WHEREAS, in memory of William H. Grier, an outstanding public servant and industrialist, long time member and Chair of the Board of Trustees, first male recipient of an honorary degree from the College, and generous benefactor and servant of the interests of Winthrop, the William H. Grier Professorship in Business Administration was established in 1993; and

WHEREAS, the Grier Professor is expected to be an excellent classroom teacher, highly imaginative, completely dependable, in command of his/her discipline; and

WHEREAS, this teacher is highly regarded by students and peers and is both demanding and supportive; and

WHEREAS, this teacher is a known scholar beyond the campus and is respected for service to others, both on campus and in the community; and

WHEREAS, the professor chosen for this honor has dedicated twenty seven years at Winthrop to the intellectual development of his students as well as to the overall development of the university; and

WHEREAS, every part of this University community is better, stronger, more effective, and a more pleasant place to work and study as a result of his efforts; and

WHEREAS, Professor Gary L. Stone is known for his gifted instruction to students from across the university, his international contribution to economic education in developing countries, and his immeasurable positive influence on the intellectual atmosphere and general quality of life at this University;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University gratefully acknowledges the outstanding accomplishments of Professor Gary Lee Stone and presents to him today this citation as a testament to his dedication to student learning and devotion to higher education and in honor of being named the William H. Grier Professor.

April 12, 2002