Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

November 1- 2, 2012

Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 


Members present: Dalton Floyd (Chair), James Williamson, Janet Smalley, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Karl Folkens, Kathy Bigham, Bob Thompson, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Glenn McCall, Donna Tinsley-Holley, Tim Sease, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: Scott Talley

Representatives present: Kambrell Garvin, Student Representative; Cliff Calloway, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Anna Douglas of The Herald                

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2, 2012 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order

Chair Floyd called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. in Macfeat House.

Glenn McCall moved, seconded by Donna Tinsley Holley, that the Board move into Executive Session for the discussion of personnel, contractual, and legal issues.  Staff member Kimberly Faust was invited to remain for the meeting.  No actions were taken in Executive Session. Karl Folkens moved that the Executive Committee return to Public Session with Bob Thompson seconding the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting was recessed at 5:50 pm with plans to resume on Friday, November 2, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in the Gold Room of the DiGiorgio Campus Center.


Approval of Board Minutes of  June 8-9, 2012

James Williamson moved, with a second from Don Long, to approve the minutes from the meeting of   June 8-9, 2012. The minutes were approved unanimously as presented.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Floyd reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on October 17, 2012.  Several matters were reviewed and discussed.  The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board.  

Chair Floyd then asked that the Board consider a resolution. The resolution concerned the annual vision of distinction document. As this resolution is from the Executive Committee, a second is not required. After a short discussion noting the document continues to serve the university as a process and a product of strategic planning and how the Vision was disseminated electronically this year, the Resolution to Endorse the Vision of Distinction 2012-13 was passed unanimously.

Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs

Chair Smalley began her report with a review of the tour of the newly renovated Dacus Library.  With the move of the Pettus Archives to a new location, Dacus now has more room and is able to offer addition services including being open for 24 hours during the week as well as 7 group study rooms; 2 techno-booths; 2 study rooms with whiteboards; 40 PCs; 4iMacs; 2 MacBooks; and several laptops and iPads.  The entire building has wireless internet access.

Updates from the Deans and Academic Affairs staff included the following information:

AAAS staff members have hosted several training sessions to let faculty and staff know what reports are available and how to navigate that site. 

The West Form completed its LEAD (Learn and Experience American Democracy) activities related to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.  Over 100 student, faculty, staff, and community members from 11 South Carolina colleges and universities attended. 

Representatives from the CSWE (Council on Social Work Education) conducted a reaccreditation site visit with the Department of Social Work in early October.  The team conducting the visit recommended full reaccreditation.

Jack DeRochi was introduced as the new Dean of the Graduate School.  Numerous accolades were mentioned regarding our graduate students including the national Assistant Principal of the Year for Denise Khaalid, and alumnus of our M.Ed. in Educational Leadership.

Our Educational Leadership program has been recognized by the Wallace Foundation for their work on the "principal pipeline" for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District (CMS).  Additionally, Winthrop has been recognized by its national accrediting body CAEP (formerly NCATE) at their September conference. 

The final reaccreditation report from CIDA for the interior design program is due next semester. We're expecting the full 6 year reaccreditation.  Also from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, the
Percussion Ensemble won the Percussive Arts Society International World Percussive Competition. 

The College of Business has joined about 750 other universities around the world in administering the Bloomberg Assessment Test.  This test is a job search and networking tool for students.  It seeks to match student strengths with employer needs.  About 75% of our students who have taken the test scored above the international average. 

Katie Sardelli is the new Director of the Resource Center for Adult Students in University College.  The center will provide services to our adult, transfer, veteran, and other non-traditional student populations.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Debra Boyd reviewed recent personnel changes noting nine new faculty members; Jack DeRochi as the new Dean of the Graduate School; Dr. Stephanie Milling as the new Assistant Dean in the College of Visual and Performing Arts; Dr. Alice Burmeister as graduate director for the college; Dr. Adria Belk as the new Director of Student Services in the College of Arts and Sciences; Dr. Meg Webber as in the VPAA office working on special projects;  Mr. Tim Drueke as the new Director of the Summer Session; Ms. Katie Sardelli as the new Director of the Resource Center for Adult Students and Ms. Margaret Williamson as the new Assistant Dean in University College.

Report of the Committee on Finance

Chair Folkens began his report by reviewing the financial statement as presented by the external audit firm of Cline, Brandt, and Kochenower. We received an unqualified opinion  regarding the fiscal year 2012 statements as well as an unqualified opinion with one finding regarding the A-133 audit for federal programs. 

Chair Folkens then asked that the Board consider a resolution concerning the setting of student fees for summer sessions.  The resolution as it is presented delegates to the president the authority to determine fees for the summer sessions based on current market conditions. 

As this resolution was from the Finance Committee, a second is not required. After a short discussion, the Resolution Regarding Student Fees for Summer Sessions was unanimously passed.

