WHEREAS, Winthrop University with grateful appreciation, does hereby acknowledge, commend and honor the distinguished service to the University by Dr. Thomas F. Moore in many capacities including faculty member, department chair, director of the Master in Liberal Arts program, chair of the Winthrop University Faculty Conference and faculty representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and most recently as Vice President of Academic Affairs; and

WHEREAS, during his tenure, he exercised exemplary leadership and vision in guiding the University toward distinction by overseeing major initiatives, including re-affirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; development of University College; curriculum changes leading to national caliber academic programs; a strengthening of our Touchstone core general education program; the adoption of Winthrop's University-Level Competencies as learning outcomes that apply across all undergraduate programs and that all Winthrop graduates attain; and

WHEREAS, by advocating for setting the bar high for our students thereby giving them the opportunity to see how good they can be, he has led the faculty at Winthrop to put student learning and development at the center of university life; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Moore's resolute commitment to educational advancement for all students throughout his career can best be illustrated by his well-known advice to faculty new to Winthrop, "When you walk into the classroom, do not ask yourself, ˜What can I teach my students today.' Ask yourself, ˜what can my students learn today;'"

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Trustees, the President, and the Winthrop University faculty, staff and students do hereby convey their deep respect and profound gratitude to Dr. Thomas F. Moore, and do commend him for outstanding meritorious service to higher education in general and Winthrop in particular and wish him well as he assumes the chancellorship of the University of South Carolina Upstate.

June 10, 2011