Minutes of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

June 19, 2015

Members present: Kathy Bigham, Karl Folkens, Glenn McCall, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Janet Smalley, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Tim Sease, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Scott Middleton, Ashlye Wilkerson, Julie Fowler, Debra Boyd(ex officio).

Members absent: Scott Talley

Representatives present: Ian Deas, Student Representative; John Bird, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Don Worthington, The Herald; Adarrell Gadsden, The Johnsonian; Renee O'Neal, CN2; members of Winthrop faculty and staff;

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 19, 2015 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Public Comment

There were no requests for public comment.

Call to Order
Chair Bigham called the meeting to order at 1:11 p.m. She welcomed all present.

Executive Session
Karl Folkens moved with a second from Donna Holley that the Board meet in executive session for the purposes of discussion of employment and compensation matters involving certain current and future university employees and to discuss negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements concerning the possible purchase and sale of real property. The vote was unanimous. Kimberly Faust, Debra Boyd, John Bird, and Ian Deas were invited to remain for the executive session. Tim Hopkins moved the Board end executive session, Randy Imler seconded. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. No actions were taken in executive session.

Return to Public Session

The Board returned to session with a moment of silence for the Charleston shooting victims. Chair Bigham then welcomed a number of special guests and media at today's meeting including Mr. Warren Boyd. Ms. Bigham thanked him for the help and support he gave to Debra during this past year when she assumed the additional duties of Acting President.

She next welcomed Mr. Ray McGetty, the in-coming Council of Student Leaders president.

Ms. Bigham acknowledged Ms. Betty Triplett. Betty served in the president's office for over 15 years. We owe her many thanks for the great work she did in support of the president and the Board. She has decided to retire at the end of this month and we are happy she could be with us today.

The newest member of the President's Office staff is here todayMs. Tammie Phillips. Tammie's first day was Tuesday. She is the new Assistant to the President. She comes to us from the Winthrop Foundation where she worked for the last two years. We look forward to getting to know Tammie.

Approval of Minutes
Don Long moved to accept the minutes from the meetings of August 19, 2013 and April 17-18, 2015. Sue Smith Rex seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the minutes as submitted.

Report of the Executive Committee and Board Chair
Chair Kathy Bigham reported on the June 5, 2015 meeting of the executive committee. The main order of business at the meeting was to review the committee agendas for today's meetings and to hear updates from President Boyd. Materials relating to those updates are included in the Board meeting materials and Chair Bigham urged the Trustees to read the materials as well as the quarterly reports and committee minutes.

Chair Bigham then asked Ian Deas to step to the front of the room while Ashlye Wilkerson read the resolution to honor him for meritorious service to the Board. As this resolution is from the executive committee no second was needed. Chair Bigham called for the vote; the resolution passed unanimously.

Chair Bigham then asked Mr. Warren Boyd to join President Debra Boyd as Mr. Karl Folkens read the resolution for her for meritorious service to the University. As this resolution was from the executive committee no second was needed. Chair Bigham stated eleven months and three weeks ago the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University made the decision to appoint Dr. Debra Boyd as Acting President in order to maintain university operations while the Board searched for a new president. Debra's action far exceeded expectations. Her financial stewardship was outstanding. She restored faith, confidence, and trust. It is the honor of the Board to recognize both her and her husband, Warren Boyd, today. Chair Bigham called for the vote; the resolution passed unanimously.

Mr. Randy Imler read the resolution to honor the President Search Advisory Committee for meritorious service to the university. As this resolution is from the executive committee no second is needed. Chair Bigham thanked the many employees and friends of Winthrop who gave of their time to serve Winthrop in this most important way. Embracing the ideal of shared governance, the Board created the President Search Advisory Committee and enlisted the help of the leadership of the Faculty Conference, the Staff Conference, and the Council of Student Leaders in addition to senior administrators, alumni, the local business community, and our local elected officials. The inclusive process began with the Committee providing valuable insight to our presidential search consultant and ended with feedback on the final three candidates given directly to us. Together we were able to find a new leader, Dr. Daniel F. Mahony, eminently qualified to become the 11th president of Winthrop.

Chair Bigham called for the vote; the resolution passed unanimously.

Mr. Don Long will read the resolution in Support of Knowledge Park. The final version of this resolution was not available at the time of the executive committee meeting; therefore Jane LaRoche moved to adopt the resolution; Janet Smalley seconded the motion. Chair Bigham called for the vote; the resolution passed unanimously.

