photography minor



You are a creator. You dream of capturing and sharing your perspective with the world. Learn how to expand your creativity with us. 


student artwork

The Photography minor is an 18-hour program.

Photography is a contributing medium to much of the innovative work currently being pursued in the visual arts. Studies in photography consist of a careful balance between the development of the student's personal interests and the acquisition of technical skills. As each student moves through the concentration they build a command of technique, meet the challenges of aesthetic debate, learn about opportunities for work after graduation, and are given some of the essential business information which will help them survive and prosper in the professional market.


OUR fine arts FACULTY

Winthrop fine arts faculty are practicing professionals actively working in their field. These art historians, art educators, creative practitioners and scholars help students to explore and discover the potential within themselves.

required courses:

The minor in photography consists of 18 semester hours of ARTS including:

  • ARTS 101 (3) 2D Design

  • ARTS 205 (3) Photo Media Studies

  • ARTS 281 (3) Digital Studio

  • ARTS 364 (3) Digital Photography

  • ARTS 365 (3) Color Photography

  • ARTS 472 (3) Documentary Photography OR

  • ARTS 474 (3) Studio Lighting for Photography

Like What You See?

Are you ready to join the ArtsWinthrop family of creatives? We can't wait to meet you!