
Douglas Presley

Name: Douglas Presley
Title: Professor of Music
Education: Ph.D. Music Education, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
M.Ed., Administration, Charleston Southern University
B.A., Music Education, Charleston Southern University
Office: 121 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-4612
E-mail: presleyd@winthrop.edu
Area(s): Bands, music education, conducting, percussion, steelband, and pep band.

Dr. Douglas Presley, Professor of Music Education, is Associate Director of Bands and Percussion Area Coordinator at Winthrop University. He received his B. A. and M. Ed. from Charleston Southern University, and a Ph. D. in Music Education with a minor in Conducting from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. While at UNCG he studied under his mentor, Dr. John Locke. Dr. Presley was also a member of the Riverside Community College Marching Tigers, performing at a variety of Hollywood, California venues, and also toured Japan.

His teaching career spans over 23 years, and includes the public schools of Hilton Head, Charleston, and Summerville, South Carolina, as well as Newark, Delaware. He has published in Percussive Notes, presented research at the North Carolina Music Educators' Annual In-service Conference, The National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, South Carolina Music Educators' (SCMEA) Annual In-service Conference, and the Southeastern Regional Conference of the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA). He has served on the Event Staff for Music for All (Bands of America) since 1997, as judge, clinician, and leadership staff for the Summer Band Symposium, Regional Marching Band Championships, and the National Concert Band Festival. Prior to his appointment to Winthrop University, Dr. Presley was the Director of Bands at Limestone College. In 2014, the Wind Ensemble, brand-new marching band, and wildly popular steelband (founded by Dr. Presley) all participated as guest ensembles in the London New Year's Day Parade and Festival – the first international band performances in the institution's 150+ year history.

At Winthrop, Dr. Presley directs the Symphonic Band, Screamin' Eagle Pep Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Steelband, while teaching conducting, marching band techniques, percussion Methods, and music education courses. As the Percussion Area Coordinator he supervising all aspects of the Winthrop Percussion Studio. In addition to his duties at Winthrop, Dr. Presley is also on the Design and Instructional Staff for the Fort Mill High School Band (BOA Regional Champions and BOA Grand National Semi-Finalists) and Percussion Ensemble (WGI semi-finalists).

Dr. Presley has been a guest clinician for the South Carolina Band Directors Association (SCBDA) Region Band Clinics, as well as the Grammy nominated UNCG Wind Ensemble, has multiple nominations for Who's Who Among American Teachers, and was the recipient of the Fullerton Foundation for Excellence in Teaching Award from Limestone College. Dr. Presley has been the President of the Higher Education Division of the SCMEA, and is currently the President of the South Carolina Chapter of the CBDNA. He and his wife, Brooke, are the parents of four fantastic children: Sean, Wade, Bryce, and Ella. The Presleys, and their dog Max, live in Tega Cay, South Carolina.