WHEREAS, in memory of William H. Grier, a long-time member and chair of the Board
of Trustees, the first male recipient of an honorary degree from the College of Business
Administration, as well as a generous benefactor and servant of the university, the
William H. Grier Professorship in Business Administration was established in 1993;
WHEREAS, the Grier Professorship is awarded every four years to an excellent classroom
teacher who is highly imaginative, dependable, and in command of his or her discipline;
WHEREAS, the professor chosen for this honor has dedicated sixteen years at Winthrop
to the intellectual development of her students as well as to the overall development
of the university and her profession; and
WHEREAS, this award has been presented to Professor Jane B. Thomas for her talented
teaching, exceptional scholarship and service, and her consistent integration of traditional
course work and experiential learning in expanding student learning;
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University gratefully
acknowledges the outstanding accomplishments of Professor Jane B. Thomas and presents
to her today this citation as a testament to her scholarly achievements and devotion
to higher education and in honor of being named the William H. Grier Professor.
November 17, 2006