WHEREAS, Strategic planning, by its very nature, provides clarification and re-definition of institutional missions, visions, and values as it stimulates new thinking and strengthens campus-wide collaboration; and

WHEREAS, Recognizing the need to update the former strategic plan developed in 1999, the Board of Trustees charged President Dan Mahony in his first year in office to develop an inclusive strategic planning process to identify Winthrop's priorities moving forward and how best to allocate resources in order to achieve those priorities; and

WHEREAS, A strategic planning committee comprising representatives from faculty, staff, and students gathered input from multiple sources including seven working groups tasked with addressing key challenges for the university, input from meetings the President held with each faculty and staff department on campus, and feedback from Trustees, alumni, and the wider campus and local community into an interim report; and

WHEREAS, From that interim report, a vision statement, a values statement, and a series of five goals with corresponding initiatives and metrics were developed. Those overarching goals of Strategic Plan 2025 are (a) support inclusive excellence by expanding our impact on students and our communities through enrollment growth and increases in retention and graduation rates, (b) continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop experience for all students by promoting a culture of innovation, with an emphasis on global and community engagement, (c) attract and retain high quality and diverse faculty, staff, and administrators, (d) provide facilities, technology, and programs that support Winthrop students and the overall Winthrop experience, (e) ensure financial stability and sustainability; and

WHEREAS, The strategic plan will be implemented through the use of measurable long and short term goals, on-going implementation of initiatives to achieve those goals, and periodic assessment of the success in implementing the plan;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University hereby endorses the Strategic Plan 2025 as the formal planning document for the University.

August 22, 2016