Name: Victoria Uricoechea
Title: Instructor of Spanish
Education: M.L.A., Spanish, Winthrop University
M.B.A., Winthrop University
B.A., Business Administration, Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Bogotá,
Office: 222 Kinard Hall
Phone: 803/323-2622
Area(s): Spanish Grammar and Composition, Spanish for International Business
Professor Uricoechea received her business administration degree at Colegio Mayor
de Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, and her M.B.A. and M.L.A. from
Winthrop in 1989 and 2002, respectively.
Before moving back to Rock Hill and becoming a language teacher, Uricoechea worked
as marketing and trade director at MD Confecciones, a non-profit organization in Bogotá
that assembled and exported goods to the United States under the Free Trade Agreement
commonly referred to as the "807 Program." She also worked with the factory's parent
company to develop special projects directed at helping families and single women
less fortunate, thereby improving their living conditions. In 1997, Uricoechea joined
Royal Bank of Canada as an account officer and network administrator doing financial
and trading reports, handling clients' information for the bank's Head Office in Toronto
and New York, and managing both internal and external network advisors.
As a language teacher, Uricoechea has taught beginning and intermediate Spanish at
York Technical College and Winthrop since 2000. She also has taught beginning French
at Winthrop. In addition, Uricoechea is actively involved with the Spanish Club at
Winthrop with Catalina Adams. In spring 2011, Uricoechea will start teaching "Spanish
for Business," a class at the 300 level.
Uricoechea also has translated books for children and documents for different companies.
She is a member of the Alliance Franaise of Charlotte, N.C., and she was part of the
Ecole du Samedi Board of Directors. She also is a member of the Spanish and French
Honor societies Sigma Delta Pi and Pi Delta Phi.
Uricoechea is married and they have two daughters.