Minutes of the of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

June 10, 2016

Members present: Karl Folkens, Glenn McCall, Susan Smith-Rex, Jane LaRoche, Janet Smalley, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Ashlye Wilkerson, Tim Sease, Julie Fowler, and Dan Mahony (ex officio).

Members absent: Kathy Bigham, Scott Talley, Scott Middleton

Representatives present: Ray McKetty, Student Representative; John Bird, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Bristow Marchant, The Herald; Mike Crowder, WRHI, members of Winthrop faculty and staff

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 10, 2016 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Public Comment
There were no requests for public comment.

Call to Order
Vice Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. He welcomed all present.

Approval of Minutes
Don Long moved to accept the minutes from the meeting of March 11, 2016. Tim Sease seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the minutes as submitted.

Executive Session

Glenn McCall moved with a second from Sue Smith Rex to move into executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. 30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain current and former university employees and for a discussion of proposed contractual arrangements. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Jane LaRoche moved with a second from Ashlye Wilkerson to end the executive session and return to public session. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

In Kathy Bigham's absence, Vice Chair Folkens delivered the report of the Executive Committee. He began by asking for motions to consider three resolutions.

Resolution to Honor Ray McKetty for Meritorious Service to the Board
Tim Hopkins moved with a second from Ashlye Wilkerson to honor Ray McKetty's service to the Board of Trustees in his role as president of the Council of Student Leaders in academic year 2015-16. Ray used his concern for his fellow students and his skill as a student leader to ensure that Winthrop University continues its tradition of outstanding service to students. Ray's thoughtful advice and counsel from the perspective of a student was particularly helpful to the Board. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution to Honor Scott Talley for Meritorious Service to the Board

Donna Glenn Holley moved with a second from Jane LaRoche to honor Scott Talley for his six years of service to the Board as the representative from Congressional District Four. Scott's participation on the Board on a variety of committees including the presidential search committees and as chair of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics have been characterized by his dedication to excellence and his high level of commitment to education. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution to Honor Tom Hickman for Meritorious Service to the University
Tim Sease moved with a second from Don Long to honor Tom Hickman upon the occasion of his retirement from Winthrop after serving the university for twenty seven years with twenty of those years as athletic director. Tom provided oversight to more than $20 million in facility upgrades, the addition of women's soccer, women's lacrosse and men's and women's indoor track and field, the creation of the Winthrop Athletics Hall of Fame. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Mr. Folkens reported on the Executive Committee's annual evaluation of President Mahony. The Executive Committee met on June 9 to review the Agency Head Performance Evaluation Goals and Objectives. Each of the six objectives was determined to be met at the Exceeds Expectations level and the overall evaluation was also at the Exceeds Expectations level. The survey of Trustees as mandated by the Agency Head Salary Commission resulted in an aggregated score of 4.45 on a scale with a range of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

Agency Head Salary Commission Goals and Objectives for Academic Year 2016-17 will be presented at the August 2016 meeting.

Report from the Committee on Compensation

Chair Janet Smalley reported on the activities of the university as they relate to compensation. Over the past year the competitive compensation committee identified a broad comparison group of colleges and universities and other relevant data sources in order to arrive at median salaries by which to compare the salaries at Winthrop. While unable to move every employee to the median as that would cost about $4 million in salaries and benefits, 200 employees will share the $200,000 recurring monies included in the 2015-16 fiscal year budget.

The $200,000 was allocated between faculty and staff based on the proportion of the $4 million needed to bring everyone in each group to the median. Eligible staff members received about two-thirds of the $200,000 and eligible faculty members received about one-third. Every permanent staff member with a salary below the median and below an annual salary of $30,000 received an $800 salary increase. Every faculty member with a nine-month salary at or below 90 percent of the median and below a base salary of $100,000 received an $800 salary increase. Using this allocation directs the faculty share to those farthest from the median and who are not the highest paid.

The competitive compensation committee will continue to assess compensation matters at the university and develop plans to allocate additional monies as they become available.

Effective July 1, 2016, all fulltime employees will receive a state mandated salary increase of 3.25%. However, that increase will be offset by an increase of 0.5 % in required retirement fees.

Report from the Committee on Academic Quality

Resolution to Confer Emeriti Faculty Status
Chair Sue Smith Rex brought forth a resolution from the Committee conferring emeriti faculty status to Dr. Irene Boland, Professor of Geology (posthumous); Dr. Charlie Bowers, Professor of Exercise Science; Dr. Tim Boylan, Professor of Political Science; Dr Gary Brooks, Professor of Mathematics; Dr. Mark DeWalt, Professor of Education; Dr Caroline Everington; Mr. Paul Martyka, Associate Professor of Fine Arts (posthumous); Dr. Pedro Muñoz, Professor of Spanish; Dr. William Naufftus, Professor of English; and Ms. Mary Watson, Instructor, Macfeat Early Childhood Laboratory School. Their combined service to Winthrop totals 275 years.

