WHEREAS, Winthrop University provides a wide range of academic programs serving the people of South Carolina and, in particular, the north central region of the state;

WHEREAS, the 21st-century economy increasingly requires people who have attained baccalaureate degrees, and increasing the educational attainment of its residents is a goal of the state;

WHEREAS, recent census figures report approximately 130,000 persons in York, Chester, Cherokee, Fairfield, and Lancaster counties who have some college credit but no baccalaureate degree;

WHEREAS, the proposed program in Professional Studies will provide a challenging and rigorous program for a range of adult learners, including military veterans, who have associate degrees or 60 transferable credit hours and who desire to complete their baccalaureate degree;

WHEREAS, the proposed degree is consistent with Winthrop University's Mission Statement wherein the University seeks to provide "personalized and challenging undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional education programs of national caliber within a context dedicated to public service to the State of South Carolina."

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WINTHROP UNIVERSITY that the Bachelor of Professional Studies be established.

APPROVED, this 22nd day of June, 2018