Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

June 9-10, 2011
Olde Stone House and Gold Room, DiGiorgio Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Members present: Kathy Bigham (Chair), Karl Folkens, Janet Smalley, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley-Holley, Dalton Floyd, Bob Thompson, Tim Sease, Frances Davenport, Glenn McCall, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Scott Talley, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: None

Representatives present: Kambrell Garvin, Student Representative; Marsha Bollinger, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None.

Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Amanda Phipps of The Johnsonian

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, June 9 and Friday, June 10, 2010 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order

Chair Bigham called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. on June 9 at the Olde Stone House.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Bigham reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on May 25, 2011. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Chair Bigham asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions for meritorious service:

A Resolution Honoring Mr. Samuel Foster for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University Board of Trustees; a Resolution Honoring Mr. David Vipperman for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University Board of Trustees; a Resolution Honoring Ms. Sydney Evans for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University Board of Trustees; a Resolution Honoring Dr. Marsha Bollinger for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University Board of Trustees; and a Resolution Honoring Dr. Thomas Moore for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University.

As the resolutions are from a standing committee, no second was needed. The five resolutions were considered and discussed. The vote was unanimous to accept all five resolutions.

Dalton Floyd made a motion for the Board to move into Executive Session, Bob Thompson seconded. The Board met in executive session for the purpose of the contractual and personnel matter of reviewing the recommendations of the Executive Committee on the performance evaluation of President DiGiorgio. Janet Smalley moved the Board return to public session with no actions taken. The motion was seconded by Jane LaRoche. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. At that time, the meeting was recessed with continuation planned for the afternoon of June 10.

As there were no requests made for public comments, the meeting continued on June 10, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. in the Gold Room of the DiGiorgio Campus Center. President DiGiorgio introduced Dr. Debra Boyd as the Acting Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dr. Peter Judge as the Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.


Approval of Board Minutes of April 15, 2011

Bob Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of April 15, 2011. The motion seconded by Tim Sease. The minutes were approved unanimously as presented.


Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Bigham reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on May 26, 2010. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board.

Chair Bigham then asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions from the Executive Committee pertaining to the performance evaluation and contract of President DiGiorgio. As the resolutions were from a standing committee, no seconds were needed.

Based upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board and input from the Faculty Representative to the Board as well as individual Trustees, the Executive Committee recommended the President receive an "Exceeds Expectations" evaluation. The Resolution Regarding Performance Evaluation of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio passed unanimously.

Again, based on the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Board and input from the Faculty Representative to the Board as well as individual Trustees, the contract of President Anthony DiGiorgio was extended for an additional year. The Resolution Regarding Contract of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio passed unanimously.


Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs

The next order of business was the report of the Academic Affairs Committee. After reminding the Board that each has received a complete set of briefing notes from all of the committees, Chair Smalley recognized and thanked out-going Vice President of Academic Affairs, Tom Moore, for
his many years of service to Winthrop.

Committee chair Janet Smalley then read aloud the Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status on selected retired faculty. Needing no second, the resolution passed unanimously to confer emeritus status to: Max Childers, associate professor of English; Jim Johnston, professor of biology; William Malambri, professor of music; and Danny Turner, professor of mathematics. Together, these four faculty represent 105 years of teaching and service to Winthrop.

Next, Chair Smalley read aloud the Resolution To Add A Master of Arts In Teaching In Chemistry Degree Program. The new program will prepare highly qualified chemistry teachers to enter high school classrooms and laboratories and will use the structure and faculty currently involved with traditional Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) programs and oneyear Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT1) programs therefore no additional resources above student tuition and fees will be required for this program. Needing no second, the resolution passed unanimously.

Chair Smalley then reviewed the newly tenured and promoted faculty. The eleven faculty members granted tenure are: William Kiblinger, religious studies; Bradley Tripp, sociology; Mary Martin, education; Mark Mitchell, education, Nakia Pope, education; Jennie Rakestraw, education; Linda Winter, education; Jennifer Belk, interior design; David Brown, illustration; Connie Hale, music; and Karen Stock, art history.

Promoted to the rank of professor are: Gary Alderman, psychology; Carlton Bessinger, human nutrition; Matthew Fike, English; Scott Huffmon, political science; Cecile Leung, French; Charles Alvis, accounting; Rebecca Evers, education; Christine Ferguson, education; Marshall Jones, education; and Matthew Manwarren, music.

Promoted to the rank of associate professor from assistant professor are: James M. Hanna, Jr., chemistry; William Kiblinger, religious studies; Gregory Oakes, philosophy; Bradley Tripp, sociology; Jean Haubert Weil, sociology; Mary Martin, education; Mark Mitchell, education; Nakia Pope, education; Linda Winter, education; David Brown, illustration; Laura Gardner, art education; Stephen Gundersheim, theatre; Connie Hale, music; Courtney Starrett, jewelry; and Karen Stock, art history.

Other updates from the Committee on Academic Affairs meeting include 100% of McNair Scholars who applied to graduate programs were accepted; 10% increase in online applications for the graduate school; bicycle racks designed by our students have been installed in downtown Rock Hill; and six million pieces of archives are being packed in preparation for moving to the new Louise Pettus Archives in the site of the former Bookworm.

