Rock Hill Schools Dual Language Immersion Program Partnership

This Dual Language Immersion (DLI) partnership offers students from Rock Hill High School’s DLI program the opportunity to earn 18 college credit hours from Winthrop University in the French or Spanish Pathways. Begin your journey toward earning a prospective college minor here!


Getting Started (rising sophomores)

  • Meet eligibility requirements:
    • 3.0 or higher high school GPA (SC Uniform Grading Scale)
    • Minimum composite score of 5 on STAMP with no one area below 4, OR
    • 4 or higher on the AP exam
  • Inform your high school counselor of your interest during your IGP
  • Review the course sequence to understand your planned courses for program completion
  • Apply to Winthrop’s Dual Enrollment Program for free (if you don’t have the required STAMP score, it’s ok to apply while waiting for your official AP score release)
  • After being admitted by Winthrop to the program, plan to attend Eagle Prep Night (mandatory orientation for all first time DLI students and families)
  • Review important dates below

Returning Students (rising juniors and seniors who participated the prior year)

  • Meet eligibility requirements:
    • 3.0 or higher high school GPA (SC Uniform Grading Scale)
    • Earn a “C” or higher in SPAN/FREN 310 at Winthrop
  • Inform your high school counselor of your interest in continuing in the program during your IGP
  • Review important dates below

Course Sequence

Spanish Dual Credit Courses

Winthrop Course RHSD Course Year/Term
SPAN 250 Intermediate Conversation and Composition DC Spanish Intermediate Conversation and Composition 9630 Sophomore, Fall
SPAN 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition DC Spanish Advanced Grammar and Composition 9633 Sophomore, Spring
SPAN 313 Advanced Conversation DC Spanish Advanced Conversation 9634 Junior, Fall
SPAN 385 Topics in Spanish/Hispanic Civilization and Culture DC Topics in Spanish/Hispanic Civilization 96E1  Junior, Spring
SPAN 395 Topics in Spanish/Hispanic Literature DC Topics in Spanish/Hispanic Literature 96E2 Senior, Fall
SPAN 405 Topics in Advanced Spanish Language DC Topics in Advanced Spanish Language 9635 Senior, Spring


French Dual Credit Courses

Winthrop Course RHSD Course Year/Term
FREN 250 Intermediate Conversation and Composition DC French Intermediate Conversation and Composition 9640 Sophomore, Fall
FREN 310 Advanced Grammar and Composition DC French Advanced Grammar and Composition 9643 Sophomore, Spring
FREN 313 Advanced Conversation DC French Advanced Conversation 9644 Junior, Fall
FREN 385 Topics in French/Francophone Civilizations DC Topics in French/Francophone Civilizations 9642  Junior, Spring
FREN 395 Topics in French/Francophone Literature DC Topics in French/Francophone Literature 9645 Senior, Fall
FREN 405 Topics in Advanced French Language DC Topics in Advanced French Language 96A1 Senior, Spring


Course Syllabi

Important Links


Important Dates