November 17, 2006- 1:00 pm
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina


Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees


Members present: Karl Folkens (Chair), Larry Durham, Frances Davenport, Leland Cox, Janet Smalley, Glenda Owens, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley, David Vipperman, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: Sanita Savage, Kathy Bigham

Representatives present: Dustin Evatt, Student Representative; Tim Daugherty, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Karen Bair


The Board of Trustees met on Friday, November 17, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m. As there were no requests made for public comments, the meeting began as Folkens introduced the newest members of the Board, Dr. Jane LaRoche, Mrs. Frances Davenport, and Mr. Dustin Evatt. President DiGiorgio then recognized Mr. Woody Pelton and Ms. Susan Kress of the International Education office as well as Dr. Janice Poda.


Approval of Board Minutes of June 8 and June 9, 2006

Larry Durham moved, seconded by Lee Cox that the Board approve the minutes. This motion was approved unanimously as presented by voice vote.


Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Folkens began his report by commenting on the excellent programming of the recent Medal of Honor of the Arts event. He urged the Trustees to be supportive of all of our programs in the arts, athletics, and academics by attending events whenever possible.

Next, Chair Folkens reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on October 31, 2006. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Most of the issues that were discussed will be or have already been a part of today's agendas.

The Executive Committee asked that the Board consider the following Resolutions:
A. A Resolution to Endorse the Agency Head Objectives 200607. The resolution was unanimously approved.
B. A Resolution to Endorse the Vision of Distinction 200607. The resolution was unanimously approved.
Chair Folkens reported the Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.


Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

The report began with the Recognition of Honors Professorship Recipients.
Dr. Jane Smith for the Margaret M. Bryant Professorship in English;
Dr. Jane B. Thomas for the William H. Grier Professorship in Business Administration;
Dr. Carol Marchal for the Singleton Professorship in Teacher Education.

Chair Cox then commented on the Academic Leadership Retreat held on August 14. A highlight of the retreat was presentation of Dr. Dee Fink which focused on new ways of looking at personal/professional development. The ideas presented by Dr. Fink continue to be discussed at the department level.

The higher than average number of new faculty was explained as a result of the higher number of TERI retirements as well as the need to staff additional positions for the INBRE grant and the new Masters in Social Work program. In addition to ongoing faculty searches in the college departments, two specific administrative searches were referenced as follows: Chair of Accounting, Finance and Economics Department to replace Angela Letourneau and the Associate Dean in the College of Visual and Performing Arts to replace Jeannie Woods.

The work with the Lumina Project continues the university maintains its tracking of a randomly-selected group of first-year students as they progress through their senior year. The testing is designed to measure critical thinking, analytic reasoning, problem solving and written communication.

A review of the Academic Updates by Chair Cox then followed.

College of Business Administration is proud of three recent awards received by COB faculty including:
Dr. Angela Letourneau being named the SC Governor's Professor of the Year through the process administered by CHE; Dr. Clarence Coleman being named as SC Accounting Educator of the Year; and Controller Glen Savage was named the Government and Industry Accountant of the Year. The latter two awards conferred by the South Carolina Association of CPA's

The articulation agreement with Nantong University in China continues to progress as we await approval to teach a total of nine courses in China in the first three years and the first student would come here in Fall 2010.

Riley College of Education has inducted one hundred thirty-one new teacher educators; placed four hundred fifty teacher ed interns in local public schools; recently received a CHE grant for $30,000 to for their counseling program.

Dacus Library shared the following highlights: the Corridor of Shame Exhibit which was a great success; the Louis Pettus gift to the archives; the Veterans Day Exhibit and recognition events; the popular Fourth Annual "Food for Fines" program which allows students to pay fines via canned goods.

Visual and Performing Arts reported on the Medal of Honor in the Arts event that was held in October; the Force of Nature Exhibit from Oct 13 through Nov 16; and various student design projects underway.

Ways to improve the Graduate Studies program is currently being studied and a report will be presented in the near future.

University College continues to serve students across the campus through the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards with its new website and liaison group; the Distinction in Leadership proposal has been approved by University College Faculty and is now moving through university-wide faculty approval processes; TRIO Student Support Services in its second year of operation serves 160 students with only 17 students not returning for the second year; and the Common Book committee is reviewing four finalists for next year's book.

Finally, Dr. Jane Smith, Director of the Writing Center gave a presentation on the center which is in its thirtieth year of operation, and accounts for ninety contact hours with students per week.


Report of the Finance Committee

Chair Durham began his report with an overview of the financial statements presented by the external audit firm. He noted that Winthrop received an excellent audit with only a minor note reflecting an error in the verification process of the Financial Aid office which was attributed to human error. The total next assets are up from last year at this time and Winthrop is using its allocated funds in an excellent manner.

The report continued with a discussion on the resolution to approve an increase in the Executive Master of Business Administration fees. The last increase was four years ago and the proposed increase is a modest one for the caliber of the program. Upon conclusion of the discussion, the finance committee recommended the Board approve the motion. The resolution passed unanimously.

The review of 2006-2007 goals and objectives in the Division of Finance and Business updated the set of goals for the year. The committee feels confident the division will meet their goals.

The committee did discuss the need for a tuition increase for Macfeat Early Childhood Laboratory School. The proposed increase is in line with other schools in the area and will not have an adverse effect on the school or the long waiting list.


Report of the University Relations Committee

Chair Owens began her report by reviewing the status of the athletics department. Ticket sales have increased, especially the basketball ticket sales. The recent opening game set a new record for attendance for the season opener. Athletics expects more records to be set this season.

The report continued with a summary of Tom Injaychock's presentation to the committee on the Office of Career Services' efforts with the MonsterTrak-like on-line job search program called EagleTrak. This program is offered during orientation days and approximately 90% of students who sign on as freshman stay involved with the program.

Other items from the University Relations Committee include a report from Gina Smith on the activities and services of the Students with Disabilities Office, a discussion of the Making Achievement Possible (MAP) project, and a demonstration of the student portal.


Report from Faculty Representative and Chair of the Faculty Conference

Dr. Tim Daugherty reported on the beginning review of the faculty governance. The review is in order to make the governance process more efficient, use available technology to a better degree, and to keep the faculty's focus on student learning. Dr. Daugherty noted the movement to review the governance structure came from within the faculty conference, not imposed from others. At this point, all of the standing committees have completed their self-reviews and adjustments are being made. For example, one committee has agreed to pilot a computer networked meeting format. The Board will continue to receive updates on the progress of the review.


Report from the Student Representative

Dustin Evatt, Chair of the Counsel of Student Leaders, began his report by giving an overview of the fall activities of the Counsel. The Counsel had its retreat in early September during which time they made plans for a revision of their committee structure. They have created four divisions of distinction to include: Community Affairs, University Affairs, Academic Affairs, and Administrative Affairs.

The report continued with a summary of the work of the Student Allocations Committee that has processed funding requests from 26 clubs and organizations across campus. Of those requests, 23 have been funded, thereby distributing over $12,000. The Counsel is happy to report various clubs and organizations have been working together to hold joint events to strengthen their requests and conserve funding dollars.

Finally, Homecoming 2007 plans are well under way. The theme for this year's homecoming is Mardi Gras. The homecoming website will soon be live on the Winthrop University website.


Report from the President

Legislative update: The President began his report by acknowledging the recent elections and agendas that are sure to change as the newly elected members solidify their own agendas. South Carolina and the national economy is moving ahead with parameters of growth being somewhat positive. This doesn't seem like a year to worry about monies being taken back but it is not known if any additional monies will be available.

There has been some discussion of a bond bill however, at this point in time it is not known if and how much money would be available.

Facilities update:
As shown in the tour today, Lois Rhame West Health and Wellness Center is continuing to make progress; Owens Hall is moving along according to schedule; and preparations continue for our new electrode boiler. This unit, once completed, will permit us to use the most cost effective fuel at any given time during the entire year.

Eagle sculpture has arrived on campus and the President encouraged everyone to see it before leaving campus today.

Academic updates:
The Winthrop Poll was well received. Dr. Scott Huffmon and the Behavioral Research Lab staff is working on ways to institutionalize it so that it becomes a standard for the state

The Office of Nationally Competitive Awards is flourishing under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Disney. Currently, there is an application pending for a Marshall award; she working with juniors and sophomores for Truman award; and planning a meeting with all students with 3.75 GPA and above to make them aware of the website and begin to interest them in available awards. Dr. Disney has designated a liaison from each department to help identify potential students as well as having created an advisory board to assist in the application process.

General updates:
The housing survey is being programmed into an on-line survey today. Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, alumni, faculty, staff, and Winthrop retirees will receive an email which will direct them to a website where they will be able to give their opinions on the potential development for the textile corridor.

Shrinkdown program: Once again we will partner with Piedmont Healthcare and Upper Palmetto YMCA to offer a ten week health and wellness program, free of charge, to York county. Kickoff is scheduled for January 11, 2007. In a similar vein, Zestquest continues to move forward and will be linked to the Shrinkdown program in that some of the weekly health talks that are a part of Shrinkdown will be held at the Leslie elementary schoolthe site of the Zestquest pilot program.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

There was no new business.


Executive Session

Donna Tinsley, moved, seconded by Sanita Savage, that the Board move into Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. The Executive Session was conducted and no actions were taken. Larry Durham then moved, seconded by Glenda Owens, that the Board go back into Public Session. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.



David Vipperman moved, seconded by Sue Smith Rex, that the Board adjourn. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 3:43 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2006-07.