Report of the Committee on Finance

As the next order of business, Karl Folkens, Chair of the Finance Committee, briefed the Board on the report of the external auditing firm, Steve Blake of Cline Brandt Kochenower and Company, P.A. focused his report on the Allocation Status Report of 2010-11. The report was well received with no qualifications or issues to be addressed. The committee was briefed by Walter Hardin on summer projects including the Phelps residence hall renovation, work on the former Bookworm in anticipation of the Archives move, the planning phase for improvements to Dacus Library, and alterations to Dinkins to prepare for the Academic Success Center and University College to be housed there.

Chair Folkens next brought forward the resolution to increase tuition by 3.9% for the 2011-12 academic year. While the increase of 3.9% is the lowest tuition increase in the last ten years, it is necessary to meet expected expenditures for the upcoming year. At this point the South Carolina legislature is still considering some issues that may impact funding for higher education. In the case of unanticipated funding changes, the resolution does empower the Executive Committee of the Board to adjust and modify the tuition and fees should that become necessary. As no second was needed, the resolution was put to a vote and passed unanimously.

Report of the Committee on Advancement and Development

Chair Bob Thompson began his report by summarizing the good work being done by the Alumni Relations staff in increasing the number and options for social networking among alumni. The Development staff continues to work on the upcoming capital campaign with October being the time at which the campaign will go public. At this point, we are on track to raise more money in the silent phase of this campaign than we raised in total for Winthrop's former campaign. Chair Thompson praised Brien Lewis and his staff for their extraordinary good work on our behalf.

Chair Thompson then reported on the presentation "One Size Does Not Fit All: A Presentation on Targeted Student Recruitment and Niche Marketing" as given by the Advancement staff. Mr. Thompson said he was happy to report freshmen applications are up slightly and the number of transfer students enrolled in upcoming orientation sessions is tracking 8% higher than last year at this time.

Chair Thompson concluded his report by thanking the Advancement staff for their good work on the Visual Identity Manual. As online and digital media have increased so has our need to manage and provide guidance for use of our logos, letterheads, and other visual identity materials.

Report of the Committee on Student Life 

Chair Dalton Floyd began his report by summarizing the report of Athletic Director, Tom Hickman. The spring GPA report is once again strong with an overall GPA of 3.08. This year, 61% of our athletes were named as Big South Presidential Scholars with a 3.0 GPA or better. The committee was introduced to Julie Torbett, new Head Volleyball Coach; Marlene Stollings, new Head Women's Basketball Coach; and John Sung, new Head Women's Lacrosse Coach. Mr. Floyd said the committee was impressed with the caliber of the new coaches and is looking forward to a strong showing both on and off the field.

Chair Floyd then summarized the report of Vice President of Student Life, Dr. Frank Ardaiolo by reporting on the results of the first year of operation of the DiGiorgio campus center. Both the students and the staff have been pleased by the new facility and the new opportunities it presents for programming and space use.

Board Officer Elections

As the next order of business, Chair Bigham temporarily turned the meeting over to Karl Folkens for the purpose of the election of the Board officers for academic year 2011-12. Nominating Committee Chair Janet Smalley brought forth the recommendation of her committee. Dalton Floyd was recommended for Chair and Kathy Bigham for Vice Chair. Both agreed to serve if elected. Glenn McCall moved the slate be accepted, Jane LaRoche seconded. The election was unanimous. The new officers will assume their duties on July 1, 2011.

Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Marsha Bollinger began her report by reviewing the work of the faculty conference on the Roles and Rewards document. After years in development, a finalized document has been accepted by the faculty conference and has received approval from the president. Faculty will work in the upcoming year to apply the new roles and rewards to individual programs of study.

Dr. Bollinger thanked the Board for the privilege of serving as the faculty representative and their willingness to always consider the faculty perspective.

Report of the President of the Council of Student Leaders (CSL)

CSL president Kambrell Garvin updated the Board on the ongoing process of filling the seats on the Council. All seats will be filled by the end of June. He and Kaitlyn Sapp, vice president of the CSL have attended a leadership workshop in Texas and will work to implement what they learned about best practices in student government. President Garvin invited the Board to attend the CSL induction ceremony on Thursday, September 8 in the Little Chapel.

Report of the President

The President began his report by thanking the Trustees for their vote of confidence in awarding him an "Exceeds Expectations" for his evaluation and by extending his contract. He then thanked Trustee Donna Tinsley-Holley for her good work in shepherding the effort of the South Carolina legislature to honor Winthrop's 125th anniversary with a joint resolution of the House and Senate.

The president spoke of the good work of the faculty and staff in addressing the issues included in the Readiness Winthrop document and briefly spoke of the next steps as being the merger of the Readiness Winthrop initiatives into this year's planning document, the Vision of Distinction 2011-12. This summer the executive officers will review resources and prioritize actions for the upcoming year.

President DiGiorgio concluded his remarks by thanking the Board, the faculty, and the staff for their good work and dedication to Winthrop.

Old Business


New Business



Prior to adjourning her final meeting as chair, Ms. Bigham thanked the faculty and staff for the wonderful work they do on a daily basis. She said it has been an honor and a privilege to serve Winthrop these past three years as chair of the Board and she is looking forward to continuing to serve the university.

Jane LaRoche moved to adjourn the meeting; Frances Davenport seconded. The vote was unanimous to adjourn at 2 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board