As this resolution was from the Committee, no second was needed. Vice Chair Folkens called for a vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Resolution to Establish Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies

Chair Rex brought forth a resolution from the Committee to establish a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies to replace the existing program in Family and Consumer Sciences. The program in Human Development and Family Studies is designed as a strong interdisciplinary program that includes coursework spanning the ten Family Life Education Content Areas established by the National Council on Family Relations. This curriculum will allow graduates of the program to be eligible to receive Certified Family Life Educator certification.

Needing no second, Vice Chair Folkens called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Dr. Rex concluded her report with an update on the status of online course development and implementation including a video by Dr. Seth Jenny and Dr. Kimarie Whetstone showing the benefits and challenges of online learning.

Report from the Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Chair Folkens reported on the information presented related to our marketing efforts including the use of billboards throughout the state as well as radio advertising. Winthrop will release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a marketing consultant in the near future with intent to award a contract in July. Based on the consultant's input, a new branding, marketing, and advertising program will be developed including a redesign of the website.

The Committee heard a report on the importance of transfer students and how Winthrop Admissions staff are working to attract increasing numbers of transfers.

An emphasis on transfer recruitment is because transfer enrollment decreases the reliance on flattening numbers of first-time, full-time students, transfers can potentially fill vacancies in upper level courses caused by attrition, transfers represent an average tuition revenue per student increase greater than first-time students due to lower amounts of institutional aid, and transfers have a greater likelihood of retaining and graduating, increasing the rates of both metrics.

Winthrop has in place a bridge program with nearby York Technical College. Students initially apply to and enroll at York Technical College and pay a $150 participation fee each semester giving them access to Winthrop facilities and events. Students receive joint academic advising and a Winthrop student mentor to ensure a smooth transition to Winthrop. A reception is held each semester on the Winthrop campus to introduce York Technical College students to the program. Students may select courses in the University Studies Certificate program at York Technical College and expect to transfer 31-32 hours to Winthrop. The program has been well received by students currently enrolled in it and we expect the program to grow.

Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Chair Tim Hopkins reported on a number of activities within the Division. During President Mahony's first year at Winthrop, 23 events held were introducing over 1,000 alumni to the President. Donations to the University increase to a total of $1,099,027 by May 2016 and the Winthrop Fund total for 2016 is is $194,966. The Alumni giving rate is 8.42%. The new alumni directory is complete and will be disseminated in the next few weeks.

The Foundation Board continues to work with the University administration to reallocate the management fees from 6% to the current 3.5% with plans to further reduce the fee paid from the Foundation to the University. The Foundation is conducting an RFP for investment advisors for the upcoming calendar year. A $1.2 million annuity and estate gift of an additional $1.8 million will be received in coming weeks. This $3 million gift represents the largest single gift in Winthrop history.

The Committee received a power point presentation regarding the activities of the University Communications and Marketing division.

Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletic

In the absence of Chair Scott Talley, Tim Sease led the Committee and provided a report to the Board. Mr. Sease summarized the presentation on the Fraternity and Sorority Affairs program at Winthrop. Four new fraternities/sororities are being added this year to bring our total to 19 active organizations on campus.

President Mahony attended the Committee meeting in order to present the Football Feasibility Study and discuss the findings with the Trustees. Overall findings suggest an overall football interest in the region that is above the national average. However, student survey results show interest in attending football games, but they are not willing to subsidize a program. Of students surveyed fully 93% would be willing to add only $100 or less per year to their student fees for football, and 50% reported they would oppose paying anything. By way of comparison, UNC-Charlotte has added fees of $320 per year to support football, with a much larger student body.

An alumni survey indicated support for football, with 54% agreeing that football would be a good idea. The most frequent reason offered for supporting football was that it would increase revenue to Winthrop. Of the one-quarter who opposed football, the most frequent reason offered was that it would be expensive and erode academics.

Faculty and staff were more likely to oppose football. Of those surveyed 42% don't think football is a good idea, while one-quarter do. Faculty and staff do recognize that football could have positive impacts (e.g. greater student involvement, increased donations, improved community relations), but believe resources directed to football would be better spent elsewhere on campus.

An analysis based on data derived from other colleges and universities suggests that a football program may increase male applications and result in increased full-time freshmen enrollment.
Yet, the analysis predicts that retention would be reduced and overall undergraduate enrollment would not improve. In addition to retention declines, the difference between the impact on freshman and the impact of overall enrollment is likely due to the fact the former ignores transfers, a growing population at Winthrop and many other universities.

Total start-up costs for the years before the teams begin competition are estimated to be $4-5 million for football and additional women's sports combined. In addition, there are estimated facility costs of $11.31 million. These estimates are based on playing at District 3 stadium with only minimal upgrades. Start-up costs for a marching band would add an addition $170,000. Annual costs for a non-scholarship football program are estimated at $3.18 million. A scholarship football program would have additional personnel and operating expenses along with the financial aid, for a total of $4.77 million. These projections do not include the likely need for additional faculty, tutoring services, housing, and other related costs.