Report of the Committee on Student Life

Chair Bigham began her report by summarizing the report from Tom Hickman, Director of Athletics.  Athletics launched a newly designed website this fall.  Some of the new features include:  video clips on the individual sport pages; the ability to spotlight individual sport athletes on their sport's page while at the same time featuring a department wide student-athlete of the week on the main page; easier to use events calendar with links to live events video and statistics; enhanced capability for advertising space.

The Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores for 2011-12 was 976 and the 4-year average score was 975.  Women's soccer achieved the highest overall multi-year score with 995 and men's outdoor track had the best men's multi-year score at 986.  Winthrop's scholar athletes APR scores were well above the critical 930 cut score.

Bigham then continued her report with an overview of the committee's discussion of the new Student Sexual Misconduct Policy. The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights new guidance concerning sexual misconduct has resulted in a new comprehensive Sexual Misconduct Policy for Winthrop. This policy will cover students as well as faculty and staff.

Additional reports from Student Life included the Center for Career Development and Internships Office's Career Spotlight Series, Speed Networking Program, and Reading Tent ACAD 101 Project; the new electronic medical records system in Center for Student Wellness; Campus Police's new WU Watch smart phone app; Student Affairs' Peer Mentor Program, Family Day and Homecoming events.

Report on the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Chair Thompson reported on the update on enrollment in the Fall 2012 class, and activities for recruitment of the spring and fall 2013 classes.  Fall 2012 enrollment as compared to last year was up by 16%.  Recruitment activities for next fall include continually upgrading the admissions website, updating of the Transfer Tuesday program, and collaboration with the Resource Center for Adult Students to provide assistance to nontraditional students.

During the late summer and early fall, University Relations was busy providing media assistance to the West Forum, presidential candidate campus visits, the Winthrop Poll, and the Democratic National Convention.

Thompson then reviewed the latest updates of the Distinction Campaign.  At this point, the Campaign has raised $38,466,423 of the targeted $50,000,000 goal. Planned gifts total 61% of all gifts received in the current campaign. 

Planned for this summer is the inaugural trip of the D.B. Johnson Travel Program to Italy.  Goals of the trip are to build awareness of the legacy giving society, provide new avenues for lifelong learning, and to increase opportunities for fellowship among the Winthrop Community.

Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Cliff Calloway began his report with thanks to the faculty for all of their work with assessment and accountability measures that have been on-going since the recent reaffirmation by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools).  Along with the increased work in this area, Winthrop faculty and staff continue to embrace the Global Learning Initiative as our QEP.  This fall, one-third of our cultural events are global with more planned for the spring semester.

Faculty continue to work toward recertifying all of our general education classes.  This is a lengthy process but is already paying good results.  At the same time, faculty are beginning to incorporate the Roles and Rewards criteria into their annual reports. 


Report of the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders

Kambrell Garvin reported on the latest activities of the Council of Student Leaders.  Over the last year, the Council worked hard to register 1,000 new voters among our student body.  Now, with the election next week, they are working to encourage those newly registered to vote in the national, regional, and local elections. 

Other plans and events include upcoming fora are planned on safety with the slogan of Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Aware;  Sustainability Committee has purchased and plans to distribute WU shopping bags to encourage re-usable bags while shopping; Public Relations committee is redesigning outreach materials and increasing CSL's use of social media; and development of a 2012-13 Vision Statement for CSL.


Report of the President

In light of the recently announced hacking of the S.C. Department of Revenue records, President DiGiorgio has named James Hammond to chair a select committee to investigate our own security measures and how we might ensure our students', faculty' and staffs' personal identification.

On November 9, the Bureau of Economic Advisors are scheduled to set initial estimates for the state's budget.  At this point, revenue estimates that will be the basis for appropriations for the fiscal year that begins July 1 are up, but are expected to be totally absorbed by increased Medicaid costs, as well as the unknown costs of the recent hacking. We will continue to work with legislative leaders in the appropriation process, as well as our local delegation members, to be sure they know of Winthrop's needs in terms of both operating and capital funds.

In December, the Rock Hill City Council is expected to give approval to a long-term economic development strategy in which Winthrop plays a pivotal role. The plan is to create a "Knowledge Park" for new investment stretching from Winthrop, through the now largely vacant Bleachery property, into Downtown Rock Hill and encompassing several new projects slated there.  Winthrop's own plan for incremental growth over time likewise will be facilitated by this overarching development concept, since the strategy includes elements of the College Town Action Plan and the long discussed Lifelong Learning Center at Winthrop, which is viewed as the key to private development of an active adult retirement community in the Winthrop vicinity.

In closing, the President thanked the Board of Trustees for their time given to the University.

Old Business


New Business



Hearing no objections, Chair Floyd adjourned the meeting at 2:00  p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board