WHEREAS, in accordance with Board Bylaws the Executive Committee met in Executive Session on May 21, 2008 to conduct the annual performance review of the President of Winthrop University as mandated by the State Agency Head Salary Commission; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee reviewed the responses to the State Agency Head Performance Survey submitted by the individual Trustees and reviewed the President's performance in terms of the Performance Planning Objectives; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee noted that during his tenure as President, Dr. DiGiorgio has continuously challenged the campus community to excel, has orchestrated the creation and implementation of new and innovative programming and facilities, and has steadily maintained a record of accountability and performance resulting in Winthrop's recognition as a national caliber university; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee concluded that President DiGiorgio should receive a rating of "Exceeds Expectations" in the Board's formal evaluation to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission based on his continuing to demonstrate a vision-driven management approach that is bringing national attention to Winthrop's quality and value, while keeping faith with the legislative mandate that Winthrop be a "first-class institution of higher education."  His emphasis on using national third-party measures and emerging best practices has kept Winthrop on the path of continuous quality improvement in all areas: academic quality, student personal development success, facilities planning and design, athletics excellence, and service to the region and state.  A campus community is more than the sum of these parts, however, and the president has created a value system within the Winthrop community that recognizes the unique obligations of public higher education to develop the next generation of civic leaders, as well as professional leaders, while also fulfilling the obligation to bring its human and other institutional resources to bear on service to the state and surrounding region; and

WHEREAS, the president's stewardship is carried out in a purpose-driven way that recognizes both the traditional quantitative measures of excellence and, even more importantly, the significant value added by emphasizing qualitative features of excellence as well.  From his personal involvement in the planning and design of a new heart of campus, to his commitment to infusing the campus with a true sense of service beyond self, he demonstrates the importance of a college experience that prepares students to live, learn and lead in an increasingly global society that demands innovation and collaboration beyond cultural norms; 

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that in its formal evaluation of the performance of Anthony J. DiGiorgio as President of Winthrop University to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission, based on the transformation of Winthrop into a national caliber university, the continued excellence in terms of accountability and performance over the course of his leadership, and his service to higher education in South Carolina, President DiGiorgio will receive a rating of "Exceeds Expectations" and will be recommended to receive the maximum available salary increase offered by the Commission for 2008-2009.

June 6, 2008