Counseling Services

Faculty/Staff Resource for Referrals

This document contains suggestions for Winthrop University faculty and staff about making referrals to the Center for Student Wellness. The Center for Student Wellness can be contacted at ext. 2206. Given the increasingly complex needs and concerns from students, you may benefit from a quick reference of where to call when you see that a student appears to be in crisis or needing immediate support. However, every situation is different, and you will want to use your own judgment about how best to help each student. In the event you are unsure about the best way to proceed, or even whether to proceed, staff in the Center for Student Wellness will be glad to discuss the situation with you.


When you believe a student needs professional help, you might begin an active referral by taking the following steps:

  1. Let the student know you have heard his or her problem by repeating it as you understand it.
  2. Complete the referral process as calmly and as supportively as possible.
  3. Let the student know that the Center for Student Wellness is staffed by professionals who can help the student deal with problems. Do not tell the student to see a particular person, as that person may not be available.
  4. Assure the student that any information received by staff in the Center for Student Wellness is confidential and Winthrop University faculty, staff, administration and parents will not have access to the information without the student's consent.
  5. Explain that there is no additional charge to see a counselor in Counseling Services, and Health Service assistance is either free or relatively inexpensive. Counseling Services offers same-day appointments M-F on a first come first served basis. Counseling Services can also assist with referrals to the Winthrop Counselor Education Department's Community Clinic or to off-campus mental health providers such as Catawba Community Mental Health Services or the Saluda Center. If alcohol or other drugs area part of the problem, we can provide a referral to Keystone.
  6. Encourage the student to make an appointment, make the call yourself while the student is in your office, or suggest the student make the call from your office. If you are willing and the student wants, arrange to meet the student and walk to the appointment together.

If you believe that a student could be at risk for hurting him/herself or others, contact Counseling Services for help in deciding how to proceed. If you believe the student is in immediate danger or is an immediate danger to others, please call the Winthrop University Police Department at ext. 3333. Consulting with the Dean of Students may also be of assistance in determining the next step and in identifying resources and implementing appropriate procedures.

Staff in Counseling & Health Services cannot legally or ethically give you any information about whether a student has become a client/patient unless the student signs a Consent to Release Information. You may arrange a follow-up meeting with the student to learn whether the student is still in distress and/or has sought assistance. Please understand that the student may not want to discuss the outcome.

Please let the Center for Student Wellness know how we may be of better assistance to you in your work with students.


Important Resources for Students

Dean of Students Office x4503: Disciplinary or academic dishonesty consultation and assistance, sexual harassment allegations, general student difficulties, concerned parents.

Counseling Services x2206: Counseling for relationship problems, eating disorders, depression and anxiety, study habits, time management, test-taking problems, stress management, etc.

Health Services x2206: Provides basic acute medical services, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, allergy injections, birth control information, immunizations, etc.

Health Promotion x2206: Assists students with making informed life choices for a healthy lifestyle. Supervises Student Wellness Advocacy Team (SWAT). Call to schedule programs on various health related topics.

Office of Accessibility x3290: Provides reasonable classroom, residence hall, and campus accommodations for students with documented disabilities.

Testing Center x2206: Provides secure, confidential test administration for credit-by-examination and graduate school entrance examinations as well as assist students approved for test accommodations.

Student Advocacy and Trauma Support x2206: Offers extensive support to students who experience sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Also provides campus educational programming to prevent such crimes.

Center for Career Development and Internships x2141: Provides students with a comprehensive approach to career preparation, personal growth, and service to the community with experiential learning as a key component.

Residence Life x2223: Dedicated to supporting and encouraging the personal development and academic success of each student living on campus. Contact for roommate and on-campus living concerns.

Diversity & Student Engagement x2248: Engages students in campus life and activities, leadership initiatives.

Winthrop University Police Department x3333: Provides emergency assistance, safety training, victim advocacy, crime investigation, parking permits, etc.

Vice President for Student Affairs x2251: For other matters not covered above.

Financial Aid x2189: Financial concerns and needs, emergency loans.

Resource Center for Adult Students x4784: Answers questions, provides guidance and support, and offers a wide variety of programs designed to meet the needs of post-traditional, veteran, or transfer students.

Academic Success Center x3929: Offers a wealth of academic services including intensive advising, tutoring, academic skill development, development of academic action plans, and success contracts.