
Student Organization & Support Committee

The SOS Committee is comprised of psychology undergraduates, a graduate student, and faculty members.

The committee helps with the assessment and improvement of the psychology department. Student members have input into departmental decisions, such as new faculty hires and department-wide service projects.  They also have the responsibility of bringing suggestions and/or concerns to the committee.

2020-21 SOS Student Members 

  • Mandy Breakfield
  • Jordan Snipes
  • Aaron Gigliotti
  • Gabrielle McGee

2021-22 SOS committee members coming soon!


 Psychology Representative to the Dean's Student Advisory Board

Gabrielle McGee is Psychology's representative on the Student Advisory Board to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. The Board will provide students and student organizations opportunities to share their ideas, interests, and concerns with the Dean, and through her, with the other faculty and administrators of the College. The Board will meet several times each semester to receive updates on activities in the College and to discuss other topics of interest to students in the College.