upcoming performances
All events will be performed in person. Events listed on the calendar below may be
subject to change.
Don't miss an event!
Some of our performances are live steamed via Youtube. Videos that have been previously
livestreamed, can be rewatched on our ArtsWinthrop University Youtube Channel. We have an archive of over 140 videos!
We sponsor over 100 performances annually, most of which are free of charge and open
to the general public! View our upcoming events calendar below.
Rock Hill Music Club
01.19 | 2:00 p.m.
Barnes RH
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Faculty Recital Dr. Kristen Wunderlich
03.09 | 4:00 p.m.
Barnes RH
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Guest Artist Roberta Rust
01.30 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Master Class with Roberta Rust
01.31 | 2 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
3rd Annual Celebration of Black Music History
02.20 | 7:30 p.m.
Brynes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Symphonic & Wind Symphonic Concert
02.27 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
03.03 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Brass Night
03.13 | 7:30 p.m.
Brynes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening with Vince DeMartino (Guest Artist) Includes performance by Carolinas Wind Orchestra
04.03 - 04.06 | 4 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Rock Hill Music Club Scholarship Winners Performance
04.06 | 2:00 p.m.
Barnes RH
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Wind Symphony Orchestra Concert
04.09 | 6 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Commercial Music Ensemble Concert
04.15 | 7:30 p.m.
The Edge, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Symphonic Band Concert
04.24 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Wind Symphony Orchestra Concert
04.27 | 4 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert
04.24 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
past performances
**Performances in the Student Series and Graduate Student Series are not posted until
the recital hearing has been passed (usually 3 weeks prior to the performance date).
Ensembles Through the years...
Lorrie Crochet, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Music, Professor of Music, Director of Bands
Office: 129 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-2255
E-mail: crochetl@winthrop.edu