WHEREAS, Winthrop University has long offered a master's degree program in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Educational Technology; and

WHEREAS, the proposed new program in Learning Design and Technology will expand upon the existing concentration to become a full thirty credit hour Master's degree program; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Master of Education in Learning Design and Technology is to prepare professional educators in a variety of fields to create, analyze, deliver, and evaluate learning materials and improve human learning and performance through the appropriate use of learning theory and technology tools; and

WHEREAS, the program will provide degree candidates with a comprehensive study of the field of learning design and technology and the appropriate tools and skills used by professionals in the field; and will provide for professional preparation and career advancement to educators working in traditional education environments, such as K-12 districts and schools; and will serve the needs of professional educators working in corporate, health care, government, military, nonprofit, and higher education environments; and

WHEREAS, the proposed degree is consistent with Winthrop University's Mission Statement wherein the University seeks to provide "personalized and challenging undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional education programs of national caliber within a context dedicated to public service to the State of South Carolina";

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WINTHROP UNIVERSITY that the Master of Education in Learning Design and Technology, be established.

APPROVED this 6th day of April 2018