You dream of an exciting career in the music industry through recording, audio production, sound and visual media, music business and entrepreneurship. Learn music theory, aural skills, arranging, music technology and more from a like-minded group of faculty, students, and staff with a shared passion for all aspects of music. Winthrop’s Department of Music provides supportive mentorships to foster your development as a musician and to prepare you for a career in music. Winthrop offers four undergraduate and three graduate music degree programs, including a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music with a Concentration in Music Technology. Courses in this program cover fundamentals of music technology, audio recording/post-production, synthesis/signal processing, and audio for visual media.
Prepare for an exciting career in the music industry by studying music technology, recording and audio production, sound and visual media, music business and entrepeneurship, and more.
LEARN MOREOur music faculty are dedicated to developing relationships with each of our students. Nearly 95 percent of the full-time music faculty hold the highest degree possible in their teaching specialty and perform professionally outside of the university and across the region.
Music technology is integral to the study of music at Winthrop University. Freshman course offerings are designed to orient incoming students to the Computer Music Lab and build a foundation of music technology skills critical to success in our music degree programs. A variety of upper-undergraduate and graduate level courses integrate technology into a wide range of music activities including composition, arranging, orchestration, theory, and pedagogy. The Music Department is dedicated to providing students with cutting-edge music technology and the instruction necessary to ensure that they remain competitive in the technology-oriented musical world of the 21st century. The music department technology facilities include the Computer Music Lab, the Computer Music Studio, and the music department recording facilities.
Computer Music Lab (Dacus Library)
Recording Studio (Conservatory of Music)
Editing Studio (Conservatory)
Ronald Parks
Professor of Music; Coordinator of Music Technology (Composition)
Office: 102 Conservatory of Music
Phone: 803/323-4608
Are you ready to join the ArtsWinthrop family of creatives? We can't wait to meet you!