Content Areas and Literacy Core


©Please note the content presented is under copyright by the authors. Contact Lisa Johnson at for information on use.

Content Areas

Early Childhood/Elementary

ELEM 293: Laboratory Experiences in the Elementary Classroom - Designed to provide instructional and non-instructional teaching experiences with elementary grade students under the direct coaching of a host teacher. Contact: Dr. Linda Pickett

Field Experience (Junior Year)

Literacy Core

READ 370: Reading and Written Expression Methods I - Candidates gain the knowledge and skill to assess and teach reading and writing to emergent, beginning, and struggling readers and writers. Contact: Dr. Kavin Ming

READ 380: Reading and Written Expression Methods II - Candidates gain the knowledge and skill to assess and teach reading and writing to transitional, intermediate, and advanced readers and writers. Contact: Dr. Kavin Ming

Before, During, & After Reading

Decipher Meaning: