April 13, 2007 - 1:00 pm
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present:            Karl Folkens (Chair), Frances Davenport, Kathy Bigham, Janet Smalley, Glenda Owens, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley, David Vipperman, Sam FosterAnthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)
Members absent:             Larry Durham, Lee Cox
Representatives present:  Dustin Evatt, Student Representative; Tim Daugherty, Faculty Representative
Representatives absent:   None
Others present:               Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Karen Bair

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 13, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. As there were no requests made for public comments, the meeting began as Folkens entertained a motion by Sue Smith Rex to approve the minutes from the meetings of February 8, 9, and 10, 2007. The motion seconded by Donna Tinsley. After a short discussion of a minor change, the minutes were approved as amended.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
Chair Folkens began his report by commenting on the choice of The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. He encouraged all of the Trustees to read the book prior to August's convocation.

Next, Chair Folkens reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on October 31, 2006. Several matters were reviewed and discussed including the topic of Trustees visiting campus as often as their schedules permit in order to be supportive of all of our programs in the arts, athletics, and academics. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Most of the issues that were discussed will be or have already been a part of today's agenda.

Chair Folkens reported the Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
In the absence of Lee Cox, chair of the Academic Affairs committee, Karl Folkens chaired and summarized the meeting of the committee.

The Committee on the Academic Calendar developed a model for discussion, incorporating a plan for five days of engaged campus life, more balance of classes among available schedule slots, and a block of time when no classes are scheduled. Work will continue during the summer toward developing a recommendation by the end of fall 2007, with anticipated changes in the 2009/10 academic year.
A team of seven faculty and staff, led by VP's Moore and Ardaiolo, attended the AAC&U Core Commitments "Launch" Meeting in Washington, D.C., March 29-April 1, 2007. A SRI (Socially Responsible Inventory) will be conducted in the fall, involving students, faculty and administration.

An overview of changes in the Graduate school included: having the Graduate catalog on line will result in a savings of $25,000 per year; a new w marketing campaign in Metrolina Magazine which targets southeast Charlotte; and a Graduate Faculty Award to be implemented in spring 2008.

Academic Unit Updates included the following points.

Over 40 undergraduate students presented their research at regional and national conferences. Faculty members Scott Huffmon, Richard Chacon and Adolphus Belk, along with two students, coordinated an educational roundtable with over 200 attendees on "working class affiliation and higher education achievement."

This summer's partnership with Sunset Park, a magnet science and technology, modified year-round school, will involve working on a marketing logo to attract parents, as well as offering German to kindergarten classes. Work continues in the three counties in the I-95 Corridor (Florence, Marlboro and Darlington). The cohort program reports 25 principals are graduating this spring. A "Good-bye to Peabody" reunion was held this spring, going back through 50 years of history. Lois Rhame West attended and the activities provided a wonderful tribute to Peabody's past and a sense of closure for the many alumni of the Health and Physical Education program.

Library staff will soon initiate a campus-wide discussion about Information Literacy which will focus on the skills students need to access the right information for their research and class work.

Re-organization of the college has resulted in four departments with reasonable and somewhat balanced numbers of majors. Additionally, the position of Associate Dean will be redefined and Alice Burmeister will be named to that position. Create Carolina @ Winthrop, a three-week multidisciplinary intensive arts experience, will take place for the first time May 14 to June 2, 2007. An arts-themed resident hall will be implemented in Fall 2007, named the Creative Habitat. The Winthrop/Carolinas Wind Orchestra has been selected to perform the opening festival concert of the 2007 Malgrat de Mar International Music Festival in Barcelona, Spain, in October 2007.

The TRIO program has reported an 89% retention rate from last year last year's class. The ACAD class has been restructured to include intensive up-front programming for freshmen this year during Welcome Week.

Visiting Assistant Professor Patrice Burleson, gave an overview of the Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Program and distributed a brochure setting out the many accomplishments of this year's student participants. Currently in its fourth year, she described SIFE as a global organization in which students learn to use classroom skills in business, schools, industry, etc., and which features campus-wide student involvement. This year's team has won the regional competition and is preparing to go on to national finals held in Dallas, Texas, in May 2007, where they will compete for four days.

Report of the Finance Committee
In the absence of Larry Durham, chair of the Finance committee, Kathy Bigham chaired the committee and reported on the results of the meeting.

The Finance committee brought forth a resolution setting the student fees for the 2007-08 academic year. Ms. Bigham read the resolution aloud to the full board. As it was submitted from a committee a second was not necessary. The resolution passed unanimously.

