WHEREAS, the concern for the environment and the need for citizens trained in environmental
sciences and environmental studies has increased in recent history and continues to
increase; and
WHEREAS, both the environmental studies and the environmental sciences programs will
expand the ways in which our graduates "meet the needs and challenges of the contemporary
world," as outlined in the mission statement of the university; and
WHEREAS, both the environmental studies and the environmental sciences programs combine
the scientific aspects of environmental issues with the social, political, ethical,
economic, and policy issues and draws on the historical character and strengths of
Winthrop University by infusing the "science" degree with the humanities and social
sciences; and
WHEREAS, the university's commitment to these degrees is exemplified by the recent
and on-going renovations of scientific facilities and the establishment of the Harry
and ˜Becca Dalton Endowed Chair in Environmental Sciences/Studies;
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees does
hereby authorize the addition of the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and
the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences to the curriculum of the College
of Arts and Sciences.
November 3, 2000