WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina mandated through Act 359 of 1996 (Performance Funding for Higher Education) that public institutions of higher education include in their faculty performance review systems periodic peer evaluation of tenured faculty members; and

WHEREAS, the Commission on Higher Education subsequently promulgated the "Best Practices for Post-Tenure Review" as a set of criteria to incorporate into the performance review system developed at each institution; and

WHEREAS, to comply with Act 359 and the "Best Practices," a task force comprised of faculty and deans from the four colleges and the library met over two years to develop a set of policies and procedures for post-tenure review at Winthrop University; and

WHEREAS, the proposed policies and procedures represent a campuswide initiative with widespread participation which resulted in consensus among task force members, unanimous adoption by the Faculty Conference, and a positive recommendation from the Vice-President for Academic Affairs; and

WHEREAS, the post-tenure review process at Winthrop is intended to complement other forms of faculty evaluation such as the annual review, pre-tenure review, and tenure and promotion processes in order to provide feedback to faculty members on their performance, to recognize and reward faculty for outstanding performance, and to assist faculty in improving when their performance falls below expectations; and

WHEREAS, as a comprehensive teaching University, Winthrop affirms through all of these processes its commitment to tenure and its support of faculty in reaching their potential as teachers, scholars, creative artists and professionals;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the President, does hereby adopt the Policies and Procedures for Post-Tenure Review at Winthrop University.

February 5, 1999