About Web Development

The Web Development degree equips students with the technical skills and expertise needed to build and maintain dynamic websites and web applications. The program combines foundational coursework in web technologies, front-end and back-end development, user experience design, and digital content creation. Emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and practical application, the curriculum prepares students for a variety of roles in the ever-evolving field of web development. Additionally, students can choose from complementary minors to further enhance their specialized skills, ensuring a well-rounded and competitive education.


Career Opportunities

Graduates from the BS in Web Development will be qualified for many careers, including

  • Web Developer: Build and maintain websites, ensuring functionality and performance.
  • Front-End Developer: Focus on the user interface and experience, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Back-End Developer: Work on server-side logic, databases, and application functionality.
  • Full-Stack Developer: Handle both front-end and back-end development tasks. Web Developer: Full stack/front-end/back end
  • Web Designer: Create the layout, visual appearance, and usability of a website.
  • UI/UX Designer: Specialize in user interface and user experience design to enhance user satisfaction.
  • Mobile App Developer: Develop applications for mobile devices, often requiring knowledge of web technologies.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Developer: Work with platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal to build and manage websites.
  • Web Application Developer: Create interactive applications that run on web browsers.
  • E-commerce Specialist: Develop and manage online stores, focusing on user experience and sales optimization.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist: Use web development skills to implement marketing strategies online.
  • Technical Writer: Write documentation, manuals, and tutorials for web development technologies.

Employment prospects for web developers appear promising due to significant projected job growth in the coming years. By 2030, the number of jobs for Web Developers and Digital Interface Designers is expected to rise by 18.8% from 2020 levels, reaching a total of 2,210 positions. This growth rate is higher than that of many other related professions, indicating strong demand for web development and related skills, thereby making it an attractive career choice for the future.



The Web Dev degree offers a diverse set of core courses designed to develop foundational skills across several key areas. Core web development courses cover essential technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing the building blocks for all web projects. Front-end development courses delve into user interface frameworks and responsive design, ensuring students can create interactive and visually appealing websites. In media development, courses focus on creating and managing digital content, while marketing courses teach strategies for promoting digital resources and engaging users. To complement these core courses, students are required to minor in one of the following areas: Marketing, Mass Communication and New Media, Visual Design Studies, or Web Applications. These minors provide specialized knowledge and skills that enhance the comprehensive core, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for various roles in the web development field.


The curriculum is designed for students starting as freshmen, but transfer students can complete the degree in a shorter amount of time. Potential transfer students should consult with the CIS Department Chair or the Web Dev program director for personalized guidance and planning.