Name:  Aaron M. Hartel
Title:  Professor of Chemistry
Education:  Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, Duke University
B.S., Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University
Office:  314B Sims Science Building   
Phone:  803/323-4942
Area(s):  Organic synthesis, organic methodology, chemistry pedagogy



College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

Dr. Hartel received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from the Pennsylvania State University and his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Duke University.  He then went on to teach as an instructor at the University of Georgia, where he served as director of the undergraduate organic chemistry instructional laboratories. In 2004, Dr. Hartel came to Winthrop University as an assistant professor of chemistry.

Dr. Hartel teaches introductory lecture and laboratory courses in organic chemistry (CHEM 301, 302, 304 and 310) as well as advanced courses including an organic synthesis laboratory (CHEM 570) and an organic reactions and synthesis lecture (CHEM 571).

His research interests are in the creation of novel synthetic methodologies involving silicon and in the development of instructional laboratory experiments that use tangible 'everyday' materials. To date, ten of the fifteen students that have graduated after conducting research with Dr. Hartel have gone on to graduate studies, and two others have gone on to pharmacy and medical schools.