Name:  Jason C. Hurlbert
Title:  Professor of Chemistry
Education:  Ph.D., Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida
M.S., Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida
B.S., Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida
Office:  301B Sims Science Building   
Phone:  803/323-4928
Web:  Hurlbert faculty page  
Area(s):  Structural Biology Biochemistry Biophysics


College of Arts and Sciences

Faculty & Staff Profiles

My research is centered on studying the structure/function relationships of proteins. We use a variety of techniques to accomplish this goal and the research spans the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics. Typically, proteins in bacterial systems are cloned and expressed, recombinant proteins are purified and characterized, conditions suitable for crystallization are identified, and then the structure of the crystallized protein is solved. The variety of techniques used provides plenty of opportunities for undergraduates to learn techniques that they will need in whatever post-baccalaureate path they choose.