Ms. Bigham further reported after a careful examination of the Allocation Status report, the committee is pleased to report the University is projected to end the fiscal year with $45,000 in the black.

An update on the information technology initiatives stated the new monies have been used primarily for the three-year refreshment of the computer laboratories. By instituting this three year rotational process, the maintenance costs have been lowered and students have been provided with a higher level of service.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Ms. Glenda Owens began her report by reviewing the spring GPA for the student athletes at Winthrop. Women's tennis again has the highest GPA of all of the athletic teams with men's and women's tennis, soccer, and golf, men's baseball, and women's softball and volleyball with GPA of at least 3.0.

The briefing from the Division of Student Life included a review of the creation of the Academic Success communities, a review of the Family weekend plans for Fall 2007, and a preview of the renewed Thomson Cafeteria.

The briefing from the Division of University Advancement included an update from Admissions reporting on the lower number of applications as compared to last year but the applications that are being submitted are from a more targeted population and are expected to result in a higher yield.

The upcoming move to a new content management system is progressing according to the expected timetable. The Winthrop created print materials prepared for the community linked Shrinkdown wellness initiative has recently been awarded a CASE district III award.

Report from Faculty Representative and Chair of the Faculty Conference
Dr. Tim Daugherty began his report by discussing the vote by faculty conference to form a special committee to review faculty governance. Reports on the progress of the review will continue into next year. He also commended Dr. Gloria Jones and the English department for their work on the creation and staffing of CRTW as part of the Touchstone general education program. Faculty have been charged with thinking of ways they can integrate the CRTW training into all of their classes.

The faculty support the recently completed Graduate School study and look forward to the opportunity to engage in the School as it continues to improve.

In light of the addition of the +/- to our grading system, departments have been busy reviewing minimum grade criteria used for their major and minor programs. All have been working with the Registrar to clarify the criteria as we move forward with the new grading system.

Report from the Student Representative
Mr. Dustin Evatt, Chair of the Council of Student Leaders, began his report with an update on the council's role in assisting students who chose to move off-campus. The feedback has been positive for this issue. The Mardi Gras homecoming event was a huge success and well attended by students and alumni. Recent elections by the council have resulted in a second term for Dustin Evatt as chair, Jaime Singleton as vice chair. Next year the council will expand to 36 voting members including the newly created position for a representative from GLoBAL (The Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual, Transgender Ally League.)

Report from the President
The S.C. House of Representatives' budget recommends operating funding for Winthrop to be funded at approximately $23.6 million. While this represents a slight improvement from this year's state support, the amount would be roughly equal to the level of funding Winthrop received from the state of South Carolina in 1999-2000, when $23.4 million in state funds were appropriated to this campus. This year's budget recommendation includes a 3 percent increase for state-funded classified employees and a merit pay range of 1-6 percent for unclassified employees.

The House has not come forward with a capital bond bill this year which we would have used as a means of funding for our new library. There is the possibility of the Senate creating a bond bill, however, it would have to be assembled to be "veto-proof." Due to differences from the House budget and the Senate budget, Winthrop could experience a reduction of approximately $300,000 in our appropriation for next year from what was received in operating funds this year. However, Winthrop is working with our Senate delegation to improve the formula that would be used so that it is closer to the House version, which would give Winthrop an increase of about $800,000 instead of the decrease. We expect to have more news about the budget in the coming months and will keep you updated as to the progress of the situation.

Work continues on the Winthrop campus with the The Lois Rhame West Health, Physical Education and Wellness Center scheduled to be complete and open in Fall 2007. Peabody will be razed this summer to clear the site for the new Campus Center. Work on the Center should begin in late fall. Owens Hall is scheduled for classes in the fall. Summer prep work for Thurmond Hall auditorium will begin in June with the first step to be the relocation of utilities. Tillman will be undergoing renovations beginning with a new roof.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
The Chair of the Board, Mr. Karl Folkens, appointed a nominating committee consisting of Ms. Glenda Owens, Mr. David Vipperman, and Ms. Janet Smalley. Ms. Owens will chair the committee. A slate of officers for the 2007-08 academic year will be put forth by the committee and distributed to the full board 30 days in advance of the next Board meeting (June 8, 2007). The elections will be held on June 8.

Executive Session
Glenda Owens moved, seconded by David Vipperman that the Board move into Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. The Executive Session was conducted and no actions were taken. Jane LaRoche then moved, seconded by Janet Smalley, that the Board go back into Public Session. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Chair Folkens adjourned the meeting without objection at 4:40 pm.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2006-07.