Report of the Committee on Compensation
Committee Chair Janet Smalley began her report by summarizing the work on the new Performance Appraisal System. It is good for supervisors as well as employees, as the process mandates the clear identification of both job duties as well as measures of success. All full-time, permanent employees have completed the process and will undergo an annual review from this point forward.

The Committee also reviewed the latest status update from the Competitive Compensation Committee. In studying comparative salaries for the Rock Hill area, it was noted that our lowest paid employees earn about $4.00 less than their counterparts in the area. While there has been some difficulty in getting comparative data for review, the Committee continues their good work. It is the intention of the University to add a line item to next year's budget to begin to address compensation issues across campus.

Report of the Committee on Academic Quality
Committee Chair Sue Smith-Rex reported on plans for an Office of the First Year Experience. The office will oversee a number of existing programs, including ACAD 101, the peer mentor program, HMXP, and the common book program. A new app, "Winthrop Student Success", has been launched for both iOS and Android compatible mobile devices. The app allows current students to access resources such as tutoring opportunities, upcoming cultural events, managing financial aid, and an events calendar.

A leadership team will be named in the fall and will be charged with conducting an audit in preparation for our SACSOC fifth year report. Academic year 2015-16 is the transition year for the QEP--the Global Learning Initiativeand we must plan for the continuation of the global learning initiative.

Chair Rex brought forward a Resolution to Confer Emeriti Faculty Status for the following faculty: Rebecca Evers, Professor of Special Education; James McKim, Professor of Computer Science; Mark Mitchell, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership; Anne Olsen, Associate Professor of Computer Science; Peter Phillips, Professor of Biology; Marilyn Sarow, Professor of Mass Communication; Martha Spears, Professor of Management

As the resolution came from a standing committee, no second was need; Chair Bigham called for a vote. The resolution passed unanimously.

A second resolution was brought forth to Create the Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership. This degree program will develop school district leaders by emphasizing equal education for all students, ethical behavior, advanced communication skills and interpersonal relationships.

As the resolution came from a standing committee, no second was need; Chair Bigham called for a vote. The resolution passed unanimously.

Report of the Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Committee Chair Karl Folkens reviewed the enrollment and retention report provided during the committee meeting. In summary, the number of applications is trending positively and while there are many nuances in the data, overall, the enrollment and retention numbers are positive. Likewise, orientation and housing numbers have increased as compared to this time last year. Overall, the admissions and enrollment division is cautiously optimistic about Fall 2015 enrollment totals.

The committee then discussed activities that could be done by the Trustees in support of enrollment. Trustees have been using a unique code number as a way to advertise and encourage deserving students to apply. The code, when entered on the Winthrop application, waives the application fee.

Report of the Committee on Intuitional Advancement and Development
Committee Chair Tim Hopkins reported on plans to finalize the Distinction: a Campaign for Winthrop. The most current report shows that we are approaching $900,000 this year and that funds are up by $100,000 in the last week. There is an increase in the number of donors by 564 over this time last year, which has been attributed to the new automated Phonathon system where 340,000 calls were made compared to 41,000 last year. Unrestricted funds currently total $190,865 toward the annual goal of $600,000 from 2,132 donors over this time last year when the total was $153,862 and 1,600 donors. The tentative date for the celebration to close the Distinction campaign is September 18, 2015.

Over the past few weeks the Division is undergoing a realignment of roles and responsibilities.
Advancement Services is now an official department within the Division of Institutional Advancement and job descriptions have been updated. Ryan Sheehan, Director of Advancement Services, is currently working on compliance, security and standard operating procedures with the Winthrop Foundation. Winthrop Foundation and Advancement Services have collaborated to review, update, and implement internal controls to promote efficiency, mitigate risk, and pursue compliance with industry standards.

A new Planned Giving web page will be operational by July 1. Winthrop has signed a contract with Crescendo company who will maintain the web page and send regular emails. Crescendo is also a resource for financial and legal advice.

On the Major Gifts side, we have restructured the staff so that the Major Gifts Officers are focused solely on fundraising. We have also implemented a tracking system which shows that the Major Gifts officers have completed 271 visits and are managing 1,100 donors and prospects.

Robin Embry, newly appointed Executive Director of the Winthrop University Foundation, gave a PowerPoint summary of 2014 and plans for 2015. Ms. Embry's presentation showed an increase in scholarships and grants and a 19% increase in fundraising.

Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics
As Committee Chair Scott Talley was not able to attend today's meeting, Mr. Tim Sease chaired the meeting in his absence.

