June 10 and 11, 2010

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Members present: Kathy Bigham (Chair), Karl Folkens, Janet Smalley, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley-Holley, Dalton Floyd, Sam Foster, Bob Thompson, Tim Sease, Tommy Pope, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: Frances Davenport, Lee Cox, David Vipperman

Representatives present: Sydney Evans, Student Representative; Marsha Bollinger, Faculty Representative
Representatives absent: None.
Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University,

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, June 10 and Friday, June 11, 2010 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order

Chair Bigham called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. on June 10. Dalton Floyd made a motion for the Board to move into Executive Session, Bob Thompson seconded. The Board met in executive session for the purpose of the contractual and personnel matter of reviewing the recommendations of the Executive Committee on the performance evaluation of President DiGiorgio. Janet Smalley moved the Board return to public session with no actions taken. The motion was seconded by Jane LaRoche. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. At that time, the meeting was recessed with continuation planned for the afternoon of June 11.

As there were no requests made for public comments, the meeting continued on June 11, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.

Approval of Board Minutes of April 16, 2010

Bob Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of April 16, 2010. The motion seconded by Dalton Floyd. The minutes were approved unanimously as presented.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Bigham reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on May 26, 2010. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Chair Bigham asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions for meritorious service: 

Resolution Honoring Dr. Leland Cox for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University. Sue Smith-Rex, of the Academic Affairs Committee read aloud the citation honoring Dr. Cox for his six years of service to the Board as an elected representative of Congressional District 4. The resolution passed unanimously. 

Chair Bigham then asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions pertaining to the performance evaluation and contract of President DiGiorgio: 

Resolution Regarding Performance Evaluation of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio. Based upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board and input from the Faculty Representative to the Board as well as individual Trustees, the Board recommended the President receive an "Exceeds Expectations" evaluation. The resolution passed unanimously. 

Resolution Regarding Contract of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio. Again, based on the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board and input from the Faculty Representative to the Board as well as individual Trustees, the contract of President Anthony DiGiorgio was extended for an additional year. The resolution passed unanimously.

Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs

The next order of business was the report of the Academic Affairs Committee. After reminding the Board that each has received a complete set of briefing notes from all of the committees, Committee member Dr. Sue Smith-Rex (in the absence of Committee Chair Dr. Cox) read aloud the Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status on selected retired faculty. The resolution passed unanimously to confer emeritus status to: Anne Beard, associate professor of speech, Lawrence Mitlin professor of library science, and Pat Wolman, professor of human nutrition.

She continued by reporting on the results of the recent tenure and promotion process that resulted in thirteen faculty receiving tenure and promotions. Dr. Smith-Rex expressed the committee's appreciation that Winthrop continues to award a salary increase to those faculty receiving promotion.

Dr. Smith-Rex summarized the reports from each of the academic deans. Dean Murnane of the Graduate School reported summer school enrollment in undergraduate classes is up by 3.5% as compared to last summer's numbers. Acting Dean Burmeister reported on the ways in which the students in CVPA are learning to market themselves using a variety of electronic tools. Dean Weikle reported on the administrative reorganization of the College of Business. Dean Rakestraw reported on the NetScope and NetLead grant programs received by the College of Education. Dean Herring of Dacus Library reported on the latest PASCAL news. Dean Jones of University College briefed the committee on the upcoming plans to bring author of our next common book, Bill Strickland to campus in October. Finally Dean Boyd of the College of Arts and Sciences reported on the rededication of the Life Sciences Building in honor of Harry and Becca Dalton.

Report of the Committee on Finance

As the next order of business, Karl Folkens, Chair of the Finance Committee, briefed the Board on the report of the external auditing firm, cline Brandt Kochenower and Company, P.A. Mr. Kochenower focused his report on the risk assessment in relation to the Banner software conversion. The committee discussed the importance of making all employees aware of the state's Fraud Prevention Hotline and noted it access through the Controller's and Associate VP for Finance's website. The committee did move into executive session for the purpose of legal and personnel matters. No actions were taken in executive session.

Mr. Folkens concluded his report by bringing forward the resolution to delegate authority to the executive committee to set the 2010-11 tuition and fees schedule at a time later in the summer. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.

Report of the Committee on Advancement and Development

Chair Bob Thompson began his report by listing the highlights of the recent Development and Alumni events and the Alumni Reunion Celebration with 240 returning alumni. University fundraising in the form of the Winthrop Fund is up 26% as compared to last year. Likewise, there has been a 27% increase in the number of donors as compared to last year.

Advances in the Enrollment area continue to be made with the addition of an admissions counselor dedicated to international students and an extensive follow-up campaign with admitted students including telephone calls and e-mails.

Report of the Committee on Student Life

Chair Janet Smalley began her report by summarizing the report of Athletic Director, Tom Hickman. The spring GPA report is once again strong with an overall GPA of 2.94. The overall women's cumulative average is 3.11 with the men's average at 2.85. Women's tennis has the highest average GPA of 3.51.

Ms. Smalley then summarized the report of Vice President of Student Life, Dr. Frank Ardaiolo. The latest news from the Bookworm is the introduction of the new rent a textbook program that will reduce the cost of textbooks for students. Dr. Ardaiolo updated the committee on the new food options that will be available in the campus center next fall. Ms. Smalley concluded her report with an overview of the new Academic Success Center funded through the FIPSE grant.

Board Officer Elections

As the next order of business, Chair Bigham temporarily turned the meeting over to Karl Folkens for the purpose of the election of the Board officers for academic year 2010-11. Nominating Committee Chair Jane LaRoche brought forth the recommendation of her committee. Kathy Bigham was recommended for Chair and Dalton Floyd for Vice Chair. Both agreed to serve if elected. The election was unanimous. The new officers will assume their duties on July 1, 2010.

Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Marsha Bollinger began her report by reviewing curricular activity since April. Changes ranged from minor adjustments in course numbering to substantive changes in major requirements. The most involved change was the re-evaluation of the General Education courses. Additional activities of the Faculty Conference include the work with the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS) upcoming accreditation report and visit as well as the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Both aspects of the reaffirmation of accreditation continue to require substantial time commitment for the faculty.

Report of the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders

Chair Sydney Evans reported her trip to Allegheny, Pennsylvania where she attended a conference focused on student civility. Later this year she will be attending a conference in Missouri to learn alternative ways to structure a Council of Student Leaders. Overall, Ms. Evans reports an involved campus that is looking forward to tackling the new challenges summer offers.

Report of the President

The President began his report by thanking the Trustees for their vote of confidence in awarding him an "Exceeds Expectations" for his evaluation and by extending his contract.

He continued his report by praising the faculty, students, and staff for the many hours of work in preparation for the upcoming SACS reaffirmation of accreditation visit scheduled for April 4 through 6, 2011.

The president reviewed the past academic year by summarizing the time spent trying to come to understand the times we are in. More than ever we must be nimble and ready to react quickly. The work we have undertaken as part of Readiness Winthrop will help us do so. We must continue to prepare for the challenges of the future while taking care of the current needs.

Old Business


New Business



 Hearing no objections, Chair Bigham adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2010-11