About Byrnes

Byrnes is named for James F. Byrnes, former S.C. governor and U.S. Secretary of State. While a U.S. senator, Byrnes arranged for Works Project Administration funds to be used with matching state funds to construct three campus buildings – the auditorium, Thurmond Building and Macfeat Nursery School, now the Macfeat House. Byrnes exemplifies the monumental architectural style prevalent in Depression-era public buildings.

An interesting feature of the auditorium is the Aeolian-Skinner organ which was installed at the peak of the company’s output in 1955. The tonal designer, G. Donald Harrison, was a pioneer architect of the American classic organ. There is a plaque with his signature on the organ, meaning that Harrison believed this organ to be one of his most cherished installations. Because it has never been altered from its original state, the organ in Byrnes has historical significance and prominence as one of the most important organs in the United States.

Byrnes Auditorium Postcard