upcoming performances
All events will be performed in person. Events listed on the calendar below may be
subject to change.
Join us for the Grand Re-opening of Byrnes Auditorium April 4 - 9, 2025!
Visit our webpage for full list of Grand Re-opening events and more information.
More Information
Don't miss an event!
Some of our performances are live steamed via Youtube. Videos that have been previously
livestreamed, can be rewatched on our ArtsWinthrop University Youtube Channel. We have an archive of over 140 videos!
We sponsor over 100 performances annually, most of which are free of charge and open
to the general public! View our upcoming events calendar below.
Delta Omicron Musicale

03.27 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
James Gragg - Jr. Composition Half Recital

04.01 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening featuring Vince DiMartino, the Wind Symphony, and the Jazz Ensemble

04.04 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Open Rehearsal/Performance Class with Vince DiMartino & Alumni Concert Rehearsal

Rehearsal/Performance Class with Vince DiMartino, 04.05 | 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Alumni Concert Rehearsal, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening featuring the Winthrop Chorale and Collegiate Choir

04.05 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Rock Hill Music Club Scholarship Winners Performance

04.06 | 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Reminiscence: Return of the Alumni; Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening featuring Carolinas Wind Orchestra and the Alumni Band

04.06 | 3 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Olivia Clifton (trumpet) - Junior Recital

04.06 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Byrnes Auditorium Grand Reopening Closing Finale Event featuring Winthrop Symphony Orchestra

04.09 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
The Winthrop Symphony Orchestra makes their debut in Byrnes Auditorium featuring Dr. Matthew Manwarren performing on the Winthrop Organ in Remo Giazotto’s beloved Adagio on Themes of Tomaso Albinoni (commonly known as the “Albinoni Adagio”). Winthrop sophomore and WSO Concertmaster Cece Trower will be a featured soloist. Other works on the program include Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Schubert’s Symphony No. 5, and the world premiere of Mother’s Petunias composed by Winthrop graduate Madison Bush (’22).
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Opera Production

04.12 | 7:30 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Opera Production

04.13 | 3 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Wren Thompson (percussion) - Senior Full Recital

04.13 | 5 p.m..
Byrnes Auditorium
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Jazz Ensemble and Commercial Music Ensemble Concert

04.15 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Clarinet Ensemble Recital

04.16 | 7:30 p.m..
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Woodwind Quintet Recital

04.17 | 7:30 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Chamber Singers Concert

04.22 | 7:30 p.m..
McBryde Hall
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Symphonic Band Concert

04.24 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Olivia Clifton (trumpet) - Junior Half Recital

04.25 | 5 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Wind Symphony Concert

04.27 | 4 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Carolinas Wind Orchestra Concert

04.28 | 7:30 p.m.
Byrnes Auditorium
Cultural Event
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
Cultural Event
Academy of Music Recital

05.04 | 3 p.m.
Barnes Recital Hall
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
ST-ARTS Summer Program

06.02 - 06.20
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Locations Vary
Coordinated by Winthrop University Department of Music
Contact: music@winthrop.edu
More Information
past performances
**Performances in the Student Series and Graduate Student Series are not posted until
the recital hearing has been passed (usually 3 weeks prior to the performance date).
Ensembles Through the years...
Lorrie Crochet, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Music, Professor of Music, Director of Bands
Office: 129 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-2255
E-mail: crochetl@winthrop.edu