WHEREAS, the respective Boards of Trustees at state institutions of higher learning
are empowered to determine schedules of student tuition and fees; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Executive Officer and Provost has recommended to the Board of Trustees
at Winthrop University fees schedules; and
WHEREAS, the proposed 2.84% increase in required tuition and fees is Winthrop's lowest
percentage increase since 2000;
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the proposed schedules for required student fees,
other fees, and auxiliary student fees for 2014-15 as attached hereto and incorporated
by reference be adopted by the Board of Trustees; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that at the first scheduled meeting in fiscal year 2014-15,
the Board of Trustees shall approve the 2014-15 operating budget; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees be
authorized to amend the Winthrop University fee schedules and to approve an operating
budget on behalf of the Board.
June 26, 2014