The Committee heard a report from Assistant VP of Student Life, Chief Frank Zebedis on the new contract with Barnes & Noble College for the Winthrop University Bookstore. Winthrop's bookstore contract provider is determined every number of years according to State Budget and Control Board rules. Prior to the new contract with Barnes and Noble beginning on July 1, Follett had been a university partner for 34 years.

Mr. Tom Hickman, Director of Athletics, presented an update and brief overview for the Athletic Department. In the spring semester 64% of the Student Athletes had a 3.0 GPA or better. Women's golf with an overall GPA of 3.56 replaced men's tennis with the best GPA for the spring semester. The overall semester GPA for all teams is 3.11. Two student athletes earned All American honors this spring.

News from the Big South Athletic Conference is the adoption of a 5-Year Strategic Plan. Five areas of core values and goals were set forth in the strategic plan. They are Basketball Success, Media Exposure, Academic Centrality, Student-Athlete Experience and Messaging/Branding. The plan calls for minimum basketball arena size which is on a 10-year timetable rather than the 5 years for the remainder of the plan.

Report of the Committee on Finance
Committee Chair Glenn McCall thanked the Winthrop administration, faculty, staff, and students for efficiently cutting costs this past fiscal year. The finance and budget team at Winthrop deserves special thanks for the good work they did in analyzing and meeting needs of the University this past year.

Mr. McCall asked the Board to consider a Resolution to Adopt the Tuition Schedule and fees for Fiscal Year 2015-16. The resolution proposes a 2.5 percent undergraduate tuition increase for in-state and out-of-state students and a 4 percent tuition increase for Graduate School tuition. Room and board fees will increase by 4%.

Mr. McCall stated the proposed increase is the lowest in 16 years. If passed, this will be the second year in a row that the board of trustees has approved a historically low tuition increase. The increase is due, in part, for rising energy costs as well as strategic initiatives that focus on student success and degree completion.

Winthrop in-state undergraduate students will pay $7,078 in the fall semester, $172 more than in fall 2014. In-state graduate students will pay $579 per credit hour, and out-of-state graduate students will pay $1,114 per credit hour. Mr. McCall reminded the Board that summer school tuition, although not voted upon by the Board, will continue to follow the pricing of a 25% reduction in semester fees.

Needing no second as this is a recommendation from a standing committee, Chair Bigham called for the vote. The resolution passed with 12 yes votes and 1 no vote.

Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference and Faculty Representative to the Board
Dr. John Bird described the current, ongoing work of the Faculty Conference. He reminded the Board that the Fall 2015 incoming freshmen will begin their studies at Winthrop under the new General Education program. This new program will make it easier for students to change majors. Dr. Bird thanked the faculty for their willingness to work on an accelerated schedule to make major changes to curriculum requirements in order to finalize the General Education program revisions.

Dr. Bird announced he was reelected to the position as chair of Faculty Conference and Representative to the Board of Trustees. This news was met with great pleasure by the Board. In turn, he thanked the Board for allowing him to voice the faculty perspective.

Report from the President of the Council of Student Leaders (CSL) and Student Representative to the Board

President Ian Deas reported on the most recent activities of the Council including a visit by a number of Council of Student Leaders to the Statehouse, annual LIFT conference, and the "Justice or Lack Thereof" panel discussion featuring Representative Tommy Pope.

Mr. Deas thanked the Trustees for welcoming him to the Board and allowing him to represent the student body at Winthrop. He introduced his successor, Mr. Ray McKetty, a junior from Greenville, SC, to the Board. Mr. McKetty will join the Board at their August meeting.

Report from the President
President Boyd began her report by thanking the Trustees for the opportunity to lead Winthrop this past year. She commented positively on the Board's decision to have an inclusive search for the 11th president of Winthrop and hopes the inclusive, collaborative atmosphere between the Board and the campus will continue. Dr. Boyd thanked the Board for agreeing to the lowest tuition increase in 16 years and stated the University is stronger because of the Board's efforts and leadership this past year.

Report from the Nominating Committee
Chair Bigham turned the meeting over to Glenn McCall to receive the report from the Nominating Committee. Mr. McCall asked chair of the nominating committee Janet Smalley to announce the slate of candidates for Board Officers for Fiscal Year 2015-16. Ms. Smalley thanked her committee, Donna Glenn Holley and Tim Sease, for their good work. On their behalf, she made a motion that Kathy Bigham be elected as chair and Karl Folkens as vice-chair.

With no second needed, Mr. McCall called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. McCall returned the meeting to Chair Bigham.

New Business
There was no new business.

Scott Middleton moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Julie Fowler. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board