present: Karl Folkens (Chair), Kathy Bigham, Larry Durham, Mary Jean Martin, Leland Cox, Janet
Smalley, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Sanita Savage, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley,
Skip Tuttle, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)
Members absent: None
Representatives present: Willie Lyles, III, Student Representative; Tim Daugherty, Faculty Representative
Representatives absent: None
Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Karen Behr
The Board of Trustees met on Friday, November 11, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey
Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.
Call to Order
Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. As there were no requests made
for public comments, the meeting began with the acknowledgement of staff members who
are taking on new assignments and a welcome to our newest employee.
Dr. Wilhelmenia Rembert, Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies, will be returning
to her home department, Social Work, to assist with the new Masters program.
Ms. Colleen Hodgdon, administrative assistant in the President's office, will be transferring
to the Office of Human Resources.
Ms. Darlene Ledwell, Ms. Hodgdon's replacement, was introduced to the Board and will
be assuming her new duties mid-November.
Approval of Board Minutes of June 2 and June 3, 2005
Dr. Sue Smith-Rex moved, seconded by Dr. Polly Ford, that the Board approve the minutes.
This motion was approved unanimously as presented by voice vote.
Report of the Executive Committee
Chair Folkens reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on October 25,
2005. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting
have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Most of the issues that were
discussed will be or have already been a part of today's agendas.
The Executive Committee asked that the Board consider the following Resolutions:
The Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel,
and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.
Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Chair Cox summarized the report from Vice President Tom Moore beginning with a review
of 2005-06 VOD Academic Program Initiatives and Goals and Objectives for the Division
of Academic Affairs. Satisfactory progress was reported for the continuation of the
General Education program with the implementation of RTW 101. The English department
is carrying a heavy load because of the introduction of the new General Education
requirements as well as finishing the requirements of the former program.
Students are enjoying more service opportunities as well as more are taking advantage
of our study abroad programs.
All accreditations are progressing as expected. For those programs without accrediting
bodies, a pilot program is being developed by the departments of Political Science,
History, and English to develop an internal process which would be subject to external
review in the following year. If this pilot program proves successful, the program
would be expanded in the future to encompass additional programs that do not have
accrediting bodies.
The report on Academic Leadership Retreat and AAC&U Greater Expectations Institute
summarized the movement toward Deep Learning on the Winthrop campus. As we move forward
with student engagement and assessment, we will continue to develop the kinds of learning
experiences we want students to have.
The report on personnel searches included the need to restructure the Office of Institutional
Research and Assessment and an update on the searches for VPA Dean and Associate VP
of Graduate Studies.
Chair Cox summarized the Academic Affairs committee meeting by highlighting the robust
number of publications by faculty and students, the many grants awarded such as the
TRIO grant, the numerous presentations such as the one by Jeffrey Lacker of the Federal
Reserve Board, and the absolute success of the learning community floors in the residence
Report of the Finance Committee
Chair Skip Tuttle began his report with the briefing by External Auditors on impact
of Sarbanes-Oxley Act and SAS 99. The committee has recommended that the Internal
Auditor make a report at the April Committee meeting and present an audit plan for
the upcoming year to the Board during Executive Session for its approval.
He continued with a review of the presentation of Financial Statements by External
Audit FirmThe External Auditor's report shows that our financial statements are free
from materials misstatements. Tests of compliance were certain laws, regulations,
policies, and procedures were performed with no discrepancies found.
The review of 2005-2006 Allocation Status Report resulted in the understanding that
the 2006 budget is projected to finish in the black. As a result of the energy performance
contract, the university saves approximately $600,000 per year. However, increasing
energy costs must always be a concern for our future budgets.
The 2005-2006 Goals and Objectives in the Division of Finance and Business are well
underway with the construction of the new West Center being the largest project to
date. Plans for the classroom addition and the Thurmond auditorium are also progressing
as planned.
Dr. Tuttle reported on Information Technology Initiatives for 2005-2006 by noting
we had received 127,000 fewer dollars in lottery funds this year as compared to last
year. As a result, some of the equipment scheduled for replacement will not be replaced
until next year. However, there is a concern about the possible continued decline
of lottery money as Winthrop has built a three year rotating technology plan for replacing
and upgrading IT equipment on the campus.
Report of the University Relations Committee
Chair Glenda Pittman Owens began her report with a discussion on Intercollegiate Athletics.
Ticket sales have seen a steady increase over the past three years. Two programs,
both aimed at the Winthrop University students, Eagle Empire and the WU Crew have
helped to raise student attendance at the games. The Big South Conference is considering
expanding its membership to include more teams in the area within the next few years.
Finally, Ms. Owens commended the NCAA Certification Steering Committee for producing
a self-study that resulted in no issues to be addressed. This is the first time a
school has had no issues to be addressed.
Chair Owens continued her report by discussing the report from the Division of University
Advancement. The Division has successfully reorganized its priorities as well as it
personnel to better address those priorities. To date, over $2,000,000 has been raised
this year as compared to $1,000,000 last year at this time. Along with the personnel changes, the Division is
also undertaking a infrastructure change by implementing the Blackbaud Raisers Edge
computing system.
The Alumni Association Executive Board welcomed Tim Sease as the in-coming president
at its annual retreat. Voting is planned for the spring semester with four candidates
on the ballot to fill the two seats on the Board of Trustees designated for Alumni.
The Annual Report was sent to over 40,000 alumni, donors, and friends of the university.
Recipients of the Report have stated it is the best publication in the history of
Winthrop University.
Chair Owens continued with an overview of the recent endowments and Organ Campaign.
Although the campaign has not met its targeted amount, it has raised $200,000 for
the organ.
Next, Chair Owens began a discussion of the Division of Student Life. The Admissions
recruitment plan for fall 2006 is moving forward. Our in-house efforts are working
in conjunction with Royall and Noel Levitz companies. Applications are expected to
be on the increase for the upcoming year.
The Dining Services has a new director on campus. Pam Yurkovic has replaced Grant
Avent. Ms. Yurkovic has plans to make changes to the express and buffet guides, Meeting
House, late night dining, and new menu selections.
The report concluded with a summary of the new Professional Development Workshops
for student staff. As a pilot program of Career Development, it is training about
400 students with student life jobs. Eventually, the plan is to expand this program
to all student employees.
Report from Faculty Representative
Dr. Tim Daugherty reported on items in reference to the faculty at Winthrop University.
The Rules committee has continued to meet in order to make adjustments to the faculty
manual. Select members of the University Task Force on Academic and Institutional
Integrity represented Winthrop University at a recent conference.
The subcommittee on grading is working on a change to the grading system to be presented
to the entire faculty conference in its January meeting.
Dr. Daugherty addressed the charge VP Tom Moore has made to the faculty conference,
i.e. to work on a faculty evaluation system with Deep Learning at it center. Dr. Daugherty
reports the influence of Deep Learning is already making itself felt in the classroom
and he feels faculty will welcome an evaluation system that will reflect their efforts
at Deep Learning.
Dr. Daugherty concluded his report by highlighting the hard work and extra efforts
of the faculty to make the General Education classes as well as the theme floors a
great success.
Report from the Student Representative
Chair of the Council of Student Leaders, Willie Lyles, reported his group is active
and engaged on with campus life. They have organized into various committees and each
committee is working to fulfill the Council's motto of Empower. Engage. Enlighten.
Currently, the CSL is working on the following projects:
The Homecoming will include block party, talent show, tailgating, concert, and a step
Movie Night Series is being offered to clubs for sponsorship and to use as fundraiser.
CSL partnered with the Office of Community Service to raise money for victims of Hurricane
Katrina through "Bead for Needs," a program to sell Mardi Gras beads.
A new initiative, "Meet the Administrators Series," has begun in order to permit student
leaders to meet with various administrators at Winthrop.
Finally, Mr. Lyles foreshadowed the upcoming forum on race in our society. The program
is set to feature a panel of professionals and will be moderated by Dr. Kelly James
of the Sociology Department.
Report from the President
President DiGiorgio began his report with a discussion on the likelihood of a tuition
cap for the 2006-07 academic year. The South Carolina legislature has already begun
to debate this issue and we are sure to hear more about it in the near future.
The question of equality in school funding is fueling the legislative discussions
about a tax reform. If tax reforms are passed by the legislature, including the change
in sales tax, we could pay an additional $230,000 a year on top of the $700,000 in
sales taxes we already pay. While revenue estimates are steady at present, the state
expects to have to absorb a large increase in Medicaid costs that will mitigate the
increased revenue.
The outlook for a bond bill this year is poor. We have continued to speak to legislators
about the need for capital funds for a new library. The CHE has ranked our library
need as high (14th on a list of all requested projects) and we hope to parlay that
into a strong argument for the need for a new library.
Based on the belief that a bond bill is not forthcoming, we have already funded the
building plan that is currently underway as to not be dependent on state funding.
The Lois Rhame West Center construction progress has been slightly delayed due to
weather conditions. The expectation is that the facility will have partial use for
Fall 2006 with classes there in Spring 2007. Immediately thereafter, Peabody will
be razed and the groundbreaking for the new Campus Center will begin. The new academic
building adjacent to Bancroft is in the process of having it underground utilities
constructed and we expect the bidding process to begin in February.
The President then alerted the Board to the Shrink Down York County upcoming press
conference scheduled for November 16, 2005. Winthrop University, along with the Upper
Palmetto YMCA, and Piedmont Hospital have partnered to sponsor the first annual Shrink
Down York County, a health and wellness program to run from January through early
March 2006. Together we plan to address the growing trend in obesity in this area.
President DiGiorgio concluded his report by discussing a recent article in the Johnsonian
that has generated a great deal of interest. Recently, a student wrote a column conveying
a personal opinion that was controversial. The student-run staff printed that column,
even knowing the views would be unpopular and controversy might result.
The subsequent edition of the Johnsonian printed a full range of mostly dissenting
views, so that other ideas could be heard and everyone had an opportunity to voice
his/her concerns.
While the author of the original column has withdrawn from the University for this
semester, faculty who have contacted her report that her decision to leave was reflective
of the entire semester and not specifically tied to this issue. We believe she will
return to Winthrop next semester, where she can continue to learn from and contribute
to our constant conversation about the issues of our times.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
There was no new business.
Executive Session
Lee Cox , moved, seconded by Skip Tuttle, that the Board move into Executive Session
for discussion of personnel matters. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.
The Executive Session was conducted and no actions were taken. Mary Jean Martin then
moved, seconded by Janet Smalley, that the Board go back into Public Session. The
motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
Polly Ford moved, seconded by Donna Tinsley, that the Board adjourn. The motion was
passed unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2005-06.