Name: Mary McKemy
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Education: Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Memphis
M.A., Educational Psychology, University of Alabama
B.S., English and Counseling, University of Montevallo
Office: 123 Kinard Hall
Phone: 803/323-2643
Area(s): Student Success, Nutritional Effects in Psychological Disorders
Dr. McKemy has been teaching since 1990 when she was in graduate school. She has taught
at the University of Alabama, University of Memphis, Illinois University, Chowan College,
and Winthrop. She teaches primarily clinically-oriented classes such as "Abnormal
Psychology," "Theories of Personality," and "Clinical Psychology" in addition to teaching
general psychology.
She also maintains a private practice where she has engaged in therapy and psychological
and educational testing. McKemy also has consulted with daycares and provided seminars
for the public. Throughout her training and practice, she has worked in a variety
of settings including an adolescent inpatient program, an adolescent residential treatment
center, testing center, college counseling center, psychiatrist's office, and private
McKemy is married and has a son.