WHEREAS, Winthrop University has long offered a master's degree program in Curriculum
and Instruction with a concentrations in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, Secondary
Education, and Teaching and Learning; and
WHEREAS, the proposed new program in Teacher Leadership will modify the existing program
in Curriculum and Instruction to reflect the needs of school districts to develop
educational leaders in teaching roles; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Master of Education in Teacher Leadership is to meet the
advanced educational needs of teachers who work in diverse educational settings; and
WHEREAS, the program's degree candidates will acquire the knowledge base and skills
needed in the areas of curriculum development and assessment, pedagogy, and leadership
so they can affect high-impact teaching and learning in their classrooms and positively
influence change in their schools; and
WHEREAS, the proposed degree is consistent with Winthrop University's Mission Statement
wherein the University seeks to provide "personalized and challenging undergraduate,
graduate, and continuing professional education programs of national caliber within
a context dedicated to public service to the State of South Carolina";
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Master of Education in Teacher Leadership,
be established.
April 6, 2018