

Building Paper Circuits

Paper circuits are a good way to begin teaching students about how to make a circuit since it involves hands-on work.  In the example below, copper tape, batteries, led lights, and a few other items are used to show students how to build a basic circuit. From there, students can experiment some more to see how circuits can become more complex.

Building Paper Circuits (PDF - 624 kb)

These directions also introduce the Circuit Scribe kit that allows students to draw circuits using conductive ink pens.  This allows for a lot more imagination and can be integrated into other subjects as well. Wouldn't it be fun to teach maps where students can draw houses or businesses and then have them light up? How about using these to teach about cause and effect? The possibilities are endless.


Squishy Circuits

Squishy Circuits were developed by the University of St. Thomas as a way to introduce young children to the world of electronics and circuitry. The University developed recipes for dough that you can make with just a few household items that conducts electricity. Several concepts are learning through the manipulation of the Squishy Circuit dough including parallel and serial circuits, the properties of conductive material, and more. A certain amount of trial and error, hypothesizing, and problem solving skills are also involved with using squishy circuits in the classroom. Squishy Circuits can be used with students and adults of all ages.


How to Use Squishy Circuits with Students

Dough Recipe

Squishy Circuits for Young Children 

Check out this 10-year-old's video on using the Squishy Circuits!


Lesson Ideas

Exploring Electricity

Squishy Circuits game