Name: Scott Werts
Title: Professor of Geology; Dalton Endowed Chair of Environmental Sciences & Studies
Education: Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
M.A., Johns Hopkins University
B.S., Pennsylvania State University
Office: 212A Sims Science Building
Phone: 803/323-4930
Web: Faculty Web Page
Area(s): Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Soil Science, Paleoclimatology
Dr. Werts is a professor of geology at Winthrop. He received his Ph.D. in geology
from Johns Hopkins University in 2006. Prior to arriving at Winthrop, Werts worked
as a scientist at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Throughout his career, Werts
also has spent time in the weather service in U.S. Marine Corps as a hydrogeologist
in environmental consulting and in the Paleontology Department of the Calvert Marine
Werts currently teaches courses in "Physical Geology," "Earth and Space Systems,"
"Geochemistry," "Hydrogeology," and "Soils." His research focuses on utilizing various
aspects of soil material to investigate everything from long-term carbon sequestration
in soils using stable isotope trends in soil biological materials to investigating
heating in soils from surface fires and investigating the geomorphology and stable
isotope composition of peat cores for paleoclimate studies.