SECTION 5912520. Composition of board of trustees.

A. The board of trustees of Winthrop University is composed of the Governor and the State Superintendent of Education or their designees who are members ex officio of the board, seven other members each to be elected by the joint vote of the General Assembly, as hereinafter provided, and two graduates of Winthrop University to be appointed by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors, as hereinafter provided.  In the event that the office of the State Superintendent of Education becomes an appointed position instead of an elected position, the seat on the board of trustees of Winthrop University occupied by the designee the State Superintendent of Education shall become an at-large seat to be elected by the joint vote of the General Assembly.

B. In addition to the members of the board in subsection A, there shall be one additional member of the board appointed by the Governor.  The Governor shall make the appointment based on merit regardless of race, color, creed, or gender and shall strive to assure that the membership of the board is representative of all citizens of the State of South Carolina.

SECTION 59-125-30. Election of board members; terms; vacancies.

Of the seven members to be elected by the General Assembly, one member must be elected from each of the six congressional districts and the remaining member must be elected by the General Assembly from the State at large. Each position on the board constitutes a separate office and the seats on the board are numbered consecutively as follows:  for the First Congressional District, Seat One; for the Second Congressional District, Seat Two; for the Third Congressional District, Seat Three; for the Fourth Congressional District, Seat Four; for the Fifth Congressional District, Seat Five;  for the Sixth Congressional District, Seat Six;  for the atlarge position elected by the General Assembly, Seat Seven; for the designee of the State Superintendent of Education, Seat Eight; for the at-large positions elected by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors, Seats Nine and Ten;  the member appointed by the Governor shall occupy Seat Eleven; the Governor or his or her designee shall occupy Seat Twelve.  The regular term of office of the elective members of the board of trustees is six years with the members first elected being elected two for two years, two for four years, and three for six years.  In electing members of the board, the General Assembly shall elect members based on merit regardless of race, color, creed, or gender and shall strive to assure that the membership of the board is representative of all citizens of the State of South Carolina.  The General Assembly shall hold elections every evennumbered year to fill vacancies as they occur in the board by the expiration of terms of office.  The present elective members of the board of trustees shall continue to serve until the thirtieth day of June of the year in which their terms are scheduled to expire.  Those persons elected by the General Assembly in 2002 shall have their Seats designated as the Seat number corresponding to the Congressional District from which they are elected.  The General Assembly shall hold elections to fill vacancies as they occur in the board by the expiration of terms of office as follows: Seat One in 2006, Seat Two in 2008, Seat Three in 2004, Seat Four in 2004, Seat Five in 2006, Seat Six in 2008, and Seat Seven in 2005.  After its 1984 session, the General Assembly shall elect successors to those trustees whose terms are expiring not earlier than the first day of April for a term to begin the following July first.  Elections to fill vacancies which are caused by the death, resignation, or removal of an elective trustee may be held earlier than the first day of April of the year in which the unexpired term terminates, but the term of the person elected to fill the vacancy expires on the last day of June of the year in which the term of the former member would have expired.  When there is a vacancy otherwise occurring in the board of trustees among the elected members, the Governor may fill it by appointment until the next session of the General Assembly.  The successors to the two present members who are graduates of Winthrop College appointed by the Winthrop College Alumnae Association or its successors must be elected by the members of the Winthrop College Alumnae Association at its annual meeting held at Winthrop College during commencement week in 1958 and they shall serve for a term of four years and their successors must be elected at the similar annual meeting every four years thereafter.  The members of the Board elected by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors to fill Seats Nine and Ten in 2002 shall be elected for four year terms.  In 2006 the person elected by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors to fill Seat Nine shall serve a six year term and the person elected by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors to fill Seat Ten shall serve a four year term.  At the completion of those terms of office, all subsequent members of the Board elected by the Winthrop University Alumni Association or its successors to fill Seats Nine and Ten shall be elected for six year terms. The names of the two those so elected must be certified to the Secretary of State by the president and secretary of the association and they shall take office immediately after the certification.  The terms of the atlarge trustees appointed by the Governor is effective upon certification to the Secretary of State and is six years co-terminus with the term of office of the Governor.  Any vacancy in the office of the member appointed by the Governor must be filled by appointment of the Governor for the unexpired term in the same manner of original appointment.



WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University continues to actively support the goal of attracting and retaining outstanding citizens to serve as Trustees of the University; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University recognizes an ongoing need to ensure that the composition of the Board appropriately reflects the University's state-wide mission; and

WHEREAS, the President of Winthrop University has proposed a framework for addressing these issues through legislative amendments to the statutes governing the composition of the Board of Trustees and the election of members to the Board of Trustees; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees supports the proposed framework for restructuring the composition of the Board of Trustees and the election of members to the Board of Trustees and encourages the President to seek legislative action to implement the proposed framework;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees endorses and supports the implementation of the restructuring of the Board as a significant element of the Board's ongoing commitment to institutional progress and development.

December 15, 2001