Due to Title IX imbalances resulting from additional male athletes playing football, Winthrop would have to add several female sports in order to equal or exceed the large size of the football roster. The ongoing costs of these women's programs are difficult to determine at this time because it is not clear which sports we would add.

Based on the study findings and the President's recommendation, Don Long made a motion that Winthrop not begin a football program at this time. Randy Imler seconded the motion. Vice Chair Folkens called for a vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Report from the Committee on Finance

Chair McCall conveyed the compliments by the external auditing firm led by Ben Kochenower of Winthrop's budget and finance staff noting their exceptional work.

The Committee reviewed the 2015-16 budget as well as projections for the 2016-17 budget including proposed increases to the tuition and fee schedule. Mr. McCall emphasized the intent of the Committee to keep tuition and fees increase as low as possible. Therefore, the resolution brought forth by the Committee is for a 2.5 percent undergraduate tuition increase for in-state and out-of-state students. Mr. McCall noted this is the lowest increase in 17 years continuing the trend of the last three years of historically low tuition increase. Prior to calling for a vote, Chair Folkens led a discussion of the resolution. Individual Trustees inquired about the need to raise tuition and fees each year and the possibility of no increases in the future. Both Mr. McCall and President Mahony addressed the Trustees' concerns by stating the proposed increases are modest as compared to national averages. Additionally, they pointed out the need to look at overall cost of attendance at Winthrop. When families review the costs of tuition, fewer fees, and lower housing costs both on and off-campus, as well as the financial aid available to them, families will find the price of attending Winthrop to be on par with other public comprehensive universities in South Carolina.

At the conclusion of the discussion Mr. Folkens called for a vote. The resolution passed with 9 in favor of the resolution and 2 against.

As a result Winthrop in-state undergraduate students will pay $7,255 in the fall semester, $177 more than in fall 2015. Out-of-state students will pay $14,045 this fall semester, $343 more than a year ago. Graduate School tuition will increase by 3.5%, or $599 per credit hour, and out-of-state graduate students will pay $1,153 per credit hour. Winthrop room and board fees, which vary according to type of housing and meal plan chosen, are a 2% percent increase for housing and a 4.7% increase for board

Reports from the Representatives to the Board

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Bird reported on the large number of curricular actions considered and approved by Faculty Conference. These actions are resulting in stronger programs and will permit students to more efficiently complete their degrees of study.

Throughout the year, a number of faculty were asked to serve on the Strategic Plan Working Groups or tasked with research projects such as the Football Feasibility Study. This has created a high level of interaction with the faculty and administration. The president's willingness to share information in a straightforward manner has improved faculty morale.

Faculty are glad to know the Competitive Compensation Committee's work resulted in salary increases for nearly 200 employees. While that is a good start, faculty strongly feel the work of the Committee should be continued and monies built into each year's operating budget to ensure progress toward salary increases.

Report from the President of the Council of Student Leaders

Mr. Ray McKetty summarized the work of the Council over Academic Year 2015-16. Highlights from the year include a panel discussion about sexual health for students, a Watch Party held during the Democratic Forum for students unable to obtain tickets to attend, a homecoming block party, student voter registration drive, MLK, Jr day of service activities, CSL Day at the Statehouse, and successfully lobbied the Administration to permit students to wear university-related stoles and cords during the entire commencement ceremonies.

Mr. McKetty concluded his report by thanking the Trustees for the opportunity to serve as the Student Representative to the Board. He did not seek reelection for a second term as president but assured the Board he successor, Ms. Elizabeth West, will be a great asset to the Board.

Report from the President

Dr. Mahony reported on the status of the Strategic Planning process. Several Working Group reports have been submitted and a second draft of the Strategic Plan has been developed. This is a revised draft of the one the Board reviewed at the previous Board meeting. This newest draft of the Plan has been presented to both staff and faculty conferences. It is now being shared with the campus, community, and alumni via our webpage. We are in the process of seeking public input via our website.

Next steps in the process are to finalize metrics by which to measure progress toward strategic goals, identify and prioritize actions to achieve strategic goals, establish fundraising priorities based on strategic goals, and finally, to execute the strategic plan.

In the meantime, a number of initiatives are already underway including the development of new certificate programs and hiring of educational technical specialists who will work with faculty to convert their classes to an on-line format.

Report of the Nominating Committee

As chair of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Tim Sease announced the recommendations of the Committee regarding the chair and vice chair positions for Academic Year 2016-17. Per Board bylaws, the Trustees were notified 30 days in advance of today's meeting of the Committee's intent to nominate Mr. Karl Folkens as chair and Mr. Glenn McCall as vice chair. Mr. Sease called for additional nominations from the floor. None were made. The then called for the vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of Mr. Folkens and Mr. McCall. They will take office on July 1, 2016.

New Business

There was no new business.

Janet Smalley moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Randy Imler. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly A. Faust, Secretary to the Board